
AEW Worlds End (12/30/2023) Results: MJF vs Samoa Joe, Jon Moxley vs Eddie Kingston, Sting, More Set

Results for the 12/30/2023 edition of AEW Worlds End.

Welcome to the Fightful.com discussion & coverage for the 12/30/2023 edition of AEW Worlds End on BR Live & FITE TV (Internationally).

We will bring results for every match & segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Match Card.

  • Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale def. Kris Statlander.
  • Zero Hour: Killswitch won the 20-Man Battle Royale.
  • Zero Hour – FTW Championship – FTW Rules Match: HOOK (c) def. Wheeler Yuta.
  • Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli), Daniel Garcia & Mark Briscoe def. Brody King, Jay Lethal, Jay White & RUSH (w/ Jose The Assistant).
  • Miro def. Andrade El Idolo.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Toni Storm (c) (w/ Luther & Mariah May) vs. Riho.
  • AEW Continental Classic Tournament Championship Tournament Final – North American Triple Crown (AEW Continental, ROH World & NJPW STRONG Openweight Championships) Match: Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston.
  • AEW TNT Championship – No Disqualification Match: Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland.
  • AEW TBS Championship Match: Julia Hart (c) vs. Abadon.
  • Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Keith Lee.
  • Sting, Darby Allin & Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) vs. Ricky Starks, Big Bill & The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs) (w/ Don Callis).
  • AEW World Championship Match: MJF (c) vs. Samoa Joe.


  • Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale def. Kris Statlander.
  • There was a vignette teasing Serena Deeb’s return to AEW. 
  • Killswitch won the 20-Man #1 TNT Championship Contenders Battle Royal, last eliminating Trent Beretta.
  • Zero Hour – FTW Championship – FTW Rules Match: HOOK (c) def. Wheeler Yuta.

Main Show.

– After a video package recapping the card for tonight’s show, Excalibur, Taz, Nigel McGuiness & “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening contest. 

Brody King, Jay Lethal, Jay White & RUSH (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli), Daniel Garcia & Mark Briscoe.

RUSH & Castagnoli began exchanging shoves, slaps & strikes before RUSH hit a German Suplex and tossed Castagnoli out of the ring. The two bumped each other before they tagged in Briscoe & Lethal. After running the ropes and exchanging holds, Briscoe reversed Lethal’s Figure with a pin for a near fall. The two friends exchanged vicious chops before Briscoe dropped Lethal with a swinging chop. They then tagged in Danielson & White, which led to the crowd erupting.

Jay White backed Danielson into the corner before going for a chop, but Danielson evaded and locked in the LaBelle Lock on White, but White got a rope break to break the hold. White hit a knee lift before hitting a shoulder tackle, a series of chops, and shoulder blocks in the corner. Danielson responded with a High Dropkick on White before hitting a chest kick/ chops combo on White before hitting an Avalanche Hurricanrana on White. Danielson hit a series of Round Chest Kicks on White before going for a head kick, but Garcia came in with the blind tag. Brody King tagged in in response. 

Garcia swung away at King with a series of jabs and palm strikes, but King responded with a vicious Black Hole Slam. King brawled with Garcia before shoving Menard’s face and calling him “a bitch”. Back in the ring, RUSH tagged in and hit a chop on Garcia before catching him with a chop and mocking Garcia’s dance. Lethal, RUSH & King took turns tagging in to attack Garcia, busting Garcia open by the nose. White tagged in and immediately booted Garcia to get the pin, but Garcia kicked out three times at the count of two.

White hit Garcia with a Modified Dragon Screw before hitting a series of chops & a body slam. Garcia tried to tag in someone, but White caught him with a forearm shiver. Garcia fought his way from the opposing corner before tagging in Mark Briscoe. Briscoe fought White & Lethal before catching Lethal with a Pele Kick and White with a flying forearm. White climbed to the top rope, but Briscoe caught him with a Shote. Danielson, Garcia & Briscoe removed the opposing team before Briscoe hit a Blockbuster on Lethal to the outside & an Elbow Drop off the Apron on RUSH. Briscoe got back in the ring and hit a Fisherman’s Bomb on White, but only got a near fall. Briscoe hit an uppercut on White, but White responded by tossing Briscoe to the outside, where King caught him with a lariat. 

