
Aleister Black: Roman Reigns Told Me To Stop Cleaning Locker Rooms, Said I Belonged

Throughout the last 24 hours wrestlers from every organization have come out to support Roman Reigns following his announcement that he is battling leukemia

While most have shared shared encouragement or kind words, Aleister Black took it a step further. He shared a story on Facebook that shows the kind of person and leader Reigns is behind the scenes.

Black wrote that he would clean the locker room while working live events with the main roster in 2017. He felt these duties were important as it teaches respect and keeps you humble. One night, Reigns sat Black down and said to him, “I want you to understand that you belong here and I want for you to kill it every night and be part of the team. That’s all I care about. You’ve been wrestling long enough to understand how this works, so please, relax.”

Black said he needed to hear those words from a locker room leader like Roman before he stopped cleaning because he wanted to earn the respect of everyone else.


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