
AEW Rampage Results 5/20/2022: BCC in Action, Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal + More

Results for the 5/20/2022 Edition of AEW Rampage.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 5/20/2022 edition of AEW Rampage, live on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– The broadcast began with Excalibur, Taz, Chris Jericho & FTW Champion Ricky Starks welcoming the audience to the broadcast, leading to the match between The House of Black and the team of Dark Order & Fuego del Sol.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs Dark Order (“10” Preston Vance & Evil Uno) & Fuego del Sol

The match began with King and Evil Uno locking up. Uno got King in a sideheadlock, followed by a tijeras. King hit a shoulder tackle & a double-hand chop on Evil Uno. Black hit a series of strikes on Uno before being hit with a shoulder tackle by Uno. Vance hit an overhead suplex on Black for a near fall. Black got Vance in a heel hook, but Vance escaped by hitting a series of strikes on Black. Black hit a gnarly arm-drag on Fuego. Matthews hit a top-rope stomp on Fuego’s arm, doing the Penta Arm-Snap on Fuego. King hit a running senton on Evil Uno, which Matthews and Black followed up by hitting stereo kicks to Uno’s arms. Fuego tagged in, but King tackled Fuego off the apron onto the barricade. King hit a chop on Fuego, which sent him to the shadow realm known as the ring-corner. Matthews tagged in and got Fuego in an elbow lock, but Fuego reversed it with an arm drag. Fuego hit Matthews with a Spanish Fly. Vance tagged in and hit lariats on Black and Matthews, followed by a back-bomb on Matthews. Vance and Uno hit a stunner-german suplex combination for a near fall. Vance went for the full nelson, but Black got him with a knee-strike. Black got Vance in a knee-bar, but Uno stomped Black to break the hold. Vance hit a Discus Lariat on Black. Uno hit a boot and a low-drop kick on King. Uno hit a series of low boots on King. Matthews hit a Drapping DDT on Uno onto the apron. Brody King hit a lariat on Uno, followed by a Gonzo Bomb on Evil Uno for the pinfall win.

After the match, Death Triangle (PAC, Penta Oscuro & Rey Fenix) went to the ramp to leave a tombstone. Penta revealed it was Death Triangle’s formal challenge for House of Black, challenging them to a match on Double or Nothing 2022.

Winners: House of Black.

– Max Caster & Gunn Clubb (Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) were backstage, wishing a speedy recovery to Anthony Bowens. Gunn said that when he comes back, there will be a scissor party.

– FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) were interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone, accepting the challenge of Roppongi Vice (Trent Baretta & Rocky Romero) for the ROH Tag Team Championships.

Shawn Spears vs BIG DAMO

The match began with Spears rolling out of the ring. Spears caught Damo with a pump kick, but Damo shook it off and hit Spears with a running cross body on Spears outside. Spears went for a top-rope knee strike, but Damo evaded and hit Spears with a death valley driver and a running senton on Spears. Damo went for a Vader bomb, but Spears evaded. Spears hit a running knee, followed by the C4 for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Spears said that he was Wardlow’s kryptonite, saying that Wardlow will be locked in a cage with the Giant Killer.

Winner: Shawn Spears.

– The Undisputed Elite (Kyle O’Reilly, Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) were backstage talking about their actions on Sting. O’Reilly said that it will be an honor to face Adam Cole in the Owen Cup finals. The Young Bucks challenged The Hardys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) to a match on Double or Nothing.

Owen Hart Cup Quaterfinal

Kris Statlander vs Red Velvet (w/ Mark Sterling, Kiera Hogan & Jade Cargill).

