CM Punk Led AEW Collision Meeting Recently, Discussed How They Could Differentiate From Dynamite
There was a talent meeting ahead of the July 8 episode of AEW Collision that we’ve learned more about.
When Fightful heard that there was a talent meeting at that episode of Collision, we shortly found out later that it didn’t make its way to talent who weren’t there or are typically featured on Dynamite more than Collision. There was a good reason for that it seems, as a large part of the meeting was about how Collision has differentiated itself from Dynamite, to the point to where many of Dynamite’s usual detractors have taken to liking Collision.
CM Punk led the meeting, and there were several topics brought up on how Collision could separate itself from what fans see on Dynamite, including the finishes of some matches. They went over what was and wasn’t good for collision, such as finishes, shenanigans and the like.
There were also subjects covered such as promoting AEW related projects and shows more, especially the Fight Forever video game. Some of the safety guidelines were also covered during the meeting.
CM Punk has continued to gain influence within AEW.
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