Lethal tagged in and attacked Briscoe inside the ring before catching him with a Superplex. White, King & Lethal tried to keep Briscoe in the corner, but Briscoe fought them off and tagged in Castagnoli. Castagnoli immediately got a meat-off against King before hitting a series of uppercuts and going for a suplex, but King blocked it. Claudio hit a high boot before hitting a Stalling Suplex on King to get the pin, but RUSH broke the pin with a dropkick. Danielson & RUSH brawled in one corner while King & Claudio brawled on opposite corners. King hit a Cannonball on Claudio, but Castagnoli kicked out. Castagnoli hit a Giant Swing on King before Danielson hit a dropkick on King for a near fall. Lethal & Garcia tagged in, but Lethal caught him with a Lethal Combination. Briscoe hit a Froggy Bow on Lethal. RUSH hit an Overhead Suplex on Briscoe, but Danielson caught him with the Busaiko Knee. After everyone laid each other out, King hit a Discus Lariat on Claudio, but Garcia hit a Saito Suplex on King. Lethal went for a Lethal Injection, but Garcia caught him with a Jack-Knife Cover for the win.

Winner: Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli), Daniel Garcia & Mark Briscoe.

Andrade El Idolo (w/ CJ Perry) vs. Miro.

Miro immediately attacked Andrade before stomping away at Andrade to begin the match. Andrade hit a bootkick on Miro before tossing him out of the ring and finally taking off his jacket. Andrade went for a Tope, but Miro caught him with a strike mid-flight. Back in the ring, Andrade went for a Figure Four, but Miro escaped the hold. Andrade went for a top rope move, but Miro pulled him and hit a Saito Suplex.

After arguing with CJ Perry for a moment, Miro locked in a headlock before choking Andrade with the middle rope and spiking him with a Uranage. Miro got Andrade on the outside before dropping Andrade into the broadcast table. Miro went for a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Andrade evaded and pushed Miro over the broadcast table. Andrade picked Miro up and pushed him down the stairs before bringing him back in the ring.

Andrade went for a top rope move, but Miro caught him with some heavy shots before hitting a Superplex on Andrade for a near fall. Andrade fought back with some jabs, but Miro caught him with a lariat. Miro tossed Andrade the top rope with a Bandera, but Andrade responded by hitting a Dragon Screw. Andrade hit a crossbody & hit a Flying Forearm on Miro before going for a Meteora, but Miro rolled out of the ring. Andrade saw the opening and hit Miro with a Triangle Moonsault on Miro to the outside before hugging CJ Perry in front of Miro.

Back in the ring, Miro hit the Double Moonsault on Miro to get the pin, but Miro kicked out at two. Andrade went once again for the Meteora, but Miro caught him with a Thrust Kick for a near fall. Miro locked in the Game Over Camel Clutch, but Andrade took advantage of his sweaty arms to get the Rope break. Andrade tossed Miro with a Bandera before catching him with another Dragon Screw before catching him with a Spinning Back Elbow for a near fall.

Andrade locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Miro’s injured left leg. Andrade tried to bridge into the Figure Eight, but Miro rolled over to reverse the hold. Andrade rolled over again and locked the hold again before locking in Figure Eight, but CJ Perry came to the ring to break the hold. Andrade was bamboozled, which led to Miro hitting another Thrust Kick to get the pin, but Andrade kicked out at two. Miro saw the opening and locked in the Game Over, leading Andrade to tap out for the win.

Winner: Miro.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) (w/ Luther) vs. Riho.

The first title match of the night began with Storm & Riho locking up before Storm backed Riho into the ropes. Riho responded with a series of forearms before going for a running crossbody, Storm responded with a body slam to get the pin, but Riho bridged out of it. After failing to body slam Storm, she responded with a series of dropkicks, a bulldog and a headlock on Storm. Riho hit a roundhouse kick on Storm to send her out of the ring. Riho went for a body slam on Luther, but Luther caught her and gifted her to Storm to hit a body slam on the outside.

