
Chris Dickinson Pulled From ICW 4/2 Show In Tampa Due To Prior Match At Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport

Chris Dickinson won’t be appearing on ICW’s upcoming show in Tampa due to Josh Barnett wanting to have him wrestle solely on the Bloodsport show. 

Dickinson was scheduled to compete on both shows, taking place on the evening of April 2 with his Bloodsport match against Minoru Suzuki taking place first and then a match against Masashi Takeda at ICW’s No Holds Barred show later that night. 

According to Barnett on Twitter, he wanted to protect the integrity of the match between Dickinson and Suzuki. Barnett also went to Twitter to say that in addition to wanting to protect the integrity of the match, he also didn’t want to risk Dickinson getting injured by wrestling so soon after having what is presumably going to be a physically grueling match against Suzuki.

Dickinson posted a video on Twitter talking about him being pulled from the show and he said he agreed with Barnett’s sentiment and apologized to ICW fans who were hoping to see him on the show. 

“What’s up guys, it’s Dirty Daddy here. I got some bad news. Unfortunately, I will have to pull out of the ICW event that’s taking place right after Bloodsport and here’s the reason why. I’ve been talking for the past couple of days with Josh Barnett and why he would wholeheartedly think it would be the right thing to withhold my match with Minoru Suzuki. Now, unfortunately, I won’t be wrestling Takeda that night. It’s what I feel the worst about. I really, personally, wanted to have this match with Takeda and I’m sure eventually, we will wrestle each other. It’s just not going to happen that night. There’s nothing personal about this… Josh really wanted me to only do Bloodsport and he said, ‘I’ll take all the heat for it. I don’t care.’ He’s Josh Barnett. He’s the man. I really believe in what we talked about and what he was saying as far as why we should protect this match and protect the event. It’s a little old school. People may not agree with it, but I personally agree with it and that’s why I’m stepping off. I apologize to the fans. I apologize to ICW. I want to make it up to you in any way I can. It’s not personal. It’s just one of those things that come with the wrestling business sometimes where it’s just business. I apologize to the fans most of all. Please don’t be mad and I’ll see you guys down in Tampa,” Dickinson said.

There is no word on who Takeda will face now at ICW’s show.

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