
AEW Revolution 2022 – The House Of Black vs. Erick Redbeard, Penta Oscuro, & PAC Result

The House Always Wins.

In their first match as a trio, The House of Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Malakai Black were successful against Penta Oscuro, Erick Redbeard, and PAC at AEW Revolution 2022.

From our live coverage:

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Penta Oscuro, PAC & Erick Redbeard
— Penta and Matthews start this one off. Matthews tosses Penta off the ropes, Penta takes down Matthews with a hurricanrana, goes for a super-kick, Matthews catches it, rolls Penta up, he kicks out, Penta rolls him back, Matthews kicks out and both flip up and stare each other down and they get a pop from the crowd for the fast-paced offense. King and Redbeard are tagged-in and here we go! Massive shoulder blocks from both behemoths, neither can get the upper-hand, they exchange forearms, Malakai and Matthews take out Penta and PAC on the apron and they spill to the outside and brawl. Redbeard tosses King to the outside, nails him with a sliding drop-kick, then he takes out Malakai and PAC, then drills King with a diving cross-body that sends the Orlando, Florida crowd into a frenzy. Back on the inside, King tosses a tagged-in Penta to the corner and delivers a diving senton, goes for the cover but Penta kicks out. Malakai’s tagged-in, nails Penta with a kick, goes for another cover, Penta kicks out and Malakai makes the tag to Matthews. Penta shoves King off the apron, tries to dive across the ring to his corner for a tag, Matthews grabs his leg, Penta kicks him off and makes the tag to PAC but he gets caught in a DDT from Matthews. King’s tagged-in by Matthews and unloads a chop onto the chest of PAC before making the tag to Malakai, who immediately gets PAC in a head scissors. Malakai wallops PAC with a kick then makes the tag to Matthews, who lands a kick, goes for the cover but PAC lifts the shoulders at two. Matthews and Malakai double-team PAC but PAC slides out and makes the tag to Penta. Oscuro takes out King, sends him to the outside, and hits Matthews with a destroyer after flipping off of Malakai, goes for the cover but Matthews kicks out and the crowd reins down the ‘The is awesome!’ chants. Penta goes for the package pile-driver on Matthews, who rolls out, Penta makes the tag to Redbeard, who nails Matthews with a flying senton over the top rope. Redbeard nails Malakai with the cutter, Matthews takes the big man out with a meteora, PAC tags himself in and takes out Malakai with a poisonrana, both big men are tagged back-in, King plants Redbeard with The Death Valley Driver and all six men are down inside of the ring. PAC wipes out Matthews on the outside with a dive over the top rope, Penta plants Malakai with a pile-driver on the apron, tosses him back into the ring, goes for the cover but Malakai isn’t the legal man, Matthews is. Matthews sneaks in and stomps Penta, goes for the cover but PAC breaks it up. Redbeard’s tagged-in, Malakai and Matthews with the double team, Malakai gets the mist in the eyes, Malakai lands a pile-driver and it’s all over! What a match!

Winners – House of Black

You can find Fightful’s coverage of AEW Revolution by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show by clicking here. Watch the event with the Fightful Overbooked crew by clicking here. 

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