The match began with Velvet and Statlander locking up, but Statlander power lifted Velvet in one hand before slamming her face-first to the ring. Velvet went for the Tijeras on Statlander, but Kris tossed Velvet out of the ring. Velvet went for a cross body off the apron, but Statlander caught her and slammed Velvet on the apron. Velvet hit strikes on Statlander. Velvet did a take down on Statlander and started stomping her legs. Velvet went for a pin but got a near fall. Velvet slammed Statlander’s face to the bottom turnbuckle. While Velvet talked with the referee, Kiera Hogan attacked Statlander. Velvet hit a sitting bomb on Statlander’s leg. Statlander hit a running knee on Velvet, followed by an O’Connor Roll German Suplex for a near fall. Velvet hit a chop block on Red Velvet, followed by The Finfal Slice for a near fall. Statlander hit a Blue Thunderbomb for a near fall. Velvet hit the Cazadora face-slam on Statlander for a near fall. Statlander hit a Lariat. Statlander got a roll up on Velvet for the pinfall win. Kiera Hogan came to the ring and attacked Statlander from behind. Ruby Soho came to the ring, but Jade Cargill joined The Baddies & attacked both Soho and Statlander. Anna Jay took out Mark Sterling before The Baddies ran out of the ring.

Winner: Kris Statlander.

– There was a training montage showing the teams of Hookhausen (Danhausen & Hook) and the team and Tony Nese and Mark Sterling, with Sterling doing a poor attempt of a squat.

– ATT (Dan Lambert, Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page) were seen in the ring calling out Sammy Guevara to give him the TNT Championship. Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti were in the parking lot, where they destroyed the TNT Championship. Frankie Kazarian joined them and warned ATT that him destroying the championship was going to be a reflection of what he will do to them. The crowd booed the segment and the TNT Champion, Scorpio Sky, was visibly angry.

– Tony Schiavone interviewed Toni Storm and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD. Baker told Storm that this was a big moment she would not be able to deal with, but Storm told Baker to keep her cool or she will tear her teeth off and become Baker’s DMD. Baker walked out of the interview after Storm’s insult.

– Matt Sydal told BCC that they were going to beat them with Love, Peace, and Pro-Wrestling. Moxley said that the most important lesson to learn when you step up to the Blackpool Combat Club is to abandon all hope.

– After Anna Jay came into the ring to run out The Baddies out of the ring, Jade Cargill challenged Anna Jay for a TBS Women’s Championship Match. AEW officially announced the match after Cargill’s challenge.

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley) vs Dante Martin & Matt Sydal.

The match began with Moxley & Danielson attacking Sydal & Martin. Danielson hit a series of uppercuts on Martin. Moxley hit laiats on Martin on the corner before hitting a running stomp for a near fall. Moxley hit a suplex for a near fall. Moxley got a heel hook on Martin before Danielson stomped Martin’s head. Danielson got Martin in the Romero Special, hitting a series of elbows strikes on Martin’s ear for a near fall. Moxley punched Martin’s abdomen on Martin. Sydal got a roll-up for a near fall before hitting Moxley with a series of knee-strikes, leg drop, and a standing corkscrew splash for a near fall. Moxley tossed Sydal outside. Danielson hit a running Psycho Knee drop on Sydal off the apron on the outside. Danielson and Moxley worked on Sydal’s arm, with Moxley getting two near falls on Sydal. Moxley got Sydal in a double cross-arm choke before tossing Sydal out of the ring and slamming him on ringside. Sydal kicked Moxley’s head. Martin tagged back in, evading Danielson’s offense before hitting a missile drop kick and doing a over-the top rope cross body on Moxley and Danielson don’t he outside. Martin hit a crossbody on Martin for a near fall. Sydal went for a crossbody on Moxley on the outside, but Moxley choked him out on the outside. Danielson hit an Avalanche Underhook Suplex on Martin, transitioning into the Lavelle Lock. Danielson change the Lavelle Lock into the Brutalizer, but Martin got the rope break. Danielson hit the Yes Kicks on Martin. Sydal hit a heel kick on Danielson. Martin and Sydal hit stereo roundhouse kicks on Moxley. Sydal hit the Meteora on Danielson on the apron, while Martin hit the spring rope Moonsault on Moxley for a near fall. Martin went for a Poison-Rana, but Moxley caught him with a sleeper hold. Martin went for a missile dropkick, but Moxley hit him with a Gotch-style piledriver on Martin. Moxley fired down a series of elbow strikes on Martin before hitting the Paradigm Shift on Martin for the pinfall victory.

After the match, the Jericho Appreciation Society (Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, Chris Jericho & Jake Hager), Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, and Proud & Powerful brawled outside the ring before the broadcast ended.

Winner: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson)

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