
AEW Rampage Grand Slam Results (9/23/2022): Golden Ticket Battle Royale, Lights Out Match, Sting.

Results of the 9/23/2022 edition of AEW Rampage live on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/23/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Golden Ticket Battle Royale (featuring Lance Archer, Penta El Zero Miedo, Jay Lethal, “Hangman” Adam Page & More).

– Lights Out Match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks.

– Hook & Action Bronson vs. 2.0 (Matt Meynard & Angelo Parker)

– TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Diamante.

– “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs. Rey Fenix.

– Samoa Joe & Wardlow vs. Josh Woods & Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling).

– No Disqualification Tag Team Match: Sting & Darby Allin vs. House of Black (Brody King & Buddy Matthews) (w/ Julia Hart).

Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Jim Ross & Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

No Disqualification Tag Team Match: Sting & Darby Allin vs. House of Black (Brody King & Buddy Matthews) (w/ Julia Hart).

Sting and Darby Allin attacked King & Matthews from behind to begin the match, with Hart locking in a sleeper hold on Sting while Matthews attacked Sting. Sting & Matthews brawled across ringside while King & Allin fought inside the ring. King placed Allin on the top rope before sending him to the outside with a chop. King attacked Sting from behind before bringing him into the ring. Matthews & King confronted Sting, who started laying in the strikes on them. King accidentally hit a lariat on Matthews before Sting kicked King on his knee and tried the Scorpion Death Drop, but King attacked Sting and placed him at the top rope. King tried to hit a superplex on King, but Allin surprised him from behind with an avalanche Code Red on King for a near fall. Matthews hit a knee strike on Allin off the Tope Suicida and tried to target Sting, but Sting pushed Matthews off the apron, but King punches Sting from the top rope onto two tables. Back in the ring. King handcuffed Sting while Allin launched himself onto Matthews. Kinng hit a knee strike on Allin’s abdomen before Matthews hit a pop-up knee strike on Allin, followed by King hitting a Running Senton on Allin. King dragged Allin across the ramp onto the stage. Allin pushed King onto Matthews before he climbed to the stage and hit a Coffin Drop on Matthews off the titantron on Matthews, but King greeted him on the stage with a vicious punch to the face. King King got Allin in a Sleeper Hold, but Allin broke the hold by tossing himself & King off the stage onto a random table laying there, with Julia Hart being irate of what was happening. Matthews got back in the ring with a bat in his hand before placing him in the chair while being handcuffed, but the lights went out to introduce none other than The Great Muta to AEW. Great Muta teased misting Sting while he was wrapped in a chair but hit a Dragon Screw on Buddy Matthews instead. Muta then proceeded to spit the Green Mist on Matthews, which led to Matthews accidentally pushing Julia Hart off the apron onto a table on the outside, with Julia landing right on the guard rail too. Sting, busted open from the forehead, broke the handcuffs & hit the Scorpion Deathdrop on Matthews for the pinfall win. Sting & Muta shook hands and hugged after the match. 

Winners: Sting & Darby Allin.

Action Bronson & Hook vs. 2.0 (Matt Meynard & Angelo Parker).

Hook and Parker began the match, with Parker hitting a boot on Hook. Hook hit a Brazilian hip toss on before flipping over Parker’s hip toss into a gut-wrench Suplex on Parker. Bronson and Meynard tagged in before Bronson hit a shoulder tackle on Meynard, a shoulder tackle on Parker, and a corner splash on Meynard and Parker. Hook hit a Northern Lights Suplex and a Bow and Arrow hold on Heynard, but Parker attacked him from behind. Meynard & Parker hit a backbreaker/ boot kick combo n Hook. Parker hit a snap suplex on Hook for a near fall. Meynard tossed Parker onto Hook on the corner before Parker hit an elbow drop off Meynard’s back for a near fall. Hook hit a neck breaker on Meynard before hitting an overhead suplex on Parker. Bronson tagged in and hit a shoulder tackle on Meynard, a lariat on Parker, and a Scoop Powerslam on Parker before Meynard attacked him from behind. Parker & Meynard tried to attack Bronson, but Bronson ran past them before hitting Parker with a shoulder tackle. Hook hit a Fisherman’s Suplex on Parker before locking in the Redrum on Parker, which Bronson reacted quickly by locking in Meynard in the Taz-Mission for the double submission victory. 

