
Angelina Love Details A Scary Incident With A Stalker In The UK & Discusses The Importance Of The Women Of Honor Title

Angelina Love has been a major focal point of the Women of Honor division since debuting in Ring Of Honor alongside Mandy Leon and Velvet Sky to form The Allüre in Madison Square Garden at G1 Supercard.

Angelina Love was recently featured on the ROH Wrestling website’s 10 Questions series, during which, she tells quite an unnerving story about her experience with a stalker in the United Kingdom.

“Unfortunately, I had a stalker in the UK give me some of the most uncomfortable experiences ever. One experience was when he flew from London to Las Vegas to watch one of my fitness competitions and somehow knew what hotel we were staying in and where we would be at every moment. Came to breakfast buffet and sat at our table and also walked 10 steps behind us on the strip the following day,” she began. “He recorded me on stage in my bikini. Bought me diamond earrings and left them at the front desk of my hotel. Got on my Facebook page and started asking me about family members in my photos (my page is now private). Waited by a slot machine by the front doors of the hotel at 4 a.m. when I was leaving to almost knock me over with hugs before I flew home. There were more encounters with him but that was definitely one of the worst.”

Angelina Love will challenge Kelly Klein for the Women of Honor World Championship on September 27 at Ring Of Honor’s Death Before Dishonor pay per view. Love describes the importance of getting an opportunity at this championship at this stage in her career, “It would mean a lot to me. I worked a few shows for Ring of Honor back in 2004 and now being back here again with so much more time and experience under my belt gives me a tremendous hunger to show everyone here, and continue to show the entire world, why I am one of the best women’s wrestlers ever. I am champion material, always have been and always will be,” She began. “I think The Allüre have sent enough messages to Kelly over the past five months, but in case it’s still not crystal clear to her yet, your time is winding down, Kelly. Shine that championship belt up for me because it’s coming home to mama.”

You can see results from past Ring of Honor events in Fightful’s results section.

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