
Amber Nova Seeking WWE Or AEW Tryout, Says She’s Been In Touch With WWE

You may have seen Amber Nova appearing on NXT and IMPACT Wrestling as enhancement talent, but she’s ready for more than that. She wants a tryout to prove herself. 

“I am open to everything. I’m interested in everything. Obviously your top brand would be WWE that I have worked really hard for. But, I’m open to everything,” Nova told Fightful in a recent interview.

Nova had two appearances on NXT TV, wrestling Nikki Cross, Io Shirai and Kairi Sane across them. A stint on IMPACT TV helped her gain exposure.She told us that she’s ready for an opportunity from AEW, WWE or other companies, but would prefer it not be in an enhancement capacity. Also, she’s near both promotions, residing in Florida.

“I’m really local,” said Nova. “I’m close by. I just don’t think now is a really good time for anyone in professional wrestling, or entertainment in general, with the pandemic. It’s really hard. I’ve been working really hard. Like I said, I’ve had matches with NXT, IMPACT!, I have been in contact with some people in AEW or other companies. But, I’m not looking just to do extra work or be used quickly. I’m an asset. I’m valuable. I’m waiting on that opportunity, hopefully next year, for a real try out and a real opportunity. So, I just don’t want it to go to waste.”

Unfortunately for most wrestlers looking for full-time work, the pandemic has taken its toll on the industry. The recent cutbacks in WWE are a pretty clear indication to Nova that things aren’t ideal.

“Well, that means they’re not hiring. So, that’s not a good sign, but it’s understandable. In the pandemic that they have to, like you said, scale back and make some cuts. I think just today / yesterday, they just released a bunch of production people unfortunately that were furloughed that they’re not bringing back because they can’t afford to. So, we just have to see what’s going to happen next year. I’m hoping that I still get that WWE try out that I was talked about before all this happened,” said Nova. 

Nova tells us that she’s remained in touch, presumably with WWE, though she didn’t specify. 

“Yes, I have been staying in contact. A little bit slowed down through the pandemic, which I’m okay with. There’s not much opportunity or there wasn’t, at least. Things are slowly starting to pick up. But, there wasn’t much going on when they were doing the TV tapings, they had no audience. So, it’s been really slow through that process. Like I said, now’s not the best time and when things do pick up again, they’re gonna need new faces and people to push. I just want to be ready. So, I continue to train and do matches. I haven’t slowed that down, so I’m ready for that.”

WWE tryouts can be physically grueling, but that’s nothing new to Amber Nova. Lacey Evans has been seen putting her Marine experience to work at some of them, and Nova loves the idea of being pushed to her limit to prove herself.

“Yeah, I’ve seen that and I love it. I want her yelling at me and I want to be yelling right back. “Let’s go, let’s do this! I want to sweat and bleed, cry until I pass out. I’m ready for it.” I know what it’s going to take. I’m stoked about a WWE try out. I want to cut a promo. I want to have a match. I want to sweat to the point where I’m ready to pass out. I want to push myself to the limit. I want to show them what Nova’s got. So, I’ll be ready,” Nova stated.

Nova doesn’t have a tryout yet, but if it happens, she’s not going in blind. She trains with Ivelisse, who has pretty vast experience working in multiple companies.

“Yes, and she also had a recent try out a year ago, if you remember that,” Nova said. “A little bit more than a year ago, I think it was. But, if you saw that she was in that try out—I can’t remember if Mercedes Martinez was in that same try out with her or if it it was a similar one. She shared her experience there. It is extremely hard. That’s why I’m just training and preparing and I’ll be ready.”

You can see our full interview with Amber Nova at the top of the page, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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