Winners: Action Bronson & Hook.

– Sterling cut a promo before the match to say that Wardlow would not powerbomb him ahead of Nese & Woods facing TNT Champion Wardlow & ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe.

Wardlow & Samoa Joe vs. Josh Woods & Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling).

Woods & Wardlow exchange strikes before Woods hit a German SUplex on Wardlow, but Wardlow responded with two overhead suplexes on Woods. Wardlow clotheslined himself & Woods out of the ring. Inside the ring, Joe laid in the punches on Nese. Nese went for a top rope moonsault, but Joe did his signature walk-off to make Nese land face first on the mat. Nese hit a guillotine on Joe onto the top rope before attempting a springboard splash on Joe, but Joe evaded before hitting him with a Uranage. Jo replaced Nese on the top rope and hit him with a chop before hitting the Muscle Buster for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Samoa Joe & Wardlow.

– Josh Woods & Nese attacked Joe after the match, but Wardlow got them with a double lariat before. Sterling. tried to attack Wardlow from behind, but ran onto Joe. Joe tossed Sterling into Wardlow, who hit him with a Powerbomb to start the Powerbomb Symphony. Wardlow hit a second powerbomb and started feeding off the crowd before Joe tossed Sterling into a third powerbomb in decisive and emphatic fashion, with the crowd loving every second of it. 

– There was a pre-match promo from Jungle Boy, with Jungle Boy saying he looked forward to testing himself against Rey Fenix. 

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs. Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes).

Fenix began the match rolling onto Perry’s shoulders, but Perry tossed Fenix off him before climbing to the top turn buckle, but Fenix caught him with a forearm strike. Perry hit an inverted Tijeras on Fenix before catching him with a dropkick in the face. Fenix and Perry got in a Greko roMAN lock up before Fenix hit a walk-rope arm drag on Perry. Perry & Fenix exchanged strikes before Fenix hit a slingshot kick on Perry before hitting a sliding dropkick on Perry to send him to the outside. Outside of the ring, Fenix hit a chop on Perry’s chest on the ring post. Fenix and Perry got back in the ring before Fenix got Perry in a seated Abdominal Stretch on Perry before getting him in a double arm stretch. Fenix transitioned into a pop-up knee, but Perry tossed Fenix out of the ring. Fenix pulled Perry out o the ring before greeting Westside Gunn on ringside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Perry & Fenix exchanged strikes before Perry hit two forearm strikes, a wicked lariat, and a Brainbuster on Fenix for a near fall, to the delight of Westside Gunn on the crowd. Perry hit a Tope Suicida on Fenix on the outside. Fenix went for another slingshot kick on Perry, but Perry caught him with a superkick and a Poison Rana on Fenix, but Fenix responded with a quick Diamond Cutter on Perry. Fenix & Perry got back up and before they exchanged chops and forearm strikes before Fenix went for the Fear Factor, but Perry got Fenix in a Frankensteiner for a near fall before hitting him with a superkick. Fenix went for the slingshot kick again, but Perry caught him with a shotgun dropkick mid-move. Fenix hit a wrist lock on Perry onto the apron. Perry hit a forearm strike on Fenix on the apron before Perry tried to hit an apron powerbomb on Fenix, but Fenix evaded and hit a running kick on Perry from the apron. Fenix went for a roll-through splash on Perry, but Perry caught him with a super kick mid-air. Back in the ring, Fenix and Perry exchanged chops in the middle of the ring before the two shook hands and started laying strikes on each other. Perry hit 5 consecutive chops on Fenix before Fenix hit a spinning kick, an elevated Knee, a forearm strike, a Modified DDT & a Gory Cutter on Perry for a near fall before hitting a twisting kick on Perry. Fenix ran from the ramp into a springboard corkscrew plancha on Perry for a near fall. Perry and Fenix got on the top rope before Perry hit an Avalanche Powerbomb on Fenix for a near fall, but Perry quickly reacted with a lariat to the back of Fenix’s head for a near fall. Fenix hit a superkick on Perry before attempting the Three Amigos, but Perry rolled through the third suplex and hit a Fireman’s Carry Michinoku Driver on Fenix for a near fall. Perry got on the top rope, but Fenix took down Perry off the top before he hit a Frog Splash off the top rope on Perry for a near fall. Fenix hit a springboard spinning heel kick on Perry before attempting a Muscle Buster on Perry, but Perry turned it into an Inside Cradle for the pinfall win. The two showed each other respect after the match.