Back in the ring, Storm got her “close-up” but Riho caught her with an inside cradle for a near fall. Storm hit a body slam on Riho before hitting a second to get the pin, but Riho kicked out. Riho got Storm in a sunset flip, but Storm kicked out and slammed Riho to the mat before hitting a Sky High for a near fall. Storm targeted Riho’s injured back before catching her with another body slam to get the pin, but Riho kicked out at One. Storm locked in a Single-Leg Crab on Riho, but Riho got a rope break. Storm then got on Luther’s shoulders before tossing Riho off the apron onto the mat.

Riho got back in the ring at the count of nine, but Storm responded by locking in another Single Leg Crab. Luther pulled the rope, but the referee caught him and ejected Luther out of the ring area. Riho hit the Tigers on Storm before hitting the 619 followed by a Diving Crossbody and a Body Slam on Storm for a near fall. Storm rolled out of the ring, but Riho caught her with a Diving Crossbody to the outside before hitting her with a Coup de Grace on Storm on the apron and hitting a Dragon Suplex for a near fall.

After evading the Meteora from Riho, Storm went for a Hip Attack, but Riho evaded; however, Storm responded by spiking Riho with a Stroganoff Zero for a near fall. Riho surprised Storm with a roll-up before catching her with a knee strike for a near fall. Riho climbed to the top rope, but Storm pulled Riho off the apron to send her crashing on her head before hitting the Storm One for the win. Mariah May celebrated with Storm after the match.

Winner & still AEW Women’s World Champion: “Timeless” Toni Storm.

– Dante Martin was interviewed backstage by Lexy Nair, where he said that he was good but he wanted to be great. Orange Cassidy, but Martin responded by challenging Cassidy for the AEW International Title, which Cassidy accepted for Dynamite. 

Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Dustin Rhodes.

Strickland immediately attacked Dustin Rhodes on the outside, launching him into the stairs before catching him with a V-Trigger. Prince Nana pulled a cinder block before Strickland hit Rhodes with a Swerve Stomp into Rhodes’s leg. This led to multiple referees & medical professionals checking on Rhodes. Rhodes tried to continue the match despite the injury, but referees tried to talk him out of it.

The match officially began with Strickland hitting a Pump Kick before hitting a series of jabs and laying his knee on Rhodes’s neck. Swerve took advantage of the dominance by calling out Keith Lee to say that this could have been him instead. Strickland continued to work on Rhodes’s injured leg and caught him with a dropkick before hitting the Griddy. Strickland got Rhodes on the top rope, but Rhodes dropped him with a headbutt before hitting a crossbody off the top for a near fall. Rhodes hit a series of jabs and a drop-down uppercut on Swerve before randomly hitting a Canadian Destroyer & a Snap-Powerslam on Swerve for a near fall.

Prince Nana distracted the referee, but Rhodes took advantage and hit Shattered Dreams, a Piledriver, and then got Strickland with the Crossroads on Strickland to get the pin, but Swerve kicked out. Swerve got back up and hit a roll-through Flat Liner before locking in a Single-Leg Crab on Rhodes before transitioning into the Brock Lock on Rhodes, but Rhodes got a rope break. Swerve hit a series of strikes on Rhodes, but Rhodes responded by giving Strickland the middle finger and spitting in his face. Strickland was disgusted by that hit two vicious House Call Kicks before snapping Rhodes’s arm with “El Sacrifice”, followed by hitting the Swerve Stomp on Ropes for the dominant pinfall win. Strickland then said that he would not waste his time and was aiming for gold. 

Winner: Swerve Strickland.

Sting, Darby Allin & Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) vs. Ricky Starks, Big Bill & The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs) (w/ Don Callis).

