
Black Label Pro: Threat Level Noon Results: 3 Title Matches, Plus Killer Kelly, Ethan Page & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Black Label Pro: Threat Level Noon. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

BLP Heavyweight Championship
Jake Something (c) vs. Warhorse

BLP Tag Team Championship
Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) def. Besties in the World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) to retain the titles

BLP Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match
Blake Christian def. Alex Zayne, Ethan Page & JD Drake

BLP Midwest Championship
Alex Shelley def. Anthony Henry to retain the title

Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado) def. Team Filthy (Tom Lawlor & Erick Stevens)

Stunt Doubles (Marko & Logan Stunt) def. Gaytanic Panic (Danhausen & Effy)

Josh Alexander def. Leyla Hirsch

Killer Kelly def. Killer Billie

Bad Motherf*cker Scramble Match
AJ Gray def. Big Beef, Levi Everett, Jody Threat, Matthew Justice, Colin Delaney & Joshua Bishop w/ Wes Barkley

Blake Christian vs. JD Drake

BLP Midwest Championship
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Anthony Henry

The match begins with Shelley getting Henry in an abdominal stretch for a short time, Henry gets Shelley in a headlock and Shelley gets free before landing a back elbow strike. Henry fights back and he gets Shelley in a stretch muffler, Shelley gets free by getting to the ropes and then nailing Henry with a hot shot on the top rope. Shelley goes for a slingshot splash and Henry gets his knees up, Shelley quickly recovers and he nails Henry with a neck breaker. Shelley drags Henry to the match while manipulating both of his arms, Shelley nails Henry with a knee drop to the arm. Shelley gets Henry back down while applying a straight jacket hold to him, Henry tries fighting back and he nails Shelley with a double dragon screw leg whip. Henry focuses his attack on the injured leg of Shelley, Henry traps Shelley’s legs while looking for the pin. Henry catches Shelley in a bridging indian death lock, Henry eventually releases the hold and he stomps on the injured leg of Shelley. Shelley kicks Henry out of the ring and he sends Henry out a second time when he returns, Shelley catches Henry in a sleeper hold and Henry gets free after landing a knee breaker.

Henry follows up by nailing Shelley with a drop kick and double stomp to the knee, Henry keeps Shelley down while holding him in a figure four leg lock. Shelley gets to the ropes before attacking Henry with a few strikes, Henry gets angry and he lands a few shots on Shelley before eating an enziguri, Shelley goes after the arm of Henry before dropping him with chops. Henry recovers and he attacks the injured leg of Shelley before landing another dragon screw leg whip, Shelley recovers and he sends a charging Henry into the corner. Shelley fails at a tornado DDT attempt before eating a head kick, Henry nails Shelley with a slingshot roll up followed by a super kick and tornado DDT for a near fall. Henry then gets Shelley in a cloverleaf stretch muffler and Shelley gets to the ropes, Henry gets up and he attacks Shelley with leg kicks. Shelley avoids a chop block from Henry before landing a super kick and sliced bread for a near fall, Henry goes for a Border City Stretch before hitting Shelley with Shell Shock for a near fall. Shelley and Henry exchange roll ups and Shelley finally gets the three count.

Winner: Alex Shelley, still the BLP Midwest Championship

Josh Alexander vs. Leyla Hirsch

The match begins with Alexander tossing Hirsch across the ring, Alexander then hits Hirsch with a gut wrench suplex. Hirsch scores a takedown on Alexander before landing a few strikes, Hirsch gets Alexander out of the ring before landing a few suicide dives. Alexander catches Hirsch on a third dive before power slamming her on the ring apron, Hirsch gets in the ring and Alexander nails her with a delayed vertical suplex. Hirsch fights back and she gets Alexander down with a flying arm bar, Alexander picks her up and nails her with a power bomb back breaker. Alexander keeps Hirssch down while attacking her with some strikes, Hirsch traps Alexander in the corner before landing a forearm strike and double knee strike. Hirsch follows up with a back drop driver on Alexander for a near fall, Alexander recovers and he drops Hirsch with an elbow strike. Alexander then hits Hirsch with an airplane spin back breaker for a near fall, Alexander follows Hirsch out to the ring apron and he attacks her injured back. The duo battle to the top rope and Hirsch hits Alexander with a super Olympic slam, Hirsch follows up with a knee strike and release German suplex on Alexander for a near fall.

