
AEW Rampage Results For 1/21/22 Jon Moxley Returns To Action To Face Ethan Page, HOOK vs. Serpentico

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– AEW commentator Excalibur welcomes the viewer to the show with “It’s Friday Night, and you know what that means.” He then introduces his colleagues Chris Jericho, Ricky Starks, and Taz.

Jon Moxley vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page

The match begins with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Next, Ethan takes Moxley down, and then he pushes Moxley away. Next, Ethan chops Moxley; Moxley hits Page with multiple chops.

Finally, Moxley sends Page to the corner and begins biting him. Ethan Page gets away and sends Moxley to the outside. The fight is now outside the ring; Page sends Page into the barricade.

Moxley gets Page back into the ring, but Page is ready for him and drops Moxley with a dropkick and then a backbreaker. Then, they head out for their first picture-in-picture commercial break with Ethan Page in control.

Moxley hits Page with a German suplex, Page is back up, and now both men begin slapping each other across the face. Moxley hits Page with a lariat, Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift, but Page counters and hits Moxley with a brainbuster. Ethan Page tries to send Moxley over the top rope; however, Moxley ducks, and he sends Page over. Moxley then hits Page with an elbow suicida. They get back into the ring, and Page hits Moxley with the Avalanche power slam.

Moxley then delivers elbows and knees to the face of Page. Moxley then locks in the Bulldog choke, and the referee calls for the bell. After the match, Moxley hits Ethan Page with a Paradigm Shift. Moxley leaves the ring and goes through the crowd, and as he is about to exit the crowd, Bryan Danielson is right there, and Danielson begins to clap for Moxley.

Winner: Jon Moxley

– We get a promo of Jurassic Express calling out The Gunn Club for attacking Christian.

Nick Jackson ( w/ Matt Jackson and Brandon Cutler) vs. Trent Beretta ( w/ Orange Cassidy)

The match begins with Nick Jackson getting in a few shots in on Trent Beretta; Beretta returns with a shoulder tackle. Trent then gives Nick multiple chops, Beretta then throws Jackson over his head.

Trent hits Nick with a Northern Lights suplex and then hits Nick with a back body drop. Eventually, Nick gains control, and he sends Trent outside the ring. Nick then delivers a kick to Trent’s head, sending him into the ring post. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Nick Jackson in control.

We return with Trent and Nick exchanging blows, but Trent takes control after hitting Nick with a clothesline, and then he hits Nick with a deadlift German suplex. Trent then hits Nick with a running knee strike, he goes for the pin, but Nick kicks out.

Nick goes outside the ring to recover; Trent goes after him and hits Nick with a spear. Trent gets Nick back into the ring and hits him with a backdrop driver. Trent goes for the pin, but only a two count. Trent delivers more chops at Nick.

Nick hits Trent with an enzuigiri, Nick hits Trent with a big elbow strike, and then hits Trent with a destroyer. Nick goes for the pin; however, only a two count. Trent and Nick both deliver heavy shots at each other; Nick hits Trent with a rising knee strike.

Trent blocks a superkick, Trent hits Nick with an Avalanche suplex, Nick comes back with a superkick. Then, Trent hits Nick with a piledriver; Trent goes for the pin, but another kick out at two. Nick hits Trent with a 450 splash; Nick goes for the pin, but only a two count. Nick hits Trent with a superkick; he goes for another one; however, Trent counters it and hits Strong Zero. Trent then pins Nick to get the win.

Winner: Trent Beretta ( w/ Orange Cassidy)

The video package of Thunder Rosa and Mercedes Martine shows how their feud began.

HOOK vs. Serpentico

HOOK hits Serpentico right away with a big clothesline and then some big knees to the stomach of Serpentico. Next, Serpentico hits HOOK with a boot to the face. HOOK then hits Serpentico with a big overhead throw.

HOOK then locks in the REDRUM to get the victory. After the match, QT Marshall comes out and talks trash to HOOK. HOOK goes right at QT Marshall and takes him out, and HOOK steps over Marshall and leaves for backstage.

Winner: HOOK

– Mark Henry interviews Jade Cargill and Anna Jay. Cargill says Anna is lucky to be in the ring with her. Anna Jay says that “tonight, TBS stands for That Bitch Slayer.” Mark Henry then says, “it’s time for the main event.”

TBS Championship
Anna Jay ( w/ John Silver) vs. Jade Cargill ( w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling)

The match begins with a collar-and-elbow tie-up; Jade Cargill hits Anna Jay with a shoulder tackle. Jade then showboats, and Anna goes for the roll-up pin. Jade Cargill gets in the face of John Silver, and they begin flexing in front of each other. Anna Jay comes in and hits Cargill with a clothesline as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break with Anna Jay in control after hitting Jade Cargill with a heel kick. Anna Jay puts on a chokehold; Jade drops to the mat and guillotines Anna Jay. Jay hits Cargill with a back elbow and a thrust kick.

Jay hits Cargill with a flatliner, “Smart Mark” distracts Anna. Cargill takes advantage; Cargill delivers a one-arm powerbomb on Anna Jay and then ends it by hitting Anna with Jaded. Cargill gets the victory by pinfall.

Winner: Jade Cargill ( w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling)

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