
Chris Jericho Tells Vince McMahon To Pull His Head Out Of His Ass And Re-Hire Lance Storm

Lance Storm is a free agent for the first time since 1994 and Chris Jericho will have none of it.

Lance Storm and Chris Jericho broke into wrestling together. They had their first professional match together and both men have been candid in the past about wanting to have their last match with each other.

Lance Storm’s most recent job in wrestling was that of a backstage producer in WWE. Storm was released by WWE on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, as part of the COVID-19-related cost-effective releases.

After posting on Twitter that he is a free agent for the first time since leaving Smokey Mountain Wrestling in 1994, Chris Jericho defiantly stated in, a tweet, that his former employers need to get their heads out of their collective asses and re-hire the Hart Family Training School graduate.

Other recently released names such as Matt Cardona, EC3, No Way Jose, and Heath Slater have also begun their next chapters. However, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson may have made the most noise in their tell-all podcast which dropped at midnight on July 18. Learn more here.

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