
AEW Rampage Results for 12/17/21 8-Man Tag Team Match The Super Elite and Bobby Fish vs. Chaos

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– “It’s Friday, and you know what that means,” as AEW commentator Excalibur kicks off the show. First, he welcomes the viewer to Garland, Texas. He then introduces his broadcast colleagues Taz and Ricky Starks. Next, the three of them go over tonight’s card.

8-Man Tag-Team Match
Trent, Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, and Rocky Romero vs. The Young Bucks, Bobby Fish, and Adam Cole

Chuck Taylor and Matt Jackson begin things; Matt hits Taylor with a few strikes. Then, Taylor hits Matt with a suplex. Next, Matt goes for a superkick; however, Taylor tags in Rocky Romero and Matt does not kick. Next, Bobby Fish is tagged in, and he gets a few strikes in on Romero, Romero returns some strikes, and then he tags in Orange Cassidy. Cassidy and Romero double-team Fish for about thirty seconds.

Fish makes it over to Adam Cole for the tag; Cole enters the ring, but Cole backs away and tags in Nick Jackson. Cassidy hits Nick with an arm-drag takedown and follows a monkey flip to Matt. Trent, who is now the legal man, gets hit with a triple superkick. We go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break with The Young Bucks controlling the match.

We return from the break, and Cassidy gains control, Adam Cole is now the legal man for his team, and he hits Cassidy with a running knee strike. Cassidy gets to Trent for the hot tag, clears the ring, and clobbers Brandon Cutler for fun. Trent hits Nick Jackson with a diving splash. Now, Romero and Trent work on double-teaming Nick, and it’s working well. Chuck Taylor enters the ring, and he hugs Trent; they then hit the half and half on Adam Cole. The SuperKliq hit Trent with the Superkick and Brainbuster Combo; Bobby Fish then jumps from the top rope onto Trent. Bobby Fish goes for the pin, but Trent kicks out.

All eight men are fighting, and there is no order at all, Cassidy dives over the top rope and takes out the SuperKliq, and Trent finishes it when he hits Fish with the Strong Zero and follows it up with the pin.

Winners: Trent, Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, and Rocky Romero

Dan Lambert is in the ring with The Men of the Year, cuts a promo, and insults Cody Rhodes and Tony Khan. Lambert says that Khan is giving his friends more opportunities and doing everything he said he wouldn’t do. Lambert says, “Khan is making mistakes like a late 90’s company, WCW.”

Cody Rhodes then comes out to the ring; Sky is mocking Cody as he enters the ring. Cody gets in the ring, and now both Lambert and Rhodes are ripping the microphones out of each other’s hands multiple times. Now, instead of talking, Cody hits Ethan Page.

Page and Sky start beating down Cody, Dustin attempts to save his brother, but he gets beaten down. Sammy Guevara comes down and clears the ring, and now Dan Lambert and Men of the Year retreat.

– We get a promo for the Women’s TBS Championship Tournament featuring the final four competitors left.

Submission Match
Tay Conti (w/ Anna Jay) vs. Penelope Ford (w/ The Bunny)

Penelope Ford is in the ring, and Tay Conti enters the ring next and attacks Ford right away. Conti controls the match to start things off. The action goes to the outside, and Conti takes out Ford again. The Bunny has the Brass Knuckles but does not do anything with them. Ford gets a few strikes in on Conti; Ford goes for one more big punch; however, Conti ducks and Ford hits the steel post.

The action goes into the ring, and now Ford and Conti exchange submission hold; however, both counter each other multiple times. Ford hits Conti with a nice springboard elbow; Ford then has Conti in a submission hold. Conti makes it to the ropes, and the hold gets broken up. Conti recovers and takes out Ford with a big knee to the back, which allows Conti to tie up Ford in a submission hold. Ford taps out almost right away. After the match, The Bunny enters the ring, and she hits Conti with the Brass Knuckles. Anna Jay enters the ring, and both The Bunny and Penelope Ford leave the ring.

Winner: Tay Conti

– Excalibur promotes the upcoming Owen Hart Tournament, which will be called “The Owen.”

– Mark Henry begins to interview Daniel Garcia, The Acclaimed, and 2point0. Matt of 2.0 starts making fun of Eddie Kingston and rambles on. Eddie Kingston, The Lucha Bros., Santana, and Ortiz are on the split-screen, and Kingston says, “whatever, let’s get this over with, Do whatever it is you have to do, Mark.”

10-Man Tag-Team Match
Daniel Garcia, The Acclaimed, and 2point0 vs. Eddie Kingston, The Lucha Bros., Santana and Ortiz

All ten men begin fighting for about two minutes before Penta El Zero M, Max Caster enter the ring, and AEW Referee Bryce Remsburg calls for the bell. Penta and Max get into each other’s faces. Finally, Penta gets the advantage for his team; Penta tags in Rey Fenix and Fenix hits Caster with the rip-cord. Caster tags in Anthony Bowens; Ortiz is the legal man for his team. Ortiz trips up Bowens, and Bowens his canvas hard. Now, Ortiz tags in Santana, and Santana begins beating down Bowens.

We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break of the evening. Santana tags in Eddie Kingston, Kingston gets in a few shots before he tags in Ortiz. During the break, Bowens gains control of the match.

We return from the break, and Santana takes out 2Point0 with a springboard moonsault. Santana tags in Penta, Penta clears the ring, and he takes down Daniel Garcia. Penta tags Fenix, who then runs the ropes, and nails Garcia with the big dive. Fenix hits Bowens with a big kick; The Lucha Bros. now go over the top ropes when they hit the tope con hilo’s on 2Point. Eddie Kingston and Daniel Garcia are legal, and Garcia rolls up Kingston, pulls Kingston’s tights, and pins him.

After the match, Daniel Garcia, The Acclaimed, and 2point0 continue to attack Eddie Kingston. Anthony Bowens is about to hit Kingston with his boombox. Still, suddenly Jungle Boy’s music hits, and he, along with Luchasaurus and Christian Cage, enter the ring and attack Kingston’s opponents. They clear the ring, and the show goes off the air with the number one contenders for AEW Tag-Team titles handing The Lucha Bros. their titles back.

Winners: Daniel Garcia, The Acclaimed, and 2point0

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