Alexander gets up and striking exchange breaks out with Hirsch, Hirsch ends the exchange by nailing Alexander with a lariat. Alexander catches a leaping Hirsch and he nails her with a tombstone pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Josh Alexander

Stunt Doubles (Marko & Logan Stunt) vs. Gaytanic Panic (Danhausen & Effy)

The match begins with Effy leveling a charging Logan with a super kick, Effy goes for a choke slam and Stunt counters with an arm drag. Logan mounts Effy and he nails him with a few strikes, Effy fights back and Logan counters his power bomb attempt with a double stomp. Danhausen and Marko are tagged into the match, a test of strength takes place and Danhausen ends it by nailing Marko with a few strikes. Marko fights back and he nails Danhausen with a few strikes, Marko escapes a choke slam attempt to nail Danhausen with a drop kick. Effy tags in and Marko drops him before tagging Logan in, Effy quickly recovers and he sends Logan into the corner. Effy mounts Logan in the corner before landing some pelvic thrusts and other strikes, Danhausen tags in and a swinging Logan is nailed with a 3D. Marko returns and he drop kicks Effy out of the ring, Marko and Danhausen dance on the ring apron while kicks their foes. Danhausen clotheslines Marko back in the ring after the music ends, Logan trips up Danhausen and Marko attacks him with knee strikes. Logan tags in and he double teams Danhausen with Marko, Danhausen recovers and he hits the Stunt Doubles with a double choke slam.

Danhausen grabs a container of teeth and he dumps them in Logan’s mouth, Marko tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. The Stunt Doubles catch Danhausen and Effy in a pair of roll ups for a three count.

Winners: Stunt Doubles (Marko & Logan Stunt)

Bad Motherf*cker Scramble Match
Big Beef vs. Levi Everett vs. Jody Threat vs. Matthew Justice vs. Colin Delaney vs. Joshua Bishop w/ Wes Barkley vs. AJ Gray

The match begins with an all out brawl between all the competitors and it quickly spills all over the arena, Everett grabs a pitchfork and he attacks Beef with it. Beef fights back and he attacks Everett with a ton of strikes, Beef knocks Everett out of the ring with a drop kick. Threat hits the ring and she attacks Beef with a few strikes, Threat kicks Beef into the ropes after landing a pump kick. Threat follows up with a knee strike and release German suplex on Beef, Delaney hits the ring and he knocks Threat out of it. Gray hits the ring and he nails Delaney with a chop block, Delaney fights back and he nails Gray with a leg lariat. Gray and Delaney have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Gray and Delaney end up suplexing each other out of the ring. Justice and Bishop take their battle into the ring and they immediately have a striking exchange, Justice winds up clotheslining himself and Bishop out of the ring. Beef goes for a suicide dive and he misses everybody, Everett returns and he lands a suicide dive onto some of the competitors. Threat returns and she takes everybody out with a dive from the top rope, Barkley gets a table in the ring and Bishop sets it up.

Barkley also hands Bishop a chair and Justice steals it, Justice hits Bishop and Barkley with some steel chair shots. Bishop recovers and he power bombs Justice through the table for a near fall, Beef gets in the ring with Gray and he lands a pile driver. Threat then nails Beef with an F5 before eating a springboard cutter from Delaney, Everett takes out Delaney with a diving headbutt. Everett gets Delaney in the Butter Churner and Gray crushes Everett with a lariat for a three count.

Winner: AJ Gray

Killer Kelly vs. Killer Billie

The match begins with Kelly slapping Billie in the face, Billie fights back and she lands a clothesline on Kelly. Billie follows up by nailing Kelly with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Kelly recovers and she drills Billie with a pump kick. Kelly holds Billie down while nailing her with some strikes, Billie tries fighting back and Kelly drills her with a knee strike for a near fall. Kelly mounts Billie while nailing her with more strikes, Kelly follows up by nailing Billie with a front suplex for a near fall. Kelly follows up with a bridging suplex on Billie for a near fall, Billie fights back again and Kelly trips her up before landing a penalty kick. Billie leaves the ring and Kelly nails with an arm kick from the ring apron, Billie catches the second kick and she drops Kelly on the ring apron. Billie and Kelly have a striking exchange on the ring apron, Billie gets in the ring and she levels Kelly with a slap to the face. Kelly gets angry and she destroys Billie with a ton of strikes, Billie fights back and Kelly nails her with a headbutt followed by a butterfly suplex. Kelly misses a charge in the corner and Billie drops her with a discus forearm strike, Kelley gets up and she nails Billie with multiple short arm clotheslines.