Takeshita & Guevara began the match arguing, with Takeshita backing Guevara into the corner. Guevara hit two chops, but Takeshita responded with a headbutt. Guevara hit a knee strike before hitting a crossbody on Guevara. Chris Jericho tagged in, and he was greeted with a loud barrage of boos as he & Guevara double-teamed Takeshita. Takeshita hit a Takeshita line before Starks tagged in, but Starks flicked him off before Hobbs tagged in. Hobbs laid out Jericho in the corner before Big Bill tagged in and dropped Jericho with a slam. Jericho hit a bootkick on Allin before tagging in Allin. Takeshita tagged in and immediately exchanged pins before Takeshita went for the Chaos Theory, but Allin landed on his feet before hitting a Shotgun Dropkick & a Code Red for a near fall.

Allin climbed to the top rope, but he was distracted by Callis. Takeshita picked up Allin and hit a vicious Avalanche Helicopter Bomb. Hobbs tagged in as their team continued to target Allin, with Bill hitting a Corner Splash on Hobbs. Hobbs & Big Bill swung Allin around before tossing him across the ring. Starks tagged in, but Allin laid him out. Hobbs tried to pick Starks up, but Starks ignored him before tagging in Takeshita. Takeshita attacked Allin with a series of chops, but Allin responded with a dropkick and tried to tag in Sting, but Takeshita blocked it. Allin managed to leap Takeshita before tagging in Sting.

Sting attacked Starks & Takeshita with Stinger Splashes before taking down Hobbs and slamming Big Bill’s groin on the top rope. Jericho & Sting hit stereo Stinger Splashes on Hobbs & Jericho, but Big Bill took down Sting while Hobbs took down Jericho. Starks tagged in and laid in a series of body shots on Sting before hitting the Old School on Sting. Guevara tagged in and came in hot with offense before going for a rolling cutter, but Starks blocked it and went for a Spinning Tornado DDT, Guevara reversed it with a Cody Cutter to get the pin, but Big Bill blocked it before Big Bill hit a Big Boss Slam. Jericho hit a Code Breaker on Big Bill, but Big Bill no-sold it and hit a series of jabs on Jericho.

Jericho responded with a dropkick, but Powerhouse Hobbs met him with a vicious Spinebuster before hitting the World’s Strongest Slam. Allin caught Hobbs with a Coffin Splash, but Takeshita responded with a vicious German Driver on Allin before hitting a double German Suplex on Allin & Guevara. Takeshita went for the jumping One, but Sting caught him with the Scorpion Death Lock before Don Callis distracted Sting to break the hold. Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho while Sting Locked in the Scorpion Death Lock on Takeshita, but Starks broke the holds. Sting went for a Scorpion Death drop on Starks, but Big Bill caught Sting with a big boot.

Allin dropped Big Bill with a Suicide Dive before Guevara went for a tope, but Starks caught him with a Spear followed by the Fairytale Ending for a near fall. Starks went for Roshambo, but Guevara caught him with a Thrust Kick before hitting the GTH & the Shooting Star Press for the win.

Winners: Sting, Darby Allin & Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara).

AEW TBS Championship Match – Biting Is Legal Match: Julia Hart (c) vs. Abadon.

After a lengthy stare-down between the two, which the crowd responded by chanting “THIS IS SPOOKY”. Abadon caught Hart with a vicious cutter before hitting a series of lariats on Hart in the corner. Abadon hit a corner splash on Hart before they continued to hit a series of corner lariats on Hart, followed by hitting a vicious Black-Hole Slam for a near fall. Hart fought back by slamming Abadon’s head, but Abadon responded with a series of jabs. Hart hit a series of forearms and caught Abadon with a Crucifix Bomb to get the pin, but Abadon kicked out.

The two went for chokes on one another, but Hart responded with a leg sweep before hitting two jabs on Abadon. The two wrestlers made their way to the outside before Hart hit Abadon with a duplex on the outside. Abadon crawled back to the apron, but Hart pushed them off the apron to the floor. Abadon got back in the ring, but Hart got Abadon on the ropes. Abadon slinged Hart’s head into the top rope, but Hart responded with a forearm. Hart locked in a Bow and arrow on Abadon, but Abadon broke the hold by biting Hart’s arm before The Zombie bit the other arm.

