
Bobby Lashley ‘s Dream Feud Is Him Vs. The Rock, Who Would Give Him The Best Challenge In An MMA Fight

Bobby Lashley's dream feud is relatively simple –  he would love to work with one of the biggest names in Hollywood.

Lashley recently spoke to Real Sport, where he discussed who his dream feud would be. Naturally, he chose The Rock, one of the most popular people in the world. He talked about a time where he and The Rock were at the Arnold Classic:

 I mean, I was at the Arnold (Classic), and The Rock just came in for an autograph signing and they had to have like a special room that they actually have above everyone else where you had to walk up the stairs and there’s like a little tower. And they had this line of people, and when they announced The Rock was coming, you’re talking about bodybuilders, Arnold Schwarzenegger, everybody [already] walking around [this convention]. The place, it was like a mad dash. I thought it was a shooting and everybody was leaving, but it was because of The Rock. So, without a doubt, if I could have a feud against somebody, I would like to get a rub from The Rock for sure. 

The interview talks about not only his wrestling career, but his MMA career as well. When asked who would bring him the toughest challenge when it came to an MMA match, he brought up Moose.

I’d probably say Moose. He’s probably one of the more athletic, he’s one of the bigger guys. I think if he turns to [fighting], I think he would get the right training and probably be a force to be reckoned with. A fight is about athleticism, and Moose is probably one of the more athletic guys we have on the roster and big guys we have on the roster.

 While Bobby Lashley has an extensive amateur wrestling career, Moose was an NFL star, playing for a number of teams before going into pro wrestling in 2012.

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