
Cody Rhodes Wins GFW Gold

Cody Rhodes is now a champion for Global Force Wrestling.

Rhodes won the GFW Nex*Gen Title Friday night at the Wrestlecade Showcase of Champions event in Winston-Salem, N.C. Rhodes defeated Sonjay Dutt, who won the Nex*Gen Title during the 2015 weekend at Wrestlecade.

GFW's Twitter account posted a picture of the new champion joined by GFW promoter Jeff Jarrett:

Since Rhodes parted ways with WWE earlier this year and was able to return to the ring following the expiration of his no-compete clause, he has stayed plenty busy. Rhodes has appeared for TNA, EVOLVE and participated in PWG's Battle of Los Angeles tournament. He also is set to make his debut for Ring of Honor this Saturday, Dec. 2, at Final Battle 2016, where he will face Jay Lethal. Rhodes discussed his philosophy on remaining a freelancer during an interview with WZ Weekly earlier this fall:

"I’m trying to rewrite the rules and do it in an honest way. Signing a long term contract for me anywhere… it’s flattering to be offered one. A lot of them that have come to me do have a lot to offer. There isn’t just one game in town anymore with WWE. However, 'The List' is the greatest indicator of what I am trying to do. 'The List' has names on it that are at Ring of Honor, and NJPW. What we are trying to do is rewrite the rules. We are trying to do something that, you can say this but in this it’s real, something in wrestling that no one has done, yet, and be successful at it. Not just do it for doing sake but make that crossover exciting. Can you imagine Ring of Honor vs TNA matches? Can you imagine some of the dream matches you can do with both companies? Some kind of cross promotion. I’m not sure, I’m clearly getting far ahead of myself, I’d like very much for me to have the freedom to go wherever and people be responsive to it. So far everyone been really wonderful about working together."

Rhodes also has had some acting opportunities, most notably appearing as a villain named Derek Sampson on the CW superhero drama, Arrow.


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