
The Bouncers Praise ROH For How They’ve Treated Their Talent During The Pandemic

The Bouncers, Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas are some of the top stars in Ring of Honor in 2020 but 2020 dealt Ring of Honor, and all of pro wrestling, a bad hand with the global Coronavirus pandemic shutting down events worldwide.

Speaking with Spencer Love, both Bruiser and Brian praised Ring of Honor for how they have handled the situation during the pandemic and how appreciative they are that Ring of Honor is taking the situation day by day. 

Credit to Spencer Love for passing along the following quotes.

“Yeah. I mean – and I don’t say this to like, this is not a shot at any companies that are running or putting out content or anything like that – I just know both of us are really appreciative of the fact that we work for a company that hasn’t taken us away from our families during a pretty scary time, hasn’t asked us to be in airports on airplanes, in arenas, things like that,” said Milonas. “For me, being a dad, having two kids, (and) having some older relatives who would be higher risk, it’s really been a load off, you know what I mean? They’ve really taken care of us and made sure we don’t have anything to worry about. Honest to god it’s not surprising to me, because it’s been the story since I got to Ring of Honor. It’s a first-class company ran by first-class people who care and take care of their, you know, the guys that worked for them.”

The Beer City Bruiser picked up from there, “When all this started and we were in Vegas, we had a meeting. Right away, the company meeting was like, ‘don’t worry guys, we’re gonna figure this out. We’re all gonna get together and we’ll get through this together.’ And, we have. A real cool thing was they have weekly meetings with us. We’re constantly talking to the office guys, they’re making sure we’re okay mentally, physically, they’ve been taking care of everybody financially. They’ve stepped up a lot and it’s really – you feel appreciated, (because) us putting this content out and stuff, yeah, it gets our name out there, too, but it’s also to keep Ring of Honors name in the forefront and they appreciate that. They let us know that on a weekly basis, and it’s really cool. And that’s not – we’re not just doing that because we’re ‘company guys,’ you know. We’re saying that because like Brian said, we’re fathers, and this is a scary time that you don’t know what tomorrow brings. We’re able to stay here with our families and make sure everything’s okay, but yet, we still have a Ring of Honor family where we have these weekly meetings and we can find out ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ You know, ‘how are you doing?’ A few days ago, I wasn’t great mentally. I was having a real bad day, and the whole roster checked in on me. That’s the cool thing about Ring of Honor. They didn’t have to do that, but that just shows that that’s the mentality that this company has and it’s great to be a part of the roster.”

If you would like to check out the whole interview, you can do so by clicking here.

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