
AEW Rampage Results (9/30/2022): AEW Tag Title Match, Rush, Lee Moriarty & Jamie Hayter Compete.

Results of the 9/30/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/30/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Rush vs. John Silver. 

– AEW Tag Team Championship Match: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Butcher & The Blade.

– Willow Nightingale vs. Jamie Hayter.

– Lee Moriarty (w/ Stokely Hathaway & W. Morrissey) vs. Fuego del Sol.

– FTW Champion Hook Speaks.

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AEW Rampage (9/30/2022) Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Jim Ross & ROH World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match.

AEW Tag Team Championship Match.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (w/ Billy Gunn) vs. Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Butcher & The Blade.

After a rap from Max Caster & the sight of Billy Gunn & Anthony Bowens scissoring, the match began with Kassidy Bowens locking eyes. The two locked up before the two exchanged wrist locks, with Bowens hitting a Snap-mare crucifix for a near fall. The two evaded each other’s pin attempts before Kassidy hit a Hurricanrana on Bowens. Bowens hit a back elbow, a punch, and attempted a superkick before Kassidy evaded. Caster tagged in and stomped Kassidy’s thigh. Caster hit a dropkick on Kassidy before scissoring Gunn on the apron. Caster & Bowens hit a sunset back stabber/ neck breaker combo on Kassidy before Bowens hit a leg drop on Quen’s nards. Butcher & Blade stomped down Caster & Bowens before Blade tagged in. Kassidy tossed Quen to the outside while Butcher punched Kassidy off the apron. Bowens laid in the punches on Butcher & Blade, but Butcher & Blade hit a double headbutt on him. Butcher laid his knee on Bowens’ face before hitting a chop on his chest for a near fall. Blade gauged Bowens’ eyes before hitting him with a running lariat. Bowens punched Blade, but Blade responded by gauging his eyes and hitting a snap suplex for a near fall. Blade hit a power slam on Bowens for a near fall. Butcher & Blade hit a leg drop/ side slam combo on Bowens for a near fall. Blade and Bowens exchanged strikes before Bowens hit a back elbow, a punch & a superkick on Blade. Butcher laid out Caster, leaving Bowens no choice but to tag in Quen. Quen hit a springboard crossbody on Blade, a diving moonsault on Butcher, a shotgun dropkick on Blade & tagged in Kassidy. Kassidy hit a high leg lariat on Blade on the corner off  Quen’s back before Quen hit a Tope Con Giro on Butcher to the outside. Kassidy and Quen hit a Swanton Bomb/ Neck breaker combo on Blade for a near fall. Butcher hit a lariat on Caster before Blade hit a powerbomb on Kassidy for a near fall. Kassidy pushed Blade onto Butcher before tossing them to the outside. Kassidy hit a crossbody to the outside on Blade & Butcher, but Caster hit a dive on Kassidy, Butcher & Blade to the outside from the top rope. Bowens hit a Uranage Sideslam on Blade before Caster hit the Mic Drop elbow on Blade for the pinfall win and Title retention.

Winners & Still AEW Tag Team Champions: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (w/ Billy Gunn).

– Stokely Hathaway, The Gunn Clubb & W. Morrisey were interviewed backstage before The Gunn Clubb challenged The Acclaimed for the Tag Team Championships, leapfrogging FTR in the process.

– Lexi Nair interviewed TBS Champion Jade Cargill & Leila Grey backstage, with Cargill saying that there was no competition for her. Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir & Vickie Guerrero confronted Cargill, with Cargill accepting Rose’s challenge for the TBS Championship.

Lee Moriarty (w/ Stokely Hathaway & W. Morrisey) vs. Fuego Del Sol.

The match began with the two locking up, with Moriarty getting Fuego in a headlock before transitioning into a cravat. Lee hit an uppercut on Fuego, but Fuego hit a superkick on Moriarty’s abdomen. Lee hit a dropkick on Fuego before stomping his head on the ropes. Moriarty hit a vicious high knee on Fuego in the corner followed by a Belly-To-Belly Suplex. Moriarty hit a facebuster on Fuego before locking in the Border City Stretch on Fuego for the submission win. Morrisey hit a stalling chokeslam on Fuego after the match as Stokely Hathaway laughed in the corner. 

Winner: Lee Moriarty (w/ Stokely Hathaway & W. Morrisey).

– Preston Vance, Evil Uno & “Hangman” Adam Page were interviewed backstage by Lexy Nair, but were interrupted by Jose The Assistant & Andrade El Idolo. Andrade challenged Vance in a Mask vs. Career. Hathaway & Ethan Page told Andrade about Matt Hardy committing contract tampering, which Andrade was confused about. 

Jamie Hayter (w/ Reba & Britt Baker) vs. Willow Nightingale.