Kelly traps Billie in the corner before landing a running drop kick, Kelly gets Billie up and Billie counters with a roll up for a near fall. Kelly recovers and she nails Billie with a death valley driver for a near fall, Kelly looks for a German suplex and she finally lands it on Billie for a near fall. Kelly mounts a downed Billie and she nails her with a ton of strikes, Billie fights back after Kelly argues with the referee. Billie eventually drops Kelly with a super kick , Billie cracks Kelly with a top rope enziguri and a German suplex for a near fall. Billie looks for a fisherman suplex and Kelly escapes to get her in a dragon sleeper, Billie escapes and she drops Kelly with a forearm strike for a near fall. Billie then hits Kelly with a fisherman buster suplex into the corner for a near fall, Billie goes to the top rope and she misses a swanton bomb attempt. Kelly gets Billie in a dragon sleeper and a tap out follows.

Winner: Killer Kelly

Team Filthy (Tom Lawlor & Erick Stevens) vs. Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)

The match begins with Stevens backing Wolf into his corner so Lawlor can attack him, Stevens gets Wolf to the corner before landing some strikes. Wolf tries fighting back and Stevens cracks him with a clothesline, Wolf fights back and he nails Stevens with a double stomp. Stevens goes for an arm bar and Wolf gets to the ropes, Wolf gets up and he attacks the arm of Stevens before tagging Dorado in. Top Flight lands double team moves on both members of the opposing team, Lawlor tags in and he trips up Dorado before eating an up kick. Dorado corners Lawlor before landing a corner clothesline, Wolf tags in and he double teams Lawlor alongside Dorado. Dorado tags in and Stevens interferes to prevent a double team move, Lawlor picks Dorado up and he tosses him across the ring. Stevens tags in and he cracks a downed Dorado with a headbutt, Stevens and Dorado have a brief striking exchange until Dorado goes down after getting kicked in the head. Stevens corners Dorado before tagging Lawlor into the ring, Lawlor nails Dorado with shoulder thrusts.

Lawlor gets Dorado on the top rope before landing a knee strike for a near fall, Stevens tags in and he gets Dorado in a cross face. Dorado fights back and he nails Stevens with a monkey flip, Lawlor tags in and Dorado takes out both opponents before tagging Wolf in. Wolf quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Wolf drops Lawlor with a snap German suplex before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall. Dorado makes a blind tag and he nails Lawlor with a an assisted sit out power bomb for a near fall, Lawlor recovers and he nails Dorado with a low blow behind the ref’s back for a near fall. Stevens hits the ring and he double teams Dorado with Lawlor, Lawlor gets Dorado in a rear naked choke and Wolf breaks it up. Stevens grabs Wolf and he sends him out of the ring, Dorado counters a Doomsday Device by nailing Stevens with a one man Spanish fly for a near fall. Top Flight decide to double team Lawlor before knocking him out of the ring, Stevens attacks Top Flight and they eventually overwhelm him. Top Flight nails a trapped Stevens with a running drop kick for a three count.

Winners: Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)

BLP Tag Team Championship
Besties in the World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) (c) vs. Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku)

The match begins with Fitchett scoring a trip takedown on Garrini, Garrini gets free and he gets Fitchett in a headlock. Fitchett gets free and he works over the leg of Garrini, Garrini gets free and he gets Fitchett in a twister. Fitchett gets free and he gets Garrini in a headlock, Vega tags in and he nails Garrini with a knee lift to the midsection. Vega gets Garrini in a front headlock before stomping away on him, Fitchett tags in and he attacks a cornered Garrini with some strikes. Fitchett gets Garrini down while holding him in a chin lock, Garrini gets free and Fitchett corners him before Vega tags in. Vega misses a charge in the corner and Ku tags into the match, Ku quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Vega recovers and he knocks Ku off the top rope after kicking his leg, Vega spikes the leg of Ku while landing a DDT on it. Ku tries getting up and Vega attacks him with some kicks, Fitchett tags in and he hangs Ku upside down in the corner while attacking his injured leg. Garrini gets angry and he hits the ring to attack Fitchett, Fitchett recovers and he gets a downed Ku in a leg lock. Ku fights his way free and Fitchett gets him in a cross face, Fitchett goes back to a leg lock on a downed Ku.

Vega tags in and he kicks away at the injured leg of Ku, Ku fights back and Vega nails him with a dragon screw leg whip. Ku fights back again and he drops Vega with a head kick, Ku and Vega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Garrini and Fitchett are tagged in by their respective partners, Garrini quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Garrini nails both opponents with a double release German suplex, Garrini hits Fitchett with an F5 before applying an arm bar to him. Vega breaks it up and Garrini nails him with a release German suplex, Garrini and Ku hit Fitchett with Total Elimination for a near fall. Ku tags in and Vega nails him with a chop block, Garrini is then double teamed by the opposing team. The Besties double team a cornered Ku with a multitude of head kicks for a near fall, Ku and Fitchett get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Fitchett ends the exchange by nailing Ku with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Fitchett gets Ku in an STF while Vega kicks him until Garrini finally breaks it up.

