
AEW Rampage Results (10/14/2022): Pinnacle vs. Embassy, Jon Moxley, Nyla Rose & Ethan Page Compete.

Results for the 10/14/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/14/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley vs. Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny).

– ROH Champion Chris Jericho & ROH Pure Champion Daniel Garcia Speak.

– Ethan Page vs. Isaiah Kassidy.

– Nyla Rose vs. Anna Jay AS.

– The Pinnacle (Shawn Spears, Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) vs. The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Linoa) (w/ Prince Nana).

AEW Rampage (10/14/2022) Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Jim Ross & Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley vs. Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny).

The four men brawled in the ring to begin the match before brawling on the outside. Moxley launched Blade over the timekeeper’s table before he and Claudio laid in the strikes on Blade on the barricade. Back in the ring, Blade & Moxley exchanged chops before Moxley hit a German Suplex on The Blade. Claudio tagged in and hit a running leg drop on Blade for a near fall. Claudio hit an uppercut on Blade, but Blade responded by gauging Claudio’s eyes. Butcher hit a takedown and a running leg drop on Claudio before attempting a suplex, but Claudio reversed it with a delayed suplex on Butcher. Blade tagged in and hit a chop & a headbutt, but Claudio responded with three uppercuts and a running corner uppercut on Blade. The bunny got in the ring to distract to the referee, allowing Butcher & Blade to attack Claudio. Butcher hit a chop on Claudio before launching him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Blade tagged in and hit a snap-mare into a PK kick on Claudio before locking in a knee-assisted chin lock on Claudio. Claudio broke the hold and attempted to tag in Moxley, but Butcher tagged in and attacked Moxley before Blade hit a high boot on Claudio. Butcher & Blade hit a Lariat/ Suplex combo on Claudio for a near fall. Claudio hit an uppercut & a lariat on Butcher before tagging in Moxley. Moxley hit a cutter on Blade before hitting a Tope Suicida on Butcher and shouting at The Bunny. Moxley hit the Dermus Destroyer on Blade from the top rope before hitting a superplex & a piledriver on Blade for a near fall. Moxley laid down the boot kicks on Blade, but Butcher hit a running cross body on Moxley. Blade & Butcher went for their finisher, but Claudio carried Moxley off Butcher’s shoulders. Claudio & Moxley hit stereo lariats on Blade & Butcher before hitting the Boot kicks on Butcher & Blade. Moxley hit the Death Rider while Claudio hit the Ricola Bomb on Butcher for the pinfall win.

Winners: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli.

– After the match, Moxley & Castagnoli cut a promo in the ring with them saying that if “Hangman” Adam Page does not step up, he would be stepped on.

– Renee Paquette interviewed Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Keith Lee backstage, with Swerve laughing at Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed losing the “Scissor Me” Trademark. Lee said that Swerve represents him too, with Lee telling him to be weary because he was swerving into the wrong lane. 

– Renee Paquette interviewed Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, Preston Vance & John Silver were interviewed backstage before they were interrupted by Jose The Assistant. Vance told Jose to leave him alone if he beats RUSH in a match. Dark Order put their hands in the center before they were joined by a returning Stu Grayson, rejoining The Dark Order. 

– ROH Champion Chris Jericho, ROH Pure Champion Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker, Anna Jay-AS & Matt Meynard came to the ring to cut a promo explaining their actions on the 10/12/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite. Meynard said that the Jericho Appreciation Society being together forever makes his nipples hard. Garcia was cheered by the crowd before he said that he attacked Bryan Danielson because Jericho taught him how to win, which was when he realized that Sports Entertainers beat Wrestlers every time. Garcia said that he was a sports entertainer. Jericho proclaimed himself as the greatest ROH Champion ever and that he would be proven as the greatest champ ever, but was interrupted by ROH 6-Man Tag Team Champions Dalton Castle & The Boys. Castle said that he used to be ROH Champion and seeing the title on his waist made him sick. Castle said that he broke his back to win the title and that he would break Jericho’s back to win the title back. Castle challenged Jericho to a match for the ROH World Heavyweight Championship, which Jericho accepted but warned Castle that he would pull Castle’s feathers as a peacock. 

– AEW Interim Women’s Champion Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida cut dueling promos ahead of their match on the 10/18/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite for the AEW Women’s  Championship.

Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Marina Shafir) vs. Anna Jay-AS (w/ Matt Meynard & Angelo Parker).

