
AEW Rampage Results For 10/1/21 Danielson vs. Nick Jackson, Cassidy vs. Evans in Hair vs. Hair Match

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Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson

Nick gets off to a hot start, frustrating Danielson, but loses focus on the outside. Danielson hits a suicide dive to take control. Back in the ring, Danielson used his strikes to keep control while also capturing Nick in a Romero special with modifications. Danielson began to focus on the left arm of Nick, briefly locking in an armbar, hitting over the shoulder armbreakers, and applying various hammerlock modifications mixed in with strikes and joint manipulations. Danielson maintained control with strikes and focus on the arm, but Nick was able to turn the tide after Danielson missed a corner drop kick. On the outside, Matt hit a spear on Danielson.

Back in the ring, Nick maintained control with strikes in the corner. Nick kicked Danielson in the chest a dozen times, which only pissed off The American Dragon. Danielson ran wild with strikes before delivering a series of kicks to the body of Nick, finishing off with a head kick. Nick cut off Danielson’s running corner kicks with two superkicks for a near fall. Danielson blocked a top rope 450 with a LeBell Lock, but Nick got the ropes. On the apron, Danielson kicked the post after Nick moved and then ate a german suplex. Nick was in control with the escalara and a sharpshooter in the ring, but the tide turned when Nick accidentally kicked Cutler on the outside. In the ring, Danielson took out Matt on the apron, hit a tiger suplex on Nick and followed it up with elbow strikes and the cattle mutilation for the submission win.

Winner – Bryan Danielson by submission

– After the match, The Elite came down to check on Nick. Jungle Boy, Christian Cage, and Luchsaurus came out to even the odds. The two groups brawled with the faces getting the better of things, ending with Danielson locking Kenny Omega in the LeBell Lock as Jungle Boy had Adam Cole in the snare tap.

– A vignette airs for Ricky Starks, who is simply built different than “cornball” Brian Cage. Starks joins the commentary booth.

CM Punk reflects on his match with Powerhouse Hobbs in a video package. He knows he has a target on his back and that’s what he wants. “Whoever decides to step up, just know that when you do, nap time is on the menu.”

Jade Cargill (w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Thunder Rosa

Rosa gets off to a hot start, taking out both ladies, Byla cuts her off with a powerslam. Nyla and Jade square off and trade strikes. Jade wins the exchange, knocking Nyla down with a pump kick and then outside the ring with a clothesline. Rosa stands tall after a top rope dropkick on Jade.

After commercial, a trash can is now in the ring. Rosa is still in control, dropkicking Jade against the ropes, including a dropkick into the trash can on Jade. Jade hits a spinebuster on Nyla and pump kick on Rosa, but is cut off by Nyla, who ends up locking her in a single leg crab. Rosa breaks it up and battles with Nyla on the apron and near a table on the outside. Rosa ends up powerbombing Nyla off the post and through the table. Rosa gets back in the ring where Jade beats her with a chair, leading to the pinfall victory.

Winner – Jade Cargill pins Thunder Rosa

– Malakai Black hopes the black mist, which was from his heart, he spit at Cody Rhodes eats him alive and consumes the Nightmare Family. He will continue to collect toll as he moves to other souls.

– Sammy Guevara says he’s going to send Bobby Fish’s ass straight to hell.

– PAC, Andrade, Jon Moxley, and Lance Archer are announced for the Casino Ladder Match for Wednesday’s Dynamite. Two more participants are set to be announced, plus The Joker.

– Main event interview segment with Mark Henry. Matt Hardy didn’t want to deprive Jack Evans of the opportunity to shave Orange Cassidy’s head. Orange Cassidy is confused as to what is happening.

Hair vs. Hair: Orange Cassidy vs. Jack Evans (w/ Matt Hardy)

OC survives the distraction roll up to begin. Hands in pockets leads to OC dominating, including a hair spin slam. Hardy cuts off OC allowing Evans to hit a front spin kick and a 450 off the apron on the outside.

Back from break, OC hits a pair of suicide dives on Hardy and Evans. Evans regains controls after rolling through a top rope dive. He follows with a nothern lights, Michinoku driver, and sky twister. Evans misses a top rope sky twister and OC hits a DDT followed by a top rope diving DDT for two. Butcher, Blade, and Bunny come out, but they are cut off by Chuckie T, Wheeler YUTA, and Kris Statlander. More HFO members arrive followed by Dark Order, who build a human wall to prevent HFO from interfering. OC hits the Orange Punch for the win.

WInner – Orange Cassidy

– Angelico tries to save Evans but he’s cut off by Dark Order. Hardy calls off HFO, allowing OC, YUTA, and Chuckie T to shave and cut Evans’ head. Negative One (Brodie Lee Jr) gets in the ring for a giant Best Friends and Dark Order hug.

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