
BTE Title Contest, ‘Kool-Aid Man’ Confrontation Set For Next Being The Elite

Sammy Guevara will be very busy on the next episode of Being The Elite.

Despite the best efforts of Luchasaurus, Ryan Nemeth, and others, Sammy Guevara will be getting an opportunity to best John Silver on the next episode of Being The Elite. Sammy Guevara was able to hold himself on a pull-up bar for longer than anyone else to earn the opportunity to challenge John Silver for his prestigious championship on the next episode of BTE where the two will kick field goals.

Also, Sammy Guevara, Santana, Ortiz, and Dasha Gonzalez will look to get to the bottom of what is going on with Dark Order and Alex Abrahantes, who was seen drinking Kool-Aid and being praised by “5” for the recruitment work he’s done.

Speaking of The Dark Order, they have all decided that in order to better Bond and try and get over the dejection from Hangman Page, they need to have a sleepover, except Colt Cabana, who “was thinking ‘Dark Orgy.’ This week’s episode would see each member call their mother for permission.

The show’s intro this week would also see Brandon Cutler get into a fender bender with Christopher Daniels and Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson attempting to bring back the “original Biz Cliz” mentality and humor.

You can watch the full episode at this link.

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