Rose & Jay began the match locking up before Rose slammed Jay into the mat. Jay hit a forearm strike on Rose, but Rose responded with a waist lock takedown into a guillotine choke. Jay & Rose exchanged strikes before Rose hit a body slam on Jay followed by a leg drop on Jay for a near fall. Rose hit a corner splash on Jay before attempting a cannonball, but Jay evaded Rose before punching Rose in the head. Jay laid her knee on Rose. Jay placed her knee on Rose’s neck. Parker tried to get involved in the match, but Guerrero confronted Parker. Jay laid her boot on Rose’s head before slamming her back onto the mat and hitting a rolling kick on Rose for a near fall. Jay got Rose in a knee-assisted choke on Rose, but Rose broke the hold. Jay laid out Rose with a kick for a near fall. Rose hit a vicious lariat on Jay before the commercial break. Back from the break, Rose went for a diving knee drop on Jay, but Jay evaded and hit a low-height blockbuster on Rose for a near fall. Jay went for the Queen Slayer on Rose, but Rose snap-mare Jay down. Jay climbed to the middle rope and went for an ax-handle, but Rose caught her and slammed Jay into the corner before connecting the Beast Bomb on Jay for the pinfall win.

Winner: Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Marina Shafir).

– Actual TBS Champion Jade Cargill, Leila Grey & Kiera Hogan attacked security guards on the ramp before Guerrero, Shafir & Rose ran through the ramp. 

– Ariya Daivari cut a promo backstage in an attempt to recruit FTW Champion Hook. Daivari challenged Hook to a match for the FTW Championship for the 10/21/2022 edition of AEW Rampage.

Ethan Page (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Isaiah Kassidy (w/ Marq Quen & Matt Hardy).

Page hit a pump kick on Kassidy to begin the match before hitting a Gorilla Press and a shoulder tackle on Kassidy. Kassidy got Page in a small package for a near fall before hitting a springboard tornado DDT on Page for a near fall. Kassidy hit a Tornillo on Page to the outside. Kassidy went for a Swanton Bomb on Page, but Page evaded and hit a Twist of Fate on Kassidy followed by the Ego’s Edge powerbomb for the pinfall win. With the result of the match, Matt Hardy officially joined The Firm.

Winner: Ethan Page (w/ Stokely Hathway)

– Best Friends called out AEW Trios Champions Death Triangle to a match for the titles for the 10/18/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite. 

– Mark Henry interviewed The Embassy with Prince Nana & The Pinnacle backstage. Spears said that he waited 5 months to return to AEW and he was looking to right some wrongs in the main event. FTR said that the EMbassy may be forever but the Pinnacle was always on top. Toa Linoa shouted on the camera, bamboozling Mark Henry.

The Pinnacle (Shawn Spears, Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) vs. The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Linoa) (w/ Prince Nana).

Cage & Spears began the match locking up before Cage leaned Spears into the corner. Spears got out of the corner immediately before Kaun tagged in. Kaun got Spears in a wristlock but Spears broke the hold and got an abdominal stretch into a snap-mare before doing the “10” taunt on Kaun. Spears laid in the punches on Kaun in the corner before punching Cage in the head. Spears hit a dropkick on Linoa to send him off the apron before attempting a cross-body on Linoa & Cage. Cage & Linoa caught him, but Wheeler hit a sliding dropkick to complete the cross-body. Cage & Linoa slammed Spears onto the apron before sending him back into the ring. Kaun got Spears in a lateral press for a near fall. Lonoa tagged in and hit spears on the corner on Spears before tagging in Cage. Spears hit three chops on Cage before Cage sent Spears into the corner and hit a corner lariat, an enziguri kick, and a Saito Suplex on Spears for a near fall. Cage got  Spears in a headlock before taking him down with a short-hand lariat. Kaun tagged in and got Spears in a lateral press for a near fall. Kaun got Spears in a Guillotine Choke before sending him into his team’s corner and hitting a side slam onto the top turnbuckle on Spears. Linoa hit a senton on Spears onto the apron before Cage hit a deadweight superplex on Spears for a near fall. Cage went for the F5, but Spears reversed it into a DDT. Kaun tagged inand intercepted Spears from making the tag. Spears hit an upkick on Kaun before Dax tagged in. Dax hit jabs on Kaun followed by a spinebuster on Kaun, but Cage caught him with a discus lariat. Kaun got a near fall on Dax before tagging in Cage. Kaun hit a air-raid crash on Dax before Cage hit a top rope elbow drop on Dax for a near fall. Spears sent Linoa to the outside, but Cage hit an F5 on Spears. Kuan & Cage went for a double suplex on Dax, but Dax & Cash got Kaun & Cage in stereo Sharpshooters. Spears got Nana in the ring and locked in a Sharpshooter on him, but Linoa attacked everyone from the Pinnacle before hitting a Uranage on Dax. Linao slammed himself onto the stairs. Cash & Dax hit the Heat Attack on Kaun before Spears hit the C4 on Kaun for the pinfall win.

Winners: The Pinnacle (Shawn Spears, Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood).

– After the match, Maria Kanellis and former ROH Tag Team Champions Matt Taven & Mike Bennett made their AEW debut to confront FTR & Spears. Kanellis called out FTR  for taking advantage of ROH’s success while it was built on their backs. The Embassy attacked The Pinnacle from behind before Bennett & Taven joined the attack on The Pinnacle. ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe & TNT Champion Wardlow strolled to the ring to make the save for The pinnacle, with The Kingdom & The Embassy retreating. Joe, Wardlow & The Pinnacle stood tall to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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