
Booker T Believes ACH Is Doing Himself An Injustice

Booker T weighs in on the ACH situation. 

On Wednesday night, ACH (Jordan Myles in WWE NXT) took to social media to announce that he was quitting WWE. ACH had previously expressed his unhappiness over a racist t-shirt put out by WWE and called WWE a racist company in an expletive-filled video on Twitter. ACH has since deleted his Twitter account. 

Speaking on his Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T gave his thoughts on the situation.

“I don’t know if Jordan Myles has quit the company. I’m not going to sit here and judge and say, ‘A guy should’ve done this or that.’ I’m gonna lay out on that before someone says, ‘Booker said this or that.’ The situation all started with the t-shirt. Now it’s gotten to this. I don’t know where it’s going to go from here, but I do know some of the stuff he’s saying as far as the company goes — I’ve been on this earth for 54 years. If you think one person is something, call it that. I cannot judge a group and say ‘everybody is that.’ When you make a blanket statement like that, you do no justice for yourself or the culture. I have a lot of years and experience, and I know I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for a white guy by the name of Bruce Gasarch, who made this all happen as far as changing my life. I easily could have judged everyone the same way after going to prison saying, ‘The system did me wrong. I hate everybody of that color.’ If I would have done that, I would have done myself an injustice. That’s the situation I want to make clear. He’s doing himself an injustice,” he said. 

Booker previously weighed in on the situation when Myles first brought up his issue with the racist t-shirt, saying he didn’t believe Myles properly handled the situation. You can view his full comments by clicking here.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit Hall of Fame podcast with a h/t to Fightful for the transcription. 

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