
Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar Was Planned By WWE Higher Ups A Month Before WrestleMania

Brock Lesnar is sticking around in WWE, and is working a program with Cody Rhodes.

Fightful Select reported that while there were some adjustments to Cody Rhodes’ WWE Raw plans, this was not one of them. Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes were not only scheduled to start a program before Vince McMahon, but it was planned well before that.

Sources familiar with the situation say that Brock Lesnar was aware of his creative plans for after WrestleMania nearly a month ahead of time. We can’t say that the entirety of creative knew that was the direction, but that those in the know — specifically Brock, were aware that was the plan moving forward. There were hints of a heel turn in his presentation based on those we spoke to. Not getting back into the ring with Omos, backing out of the ring in some interactions with Omos, avoiding contact were some hints. The creative plans for Brock to stand side-by-side with Cody, then eventually F5 him were laid out to him a month before Raw after Mania.

This article first appeared on our premium service, Fightful Select and was republished here on Fightful. If you complain about it being “old news,” you have to eat cheese plates for twelve hours. Subscribe to get exclusive news every day, and a half-dozen weekly podcasts.

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