Garrini then hits Fitchett with a brain buster for a near fall, Vega goes after Ku and everybody takes turns taking each other out. Everybody takes turns taking each other out, Garrini and Ku nail Fitchett with a brain buster head kick for a three count.

Winners: Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku), your new BLP Tag Team Champions

BLP Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match
Alex Zayne vs. Blake Christian vs. Ethan Page vs. JD Drake

The match begins with Drake attacking everybody to kick the match off, Zayne escapes a suplex from Drake and Page nails him with a drop kick. Christian then hits Page with a springboard clothesline, Zayne avoids a drop kick from Christian and Christian nails him with the second one. Drake returns and he attacks the competitors with chops, Christian fights back and he nails Drake with a knee strike. Christian clears the ring before taking a few competitors out with a suicide dive, Page nails Christian with a super kick before getting him back in the ring. Page then hits Christian with a suplex for a near fall, Christian goes to the top rope and Page attacks him. Page throws Christian off the top rope and he lands on Drake, Zayne returns and Page attacks him with a few strikes before dropping him on teh top rope. Christian returns and he nails Zayne with a 450 double stomp for a near fall, Christian then hits Page with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Christian gets Zayne on the top rope and Zayne drops him face first on the mat below for a near fall, Drake misses a charge into the corner and he still manages to nail Zayne with a boot to the face a short time later.

Drake then hits Zayne with a twisting neck breaker for a near fall, Page and Drake have a striking exchange in the middle of thee ring. Page ends the exchange by nailing Drake with a DDT for a near fall, Drake fights back and he nails Page with a stunner. Drake follows up by nailing Page with a cannonball, Drake goes after Zayne on the top rope before landing a moonsault on Page for a near fall. Zayne attacks Drake and he gets him on the top rope before landing a head scissors takedown, Page returns and he drops Zayne with a shoulder tackle. Page then hits Zayne with a toss power bomb, Dan The Wrestler comes out and he attacks Page before they brawl backstage. Christian then hits Zayne with a 450 splash for a near fall, Christian knocks Drake out of the ring before forcing Zayne to tap to an arm bar.

Winner: Blake Christian

BLP Heavyweight Championship
Jake Something (c) vs. Warhorse

The match begins with Something dropping Warhorse with a forearm strike, Something mounts Warhorse while landing some strikes. Something traps Warhorse in the ropes while landing more strikes, Something dumps water on the face of Warhorse before removing his face paint. Warhorse gets angry and he attacks Something with a ton of strikes, Warhorse then drops Something neck first on the top rope. Warhorse then hits Something with a missile drop kick, Something leaves the ring and Warhorse nails him with a suicide dive. Warhorse gets Something back in the ring and Something makes him jump off, Something then shoves Warhorse out of the ring. Something follows up by taking Warhorse out with a suicide dive, Something cracks Warhorse with a few strikes. Something traps Warhorse by the ring before landing an avalanche on him, Warhorse gets in the ring and Something tosses him back out of it. Warhorse gets back in the ring and Something levels him with a forearm strike, Something then hits Warhorse with a knee drop for a near fall.

Warhorse fights back and Something runs him over a short time later, Something then drops Warhorse with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Something follows up by attacking Warhorse with short arm clotheslines, Warhorse fights back and he nails Something with a DDT. Warhorse follows up by nailing Something with a few strikes, Warhorse then drops Something with a missile drop kick to the knee. Warhorse follows up by crushing Something with a lariat for a near fall, Something fights back and Warhorse stomps away on him. Warhorse gets Something in a sharp shooter and Something gets himself free, Something follows up by nailing Warhorse with a corner spear. Warhorse recovers and he nails Something with a discus forearm strike, Warhorse then hits Something with a butterfly brain buster for a near fall. Something leaves the ring and Warhorse nails him with a double stomp, Warhorse gets Something back in the ring before climbing to the top rope. Something catches a leaping Warhorse and he lands a Something Bomb on him for a near fall, Something follows up with a sit out pile driver on Warhorse for another near fall.

Something goes to the top rope and he misses the splash attempt, Warhorse gets up and he nails Something with another double stomp. Warhorse goes to the top rope and he lands an elbow drop for a near fall, Warhorse goes back to the top rope and he lands another elbow drop. Warhorse returns to the top rope and some music starts to play, Gary Jay comes out with Warhorse’s IWTV Championship and Something crotches a distracted Warhorse. Something hits Warhorse with a sidewalk slam for a three count.

Winner: Jake Something, still your BLP Heavyweight Champion

After the match, Gary Jay hits the ring and he nails Warhorse with a discus elbow strike.

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