Abadon hit a series of lariats, a Meteora, and a Basement Code Breaker on Hart to get the pin, but Hart kicked out. Abadon climbed to the top rope, but Hart intercepted Abadon and caught them with a Superplex for a near fall. Hart hit the back lariat on Abadon before locking int e Hartless on Abadon, but Abadon reversed it with a pin for a Near fall. Hart ran the ropes, but Abadon caught Hart with a Uranage before hitting a Running Knee Strike for a near fall.

Abadon bit Hart’s head, which led to the referee checking in on Hart. Skye Blue saw the opening and pushed Abadon off the top rope; however, Abadon stood right back up and attacked Blue on the outside. Hart saw the distraction and caught Abadon with a back lariat before slamming them into the stairs. Hart got Abadon back in the ring before hitting Abadon with a Moonsault Press for the win.

Winner & Still TBS Champion: Julia Hart.

AEW TNT Championship – No Disqualification Match: Christian Cage (c) (w/ Nick Wayne & Mother Wayne) vs. Adam Copeland.

The match began with Copeland attacking Cage on the ramp before tossing him into the titantron. Copeland & Cage brawled on ringside and slammed a beer can on his head, busting himself open, before slamming Cage’s head into the broadcast table as he shouted at Nigel McGuiness the following : “SHUT UP NIGEL”. Back in the ring, Copeland laid in the strikes on Cage before Cage rolled out of the ring. Copeland met him on the outside before slamming Cage with an Irish Whip onto the stairs, where Cage buckled his knee.

Copeland went for a Curb Stomp on Cage into the stairs, but Cage evaded and walked onto the crowd area. Nick Wayne tried to get involve, but Copeland slammed him to the wall. Copeland climbed to the top of the wall of Section 104 in the crowd before hitting a crossbody on Cage & Wayne off the wall. Back in the ringside area, Copeland hit a diving lariat off the barricade onto Cage.

Back in the ring, Copeland laid in the jabs on Cage in the corner before going for a shoulder block, but Cage evaded to send Copeland crashing into the ring post. Cage got Copeland’s head on the stairs before catching him with a vicious Curb Stomp, busting his eyebrow open with blood. Cage brought Copeland to the ring to get a pin, but Copeland kicked out. Cage brought in the kendo sticks and fired away on Cage’s back before trying to choke Copeland with the kendo stick. Cage went for a pin on Copeland, but Copeland kicked out at two.

Nick Wayne got two chairs for Cage before Cage attacked Copeland’s back. Cage got a metal rod and went to swing at Copeland, but Copeland reversed it with a Slam. Copeland hit Cage with the kendo stick on the neck & continuously attacked Cage’s back before locking in the Crossface. Copeland got the metal rod and extended the hold, but Cage dragged himself to the ropes to break Copeland’s grip on the hold. Copeland got under the ring and pulled out a ladder, which prompted the crowd to chant “TLC”. Copeland set up the ladder on the corner before slamming Cage’s head into he ladder with a Catapult.

Cage caught Copeland with a kendo stick shot before hitting a reverse DDT. Cage climbed to the top of the ladder, but Copeland met him there. Copeland went for a Superplex off the ladder, but Cage blocked it before hitting a Sunset Flip Bomb on Copeland off the ladder to get the pin, but Copeland kicked out at two. Cage & Nick Wayne pulled out another ladder and two tables from under the ring. Wayne & Cage set up one of the tables for Cage to hit a Suplex off the apron, but Copeland blocked it. Copeland went for a Spear, but Wayne pulled Cage off the apron. Copeland attacked Cage outside of the ring before sending him back in the ring.

Copeland got another chair and hit an Impaler DDT on Cage onto the chair. Copeland then placed Cage on a chair and went for the Con-chair-to on Cage, but Nick Wayne took the chair off Copeland’s hands. Cage saw the opening and hit a Low Blow onto Copeland’s yam-bag with the chair before going for the roll-up, but Copeland kicked out. Cage set up a table on the corner and went for a spear, but Copeland leaped over Cage to evade before tossing a chair twice on Cage’s head and hitting a vicious spear on Cage onto the table to get the pin, but Mother Wayne pulled the referee out of the ring.

