
AEW Rampage Live Results (10/7/2022): AEW Trios Tag Title Match, BCC, Josh Woods & Tay Melo Compete.

Results for the 10/7/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

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Match Card.

– AEW Trios Tag Team Championship Match: Death Triangle (c) (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) vs. Dark Order’s Preston “10” Vance, John Silver & Alex Reynolds.

– Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. RUSH & Private Party (w/ Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen).

– Madison Rayne & Skye Blue vs. Tay Melo & Anna Jay (A.S.)

– Josh Woods & Tony Nese vs. Varsity Blondes (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr.)

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AEW Rampage (10/7/2022) Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Jim Ross & ROH Champion Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. RUSH & Private Party (w/ Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen).

Castagnoli & Quen began the match, with Claudio hitting a waist takedown on Quen. Quen hit a springboard moonsault on Claudio for a near fall. Claudio went for a pop-up uppercut, but Quen reversed it with a shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Claudio hit an uppercut on Quen before Claudio & Yuta hit a double big boot on Quen for a near fall. Kassidy hit an elbow strike on Kassidy, but Kassidy reversed it with a wheelbarrow arm drag on Yuta. Yuta got Kassidy in an Octopuss hold on Kassidy, but Kassidy broke the hold and leaned back. RUSH tagged in and spat on Moxley’s foot, which led to Moxley tagging in. Moxley & RUSH exchanged strikes before Moxley hit a high boot on RUSH. Moxley hti a Stalling German Suplex, a corner lariat, and corner punches on RUSH before biting his head. RUSH hit an overhead suplex on Moxley before Kassidy & Quen came in and attacked everyone. Kassidy hit a springboard leg lariat on Claudio to the outside while Quen hit a frog splash on Yuta on the stage. RUSH did a pump-fake before stomping Moxley’s head. RUSH & Kassidy stomped down Moxley on the outside before RUSH whacked a cable across Moxley trying to choke to Moxley with the cable. Kassidy stomped down Moxley before RUSH pushed Kassidy out of the ring for not being the legal man. Quen tagged in and accidentally hit a pump kick on RUSH, which allowed Moxley to hit a Release Suplex on Quen before tagging in Claudio. Claudio hit three corner uppercuts & a running boot on Quen. Claudio got Quen on his shoulders while getting Isaiah Kassidy in the Giant Swing at the same time. RUSH hit a headbutt on Claudio, to which Moxley responded with a cutter on RUSH. Claudio hit a tilt-to-world back-breaker on Kassidy before Yuta hit a splash on Kassidy for a near fall. RUSH kicked Yuta in the head before hitting a Superkick on Moxley, but Moxley attacked RUSH back and sent him to the outside before Moxley hit RUSH with a Tope Suicida to the outside. Claudio caught Kassidy off the Silly String before hitting an Uppercut on Kassidy. Yuta got Quen in the Bicep Slice submission hold for the submission win. 

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli).

– There was a video package to promote the AEW Trios Tag Title Match between challengers Dark Order & Champions Death Triangle, which is set to be the Main Event. 

Josh Woods & Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling) vs. Varsity Blondes (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr.).

The match began with Pillman Jr. & Nese locking up, with Nese targeting the ankle of Pillman Jr. Nese got Pillman in a wrist lock, but Pillman broke the hold with an up kick before hitting an arm drag on Nese. Garrison tagged in and got a wrist lock on Nese, but Nese broke the hold and slammed his head onto the corner before Woods tagged in. Nese tripped Garrison before Woods hit a rising knee strike on Garrison. Woods & Nese hit an Angle Slam/neck breaker combination on Garrison for the pinfall win.

Winners: Josh Woods & Tony Nese.

– Mark Sterling revealed that Josh Woods & Tony Nese were now to be named as the Varsity Athletes and that Pillman Jr & Garrison cannot use the word “Varsity ” anymore. Billy Gunn & AEW Tag Team Champions Max Caster & Anthony Bowens interrupted Sterling before the three scissored in the ring, with Woods, Sterling & Nese getting out of the ring. 

– Eddie Kingston cut a promo backstage apologizing for his attack on SammyGuevara on Grand Slam but then proceeded to call the producer of the segment an ass-hat. 

Tay Jay A.S. (Tay Melo & Anna Jay A.S.) vs. Skye Blue & Madison Rayne.

Rayne & Jay began the match, with Jay hitting a forearm strike on Ryane. Rayne got a roll-up on Jay for a near fall. Melo tagged in, but Rayne got Melo in a hammerlock before tagging in Sky Blue. Rayne & Blue hit a trip/ shotgun dropkick on Melo for a near fall. Blue went for a kick on Melo on the outside, but Melo hit a pump kick on Blue off the apron. Jay slammed Blue onto the corner before Melo tagged back in. Melo laid in the strikes on Blue and went for the Tay KO, but Blue reversed it into a sunset bomb for a near fall. Melo slammed Blue into the corner with an Irish Whip before laying in the strikes on Blue and a corner pump kick on Blue for a near fall. Back from the break, Rayne hit left-handed chops, an enziguri kick, and a Northern Lights SUplex on Jay for a near fall. Rayne hit a knee strike on Jay before Blue hit a top rope crossbody on Jay for a near fall. Blue hit a kick on Jay for a near fall. Melo hit a Gotch Style Piledriver on Blue, but Rayne hit a Crucifix Bomb on Melo. Jay hit a Gory Bomb on Rayne before hitting a heel kick on Blue. Bleu hit a superkick and a back elbow, but Jay & Mel hit Blue with a Wheelbarrow/ Knee strike combo on Blue before Jay got Blue in the Queen Slayer sleeper for the submission win.

