
Bruce Prichard Comments On WWE Changes, Says He Never Wrote An Episode Of NXT

Bruce Prichard returned to his Something To Wrestle With podcast and spoke on what’s been happening in the world of WWE. 

Since June, Something To Wrestle With has been airing Megasodes as Prichard underwent surgery for a torn rotator cuff. After his surgery, major changes happened in the world of WWE as the Board launched an investigation into Vince McMahon over alleged sexual misconduct and hush money, Vince retired as CEO, John Laurinaitis was fired, and Triple H assumed creative duties and the role of head of talent relations. 

Prichard returned to his podcast and broke his silence on everything that’s been going on. 

“Let’s call it exciting. It’s exciting times, it’s a time in life to which, people take life for granted sometimes and take things happening around you for granted and it’s all how you look at life. You can either, love life, live life or you can hate life and just exist. I choose to…there were times in my life where I chose the latter, but I choose the former. I would rather live life and enjoy it because life is a journey, not a destination. Remember, the light at the end of the tunnel maybe you,” he said.

After joking around with Conrad Thompson, Bruce was asked if there was anything he wanted to say to fans who kept listening while he was on hiatus. 

“More than anything, thank you, and I do love you, I really and truly do. That’s not a gimmick, I love you, I actually like you and love you and appreciate you, the fact that you would actually continue to come in and listen to some of our megasodes that we’ve put together that are like, ‘Holy cow, we said that? We did that?’ Thanks for hanging in there. Times have been crazy and it’s a period in time that will go down as one of the pivotal points in the world in which I have existed for damn near 60 years. It’s pretty crazy, but you want to bite your tongue. At least, I do. I have to bite my tongue. I can’t come out and say things when things are reported incorrectly or just out and out falsehood and lies. Sometimes, it irritates me, and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m not in a position where I can really comment on some of those, but for those that choose to be negative and want to believe the negative, then you’re a negative person and that’s what you’re going to do. Have at it, I’m not going to try and change anything else,” he said. 

Bruce did comment on reports that said he and Vince McMahon were more involved with NXT when the brand became NXT 2.0 in September 2021. 

“I do have to say, because it’s something people, even internally, have come to me with and made comments about…that I was writing NXT. I never said a word. You know what else I never did? I never wrote one NXT show in the history of my existence. I’m a fan of NXT, I love NXT. Shawn Michaels recently came out and talked about how, ‘It’s been me [Shawn], it’s been me since day one.’ Shawn has done a tremendous job of grabbing NXT by the horns and doing what he’s done. I love Shawn Michaels to death. The fact that Shawn finally came out and said, ‘What are you guys talking about?’ To those pundits out there, the dirtsheet writers who reported as fact, not, ‘hey rumors are,’ no, they reported as fact, that I had been involved in NXT. The fact of the matter is, they were 100% just fabricated lies. From where? I don’t know. Now that they’ve heard it from two different sources who were actually there and would actually know, they should probably consider their sources, or just stop making things up. I just found it so funny when, in an interview, with so many different things going on, Shawn said, ‘I’m gonna comment on that,’ just because so many people were dying on that soapbox and wanted to have my head. Those that want my head are going to want my head, have it at. I love what I do, I love where I’m at, what I’m doing, with whom I do it with. Get over it. it’s not all about what you think you perceive. Reality is reality and perception can be reality too, but when your reality is based on the perception that you have no idea about, it’s just wrong,” he said.

Michaels said in an interview on August 11 that NXT was “on him.”

When Thompson noted that this time, starting with the pandemic to now, is one of the most exciting and unusual times in wrestling history, Bruce said, “I think when you look at it, in business history, in a lot of respects. To be part of it is huge and one day, it’s like people don’t even understand the role — I won’t get into it because it isn’t anyone’s business — even the role in which I’m involved. It’s a great time, it’s exciting as hell. To the people in the self-proclaimed wrestling media who have never actually been inside of a wrestling company or understand, or even inside of a major corporation, to understand how things are done, it amazes me the things they can get away with, reporting as fact and reporting as is. That’s it, that’s where I’m at, and I’m happy as can be.”

Prichard still serves as the executive director of WWE Raw and SmackDown. He was named executive director of SmackDown in October 2019 and executive director of Raw in June 2020.

Fans can find Fightful’s report on Monday’s episode of WWE Raw by clicking here. 

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit the original source with a h/t and link back to Fightful for the transcription. 

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