Nick Wayne attacked Copeland with the TNT Championship before hitting the Wayne’s World Cutter on the outside. Wayne got Copeland back in the ring, allowing Cage to hit the Killswitch on Copeland to get the pin, but Copeland kicked out at two. Christian Cage & Nick Wayne got gasoline from under the ring before Wayne lit up the table on the outside. Copeland evaded and speared Cage before rolling out of the ring and spraying more gasoline on the table. Copeland lit the table once again before spiking Wayne onto the burning table with a Liger Bomb. Back in the ring, Copeland hit a Low Blow Punt on Cage before hitting the Killswitch for the win, becoming the fourth wrestler to hold the WWE Intercontinental Championship & TNT Championship ever.

Winner & NEW TNT Champion: Adam Copeland.

Killswitch attacked Copeland after the match, slamming him with a Chokeslam before hitting another chokeslam on Copeland to the table. Cage begged Killswitch to gift him the contract to cash in the title shot, which Killswitch granted. Cage signed the contract and it led to a rematch. 

TNT Championship Match: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Christian Cage.

Cage hit a spear on Copeland to win the championship, becoming a two-time TNT champion. 

Winner & NEW TNT Champion: Christian Cage.

AEW Continental Classic Tournament Championship Tournament Final – North American Triple Crown (AEW Continental, ROH World & NJPW STRONG Openweight Championships) Match: Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston.

Bryan Danielson was on commentary for the match.

The finals of the AEW Continental Classic began with the two locking up before Kingston got wrist control, but Moxley got on top of Kingston to break the grip. Moxley went for a palm strike, but Kingston was unamused. Moxley went for a boot, but Kingston blocked it before hitting an inside kick and getting a headlock takeover, but Moxley rapidly escaped the hold. Moxley & Kingston got in a Greco-Roman Lock up before Moxley hit a Snapmare into a Penalty Kick on Kingston. Kingston hit a Snapmare/ PK combo of own in response before the two started arguing. The two long time friends began the violence, as they engaged in a brief chop-off before exchanging shoulder blocks.

Moxley went for three forearm strikes, but Kingston responded with three chops to the chest, three chops to the neck, and a leaping enziguri on Moxley before catching him on the outside with a Tope Suicida. Back in the ring, Kingston went for a back fist, but Moxley responded by spiking Kingston with a German Suplex before hitting him with a sliding dropkick to send Kingston crashing to the floor, followed by spiking Kingston with a Death Rider to the floor. Kingston made it back to the ring, but Moxley caught him with the Yes Kicks before going for a Penalty Kick, but Kingston caught it.

Kingston fired away with chops, but Moxley blocked one of them before racking his eyes. Moxley got Kingston corner and laid in a series of strikes before spiking Kingston with a Piledriver for a near fall. Moxley locked in the STF on Kingston, but Kingston broke the hold by biting Moxley’s hand. Kingston & Moxley exchanged a series vicious chops to the chest before Kingston hit an absolute gnarly chop on Moxley that made him crumble to the floor. Moxley & Kingston continued to fire away with chops before the two exchanged lariat blocks, but Kingston responded with an Exploder Suplex. Moxley exploded back up, but Kingston caught him with a vicious Spinning Back Fist.

Kingston got Moxley in the corner and fired away with vicious Machine Gun Chops before spiking Moxley with a DDT, but Moxley responded with a DDT. Kingston hit another Backlist, but Moxley responded with a lariat before going for the Death Rider, but Kingston reversed it with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall. Kingston hit a series of Anvil Elbows before locking in a Bulldog Choke, but Moxley rolled over and locked in a Bulldog Choke on Kingston before transitioning into a Sleeper Hold. Kingston continued to roll over to stop the hold before fading onto the ropes to get a rope break.

Kingston hit another Back Fist before hitting another Northern Lights Bomb for the pin, but Moxley kicked out at two. Kingston went for a Piledriver, but Moxley reversed by hitting a vicious wind-up lariat. The two grapplers exchanged headbutts before Kingston collapsed back into the mat. Moxley drew the imaginary line in the sand and slapped Kingston, but Kingston responded with a series of vicious open-palm strikes before catching Moxley with a third and final Spinning back Fist for the win, becoming the first-ever North American Triple Crown holder & the first-ever AEW Continental Champion.