Willow hit a Thesz Press on Hayter to begin the match before laying in the headbutts on Hayter. Hayter hit a back elbow on Willow. Hayter went for two shoulder tackles on Wilow, but Willow responded with a shoulder tackle, a bodyslam, a senton, and a low-crossbody on Hayter for a near fall. Willow hit a Fisherman’s SUplex on Hayter for a near fall before hitting two running chops on Hayter. Hayter hit a big boot on Willow before hitting a running Meteora on Willow on the bottom turnbuckle followed by a snap suplex for a near fall. Hayter got Willow in a chin lock before slamming Willow from the hair onto the mat. Hayter slammed Willow onto the corner. Baker locked Willow’s leg on the bottom turnbuckle as the referee was distracted. Hayter hit an Irish Whip on Willow. Hayter surfboarded on Willow’s back before attacking Willow’s back. Willow got Hayter in a Fireman’s Carry, but Hayter responded with a back elbow and a Uranage backbreaker for a near fall. Willow & Hayter exchanged strikes before Willow hit the Pounce on Hayter, sending her out o the ring. Willow scared Baker as she got back in the ring, but Hayter stomped her down. Willow got Hayter and hit a Death Valley Driver on Hayter for a near fall. After a distraction from Baker, Hayter hit a deadlift German Suplex and a ripcord Lariat on Willow for the pinfall win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter (w/ Reba & Britt Baker).

– TNT Champion Wardlow & ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe cut a promo backstage, saying that anyone that comes in their way will suffer. 

– Ryan Nemeth insulted Philadelphia, Rocky Balboa & ECW before FTW Champion HOOK interrupted. HOOK hit a springboard lariat on Nemeth and beat him without mercy as his music blared from the speakers before he choked him out. Of all people, The Trustbusters came out and left an envelope for Hook on the stage. HOOK picked up the envelope before leaving the ramp. 

– AEW Champion Jon Moxley & Hangman cut dueling promos backstage, with Page saying he needs the people as much as he needs the title, but was disappointed when he learned the match would be in Cincinnati, Moxley’s hometown. 

– Mark Henry interviewed John Silver & Rush ahead of their Main Event Match. Andrade said the Dark Order did not deserve the talents of Preston Vance before Rush said to Silver “Te voy a desmadrar 9I’m gonna fuck you up in Spanish).

– Trent Beretta cut a promo backstage to challenge AEW All-Atlantic Champion PAC for Battle of the Belts in retaliation for Oraneg Cassidy.

Rush (w/ Andrade El Idolo & Jose The Assistant) vs John Silver (w/ Alex Reynolds).

The match began with Silver getting Rush in a headlock, but Rush responded with a shoulder tackle and stomps on Silver. Silver & Rush evaded each other’s offense before SIlver hit an uppercut on Rush. Rush imitated Rush’s pose before Andrade demanded him to destroy him. Rush punched Silver to the ground before laying the stomps on him. Rush hit a vicious chop on Silver before launching him with an Irish Whip and a corner splash, followed by a shotgun dropkick on Silver’s back. Rush slammed Silver onto the barricade, but Silver responded with a chop. Back in the ring, Rush punched Silver again before hitting a double foot stomp on Silver. Rush went for the Bull’s Horns before stopping himself and kicking Silver’s head in the corner. Rush tossed Silver to the outside before Andrade kicked Silver in the head while the referee was distracted. Rush tossed a water bottle on Silver’s head on the outside. Rush then tossed a trash can on Silver’s head before the two got back in the ring. Silver and Rush exchanged chops before Rush pushed Silver’s head with his boot. Rush climbed to the top rope and went for a senton, but Silver evaded to make Rush right on the mat. Silver & Rush exchange corner moves before Silver hit two deadlift German Suplexes on Rush. Silver hit a pop-up powerbomb on Rush for a near fall. Rush & Silver exchanged strikes before Rush hit an overhead slap, a chop, a superkick, and a Northern Lights Suplex on Silver for a near fall. Rush & Silver exchanged strikes again before Rush rocked Silver with a forearm strike. Silver hit a series of kicks and a brainbuster on Rush for a near fall. Jose got on the apron, but Reynolds neutralized him. Andrade distracted Silver, allowing Rush to hit a running headbutt and the Bull’s Horns for the pinfall win

Winner: Rush (w/ Andrade El Idolo & Jose The Assisant).

– After the match, Andrade El Idolo attacked Alex Reynolds & Silver. Preston Vance & Dark Order got involved, but The Butcher and The Blade got in the ring and attacked them. “Hangman” Adam Page came in to make the save. Page & Rush exchanged strikes before Page hit a Buckshot Lariat on Josse The Assistant. Page & Dark Order stood tall to end the broadcast.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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