
Chicago Police Officer Punished For Blaring Siren While Driving Hulk Hogan On Airport Tarmac

Helping Hogan doesn’t pay off.

Hulk Hogan posted a video to his Facebook account showing him getting a ride on the O’Hare International Airport tarmac from a police officer. In the video, you can hear the siren blaring, and Hogan even jokes, “My Uber’s got a siren.”

The video has landed the officer in trouble according to the Chicago Tribune.

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, told the outlet that the officer will lose a special certification that allows cops to drive vehicles on the tarmac and an investigation into the incident has been launched by the Bureau of Internal Affairs.

Guglielmi stated, “The activity and behavior demonstrated in that video poses a significant risk to the officers and overall aviation safety on the airfield. The superintendent was furious about what he saw.”

Jimmy Hart, who was in the backseat, said at one point in the video, “Don’t get in trouble doing this.” The officer replied, “My sergeant. He’s all for it.” The officer went on to say that he didn’t have a problem escorting Hogan due to the large crowd at the baggage claim area.

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