Winner & NEW AEW Continental Champion: Eddie Kingston.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match: MJF (c) (w/ Adam Cole) vs. Samoa Joe.

Adam Cole joined ringside to be in MJF’s corner for the match. 

The main event of the evening began with MJF & Joe locking up before Joe pushed MJF to the mat. MJF poked Joe’s eyes before stomping him away in the corner, but Joe responded with a vicious Uranage. Joe hit a series of jabs on MJF before shouting at MJF something factual: “LONG ISLAND SUCKS”. Joe got a snap mare on MJF before hitting a kick and a leg drop on MJF’s arm. Joe locked in a nerve hold on MJF’s severely injured shoulder before hitting an Atomic Drop, a boot kick, and a seton on MJF’s arm. Joe hit a leaping enziguri kick on MJF before going for the Muscle Buster, but MJF rolled over and pulled the rope down to send Jo out of the ring. MJF got Joe in an inside cradle before going for a sunset flip, but Joe kicked out at two.

MJF got a schoolboy roll-up on Joe before hitting a Thrust Kick. MJF went for the Kangaroo Kick, but Joe caught him and tossed him to the top rope with a Catapult. MJF tried to skim the cat, but Joe caught him flush with a kick to send him crashing to the mat before hitting a Tope Suicida on MJF to the outside. Back in the ring, Samoa Joe got MJF and spiked him with a vicious Death Valley Driver for the pin, but MJF kicked out. MJF tried to fire back with three chops, but Joe responded with a German Suplex, a Dragon Suplex, and a Straight-Jacket Suplex on MJF to get a pin, but MJF got the ropes to break the pin.

Samoa Joe got MJF on the apron, but MJF blocked him. Joe got MJF on the top rope before spiking MJF straight into the apron with a vicious, nasty, disgusting, brutal, and evil Muscle Buster on MJF. After some time, Joe got MJF into the ring for the pin, but MJF kicked out after the delay from the Muscle Buster to the pin attempt. Samoa Joe went for another Muscle Buster, but MJF leaped over Joe and slammed his head into the corner repeatedly before biting his head. MJF went for the Kangaroo Kick, but Joe caught him with a boot. Joe climbed to the top rope, but MJF caught him. MJF went for a Death Valley Driver, but his knee buckled due to Joe’s weight.

MJF managed to get up and stomp Joe’s arm before hitting a splash to toss Joe into the ropes. MJF got Joe and spiked him with the Heat Seeker to get the pin, but Joe kicked out at two. MJF went for another Heat Seeker, but Joe carried MJF to get back in the ring. MJF rolled over into a sunset flip before locking in the Fujiwara Armbar, but Samoa Joe rolled over and locked in a Fujiwara armbar of his own. Joe wrenched MJF’s arm with his 282 pounds on MJF’s shoulder, but MJF got to the ropes to break the hold.

MJF went for another armbar, but Joe reversed it with the Coquina Clutch before MJF backed Joe into the referee. With the referee down, MJF hit a low blow on Joe before hitting an F5 on Joe. The referee regained consciousness before going for the pin, but Joe kicked out at two. MJF got the Dynamite Diamond Ring from Adam Cole, but Samoa Joe caught him with the Coquina Clutch. After a brave fight with the champion, Samoa Joe choked out MJF and won the AEW World Champion, becoming the first wrestler ever to win the Men’s ROH, NXT & AEW World Titles in history.

Winner & NEW AEW World Heavyweight Champion: Samoa Joe.

– After the match, The Devil’s Masked Men attacked MJF & got Adam Cole. Cole demanded the masked men to hit Cole before the lights went out. The lights went back up and it showed Adam Cole sitting down before the masked men were revealed to be Wardlow, Mike Bennett, Matt Taven & Roderick Strong. Adam Cole then pulled out The Devil’s mask, revealing that he was The Devil all along. Cole, Stong, Taven, Bennett & Wardlow stood tall to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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