Winners: Tay Melo & Anna Jay A.S.

– Mark Henry interviewed Dark Order & Death Triangle, with Dark Order saying that they would win the titles for Mr. Brodie Lee, but Death Triangle said that nobody can stop them. Rey Fenix then said that Washington D.C. is the territory of Death Triangle.

– Shane “Swerve” Strickland cut a promo backstage, with Strickland saying that he will be focusing on hurting Billy Gunn. Strickland said that on AEW Dynamite, Gunn will be done. 

AEW Trios Tag Team Championship Match.

Death Triangle (c) (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) vs. Dark Order’s Preston “10” Vance, John Silver & Alex Reynolds.

The match began with the six men exchanging punches before Silver & Reynolds tossed PAC & Penta out of the ring. Fenix hit a big boot and a Frankensteiner on Vance for a near fall as Silver & Ryenolds hit Tope Suicidas on Penta & PAC. Silver & Reynolds hit a double pancake on Fenix before Vance hit a Standing Vertical Suplex on Fenix. Reynolds tagged in, but Fenix managed to tag in Penta. Reynolds caught Penta with a Thrust Kick before tagging in Silver. Silver & Reynolds hit a double drop toe-hold before hitting a double sliding dropkick on Penta for a near fall. Silver & Penta exchanged strikes before Silver got Penta in a Guillotine Choke, which allowed Silver to tag in Vance. Vance ran Penta into the ropes, but Penta hit a superkick before tagging in PAC. Reynolds hit an uppercut on PAC. Fenix managed to tag in, but Reynolds took him down and slammed him into the ring corner before tagging in Silver before the commercial break. Back from the break, Fenix pushed Silver onto Reynolds before making Reynolds hit a powerbomb on Silver followed by an arm drag on Vance. Penta hit a crossbody on Dark Order before hitting thrust kicks on everyone from Dark order & a back-stabber on Reynolds for a near fall. PAC hit a snapping German Suplex on Reynolds for a near fall. Penta, Fenix & PAC laid in the kicks on Reynolds before PAC hit a back suplex on Reynolds. PAC hit an uppercut on the corner on Reynolds for a near fall. Fenix tagged in and hit a Spinebuster on Reynolds before Penta hit a top rope dropkick on Reynolds’ bunda for a near fall. Penta tagged in and started kicking Reynolds’ ligaments before hitting a chop on Reynolds’ chest. PAC hit a knee drop on Reynolds before sending him to the outside. PAC hit a suplex on Reynolds on the ringside floor. With Reynolds crawling back in the ring, PAC launched him into the corner with an Irish Whip.PAC stomped down Reynolds in the corner before laying his boot on Reynolds’ head.Penta tagged in and got a snap-mare on Reynolds before tagging PAC back in, who stomped Reynolds’ arm. Reynolds punched PAC in the abdomen before hitting a forearm strike on PAC. PAC launched Reynolds onto the ropes, but Reynolds hit a double stomp on PAC before tagging in Vance. Vance hit lariats on Fenix & Penta before hitting a double lariat on them. Vance then hit a one-hand spinebuster on Penta & a normal spinebuster on Fenix. PAC & Penta attacked Vance from behind. Death Triangle hit a triples Thrust kick before hitting Cazadora Splash & a standing moonsault on Vance for a near fall. Fenix went for a suplex, but Vance hit a suplex of his own and tagged in Silver. Silver & PAC laid in the strikes on each other before PAC hit a rebound suplex on Silver, but SIlver popped up and hit five kicks & a deadlift Brainbuster on PAC for a near fall. Fenix tagged in, but Silver caught him with a punch. Vance & Reynolds tagged in, but Fenix chopped them all. Fenix went for a Doble Cutter, but Vance & Reynolds caught him to hit the Pendelum Bomb for a near fall. Fenix hit a top rope Hurricanrana on Reynolds before Penta tagged in and hit slingblades on Vance & Reynolds & a back-stabber on Silver. Silver & Reynolds hit a Stunner German Suplex on Penta before Vance hit a Discus Lariat on Penta for a near fall. Jose The Assistant distracted the referee long enough to allow PAC to hit Reynolds in the head with a hammer gifted to him by RUSH. PAC tagged in and locked in the Brutalizer on Reynolds for the knockout win. Death Triangle stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winners & AEW Trios Tag Team Champions: Death Triangle (c) (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC)

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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