
Brian Blair Says Iron Sheik Was Mad Because Blair Stretched Him

Former Killer Bee B. Brian Blair was recently interviewed by Interactive Wrestling Radio on Wrestling Epicenter. You can see the full interview at this link or above, and check out highlights below.

His memories of WrestleMania 3 on its 32 Year Anniversary: 
“I’ll tell you a story. Well, first, it is the highlight of my career. I was way up in the press area before the matches… We were all there getting comfortable – Vince wanted everyone comfortable with their surroundings. I was thinking, “Who would want to sit up here? I can barely see the ring guys setting up the ring!” But, James, when Jimmy and I came out on that modified golf cart in our modified underwear in front of nearly 100,000 people, over 90,000 people, I tell you, it was electricity in the air. I could see why somebody would want to even be outside the building to listen to the roar. It was absolutely phenomenal! It was something that I can’t even explain. The electricity was so strong. It was the biggest rush of my life!” 

On why the Iron Sheik wanted to break his back and make him humble: 
“Sheik got mad at me for stretching him one time in Hershey, Pennsylvania and Nikolai used to tease him about it. It really bothered him. Sheik was a shooter. He liked to shoot around a lot. Fortunately, I learned to shoot as well. I was an amateur wrestler. I wasn’t in Sheik’s league as far as wrestling in the Pan Am Games and things like he did. I was trained by Hiro Matsuda who was a legendary hooker as well as Karl Gotch, also a legendary hooker. Good shooters like Jack Brisco and Bob Backlund. For 3 and a half summers, I came back from playing football in Louisville, it gave me the opportunity to practice that craft of hooking. Sheik kind of thought I was a jabroni, like he said. (laughs) He kept playing with me. He had me in a front face lock and I came out with a double wrist lock and he started slamming his hand on the mat in Hershey, PA. Nikolai was laughing so hard, “Oh, what’s the matter, Sheiky Baby! The Killer Bee is stretching you.” (laughs) He (Nikolai) thought it was so funny!” 


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