
Bret Hart Thinks Goldberg Shouldn’t Be In The WWE Hall Of Fame Due To Injuring Wrestlers

Time hasn’t healed all wounds for Bret “The Hitman” Hart.

Hart’s legendary career came to a halt when a December 1999 kick to the skull at Starrcade concussed him. Suffering the injury at the hands of Goldberg, Hart’s career would be over three weeks later. When speaking to Sean Mooney on his Prime Time podcast, Hart had some harsh words for Goldberg.

“I wish that Bill Goldberg had never kicked me in the head as hard as he could. I don’t know how you give a guy a Hall of Fame thing for hurting as many wrestlers as Bill Goldberg hurt, and without consequence – he usually got a pat on the back and told how good of job he did out there when you’re scraping the wrestler that worked with him off the mat. When Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head I honest to god I lost about $16 million in like one second. I just signed with WCW for $3 million a year for another 3 years on top of the 2 years I had left on my original contract, so it was bad timing and unfortunate,” said Hart.

Hart would never be the same, and didn’t work again until a series of WWE matches a decade later.

“The Hitman” doesn’t think that Goldberg should be in the WWE Hall of Fame, and he thinks that inductees should conduct themselves a little different. Instead of applauding other wrestlers, he feels the McMahons get too much praise.

“So many wrestlers that were up there (in the Hall of Fame) never thanked anybody. They thanked Stephanie, and they thanked Vince, and they thanked Triple H, and I thought it was such bullshit. They should thank the wrestlers that made them, and the wrestlers that worked with them. I was so disappointed at how so many of them never thanked the wrestlers that went to all the trouble to help them. Most of them had no recollection of anyone helping them,” said Hart.

It’s worth noting that Vince McMahon has a reputation for asking wrestlers to not mention him during Hall of Fame speeches, which Bret Hart violated rules and did at this year’s ceremony.

You can hear the entire podcast with Bret Hart and Sean Mooney at this link.

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