
Akira Tozawa “Injured” On 205 Live, WWE Provides Update

Last night, as seen above, Drew Gulak took matters into his own hands and attacked Akira Tozawa as he was making his way to the ring. You can see the full video above, but here is a GIF of the most brutal part:

Tozawa clutched his throat as the cameras cut to commercial, and the commentary team put over the fact that now he won’t be able to interrupt Gulak’s prized Powerpoint Presentation if he can’t talk, so it seems this is a storyline injury.

WWE did provide an update on the injury, saying that Tozawa has “suffered a laryngeal contusion and swollen vocal chords.”

There’s one major question that has yet to be answered though. Where were Tozawa’s Titus Worldwide buddies to back him up?

Some friends you guys are.

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