
Al Snow Is Thankful For The Time He Spent In WWE

Al Snow is telling all who will listen what he is thankful for on this Thanksgiving weekend.

Speaking to Sports Illustrated, he explained what he is truly thankful for. One thing he is thankful for is his time in the WWE, who is always able to take characters and put them in wacky, interesting situations: 

The time I spent in WWE made it possible for me to continue to have a career and continue to travel all over the world,” said Snow, who will be part of the WrestleCade convention this weekend in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “I’m grateful to be part of wrestling. It’s been such a unique and interesting business, and provided me with experiences and stories that there is no way I could have ever had if I pursued anything else. The most ridiculous circumstances and absurd things occur with the most fascinating characters who, if not for pro wrestling, would not be able to function in society.

He is also thankful for the fans, who come to arenas and support him and the rest of pro wrestling, and is also thankful for their passion:

I’m really grateful for the fans. They’re so passionate. The one thing we all share, wrestlers and wrestling fans, is that passion for the sport and for the art of professional wrestling. Sometimes that almost puts us at odds, but we the wrestlers couldn’t do what we love to do if it weren’t for the wrestling fans. 

 Al Snow most recently was a long time producer for Impact Wrestling, coming on board back in 2008. He was released this year amidst lots of talent cuts and purging.

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