Winner: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry.

– Christian Cage & Luchasaurus attacked Jack Perry after the match, with Luchasaurus hitting a Burning Hammer on Perry. Cage told the New York crowd to sit down like the bitches that they are before telling Perry to not come back to AEW Next Week. Luchasaurus hit a chokeslam on Perry. 

– ROH Champion Chris Jericho said that the Jericho Appreciation Society will party on the 9/28/2022 edition of Dynamite after he defeated Claudio Castagnoli to win his 8th World Championship of his career. 

Sammy Guevara (w/ Tay Melo) vs. Eddie Kingston.

Guevara cut a promo ahead of his match, with Guevara apologizing to Kingston for not telling Kingston he was a fat piece of shit. Kingston began the match biting Guevara’s head before launching him to the outside onto the stairs. Kingston hit a vicious chop on Guevara before hitting two headbutts on Guevara. Guevara laid in forearm strikes on Kingston, but Kingston responded by gauging Guevara’s eyes and hitting him with a chop. Kingston and Guevara got on the apron, but Guevara hit a Backdrop on Kingston launching him onto the ring floor off the apron. Melo kicked Kingston in the abdomen while the referee was distracted. Kingston got back in the ring, but Guevara greeted him with punches and stomps. Kingston hit a chop on Guevara, but Guevara gauged Kingston’s eyes before hitting corner spears, forearm strikes, and chops. Kingston asked Guevara to hit him harder, to which Guevara responded with a pump kick. Guevara and Kingston exchanged slaps before Guevara gauged Kingston’s eyes and hit a snap suplex. Guevara went for a Shooting Star Press, but Kingston hit three forearm strikes on Guevara. After Melo’s distraction, Guevara hit a pump kick, an enziguri kick, and a double spring rope cutter on Kingston for a near fall. Guevara tried to get Kingston into the GTH, but Kingston hit two elbow strikes and a short-hand lariat. Kingston placed Guevara in the corner before hitting the Machine Gun Chops on Guevara. Kingston caught Guevara off the springboard cutter into a Saito Suplex. Guevara hit a leaping knee strike and a superkick on Kingston before attempting the GTH, but Kingston hit a Half-and-Half Suplex, three Spinning Backfists, and locking in the Dragon Sleeper for the submission win. Kingston continued to maintain the hold before multiple AEW Staffers and referees. Referee Paul Turner changed the result of the match for absolutely no goddamn reason, awarding Guevara the win. Kingston understandably attacked everyone on the staff before Jerry Lynn tried to talk some sense to Kingston. 

Winner: Sammy Guevara (w/ Tay Melo).

TBS Championship Match.

Diamante (w/ Trina) vs. Jade Cargill (w/ Leila Grey & Kiera Hogan).

Diamante kicked Cargill on the back of her legs before laying in the chops on Cargill on the corner. Diamante laid in the punches on Cargill before Cargill got Diamante in a Powebomb position, but Diamante turned into a Sunset flip for a near fall. Cargill hit a pump kick on Diamante, but Diamante tossed Cargill onto the apron before hitting a sliding dropkick on Cargill to the outside. Diamante went for a springboard crossbody on Cargill, but Cargill caught her on the outside before hitting her with an F5 on the apron. Back in the ring, Cargill hit a Jaded on Diamante for the pinfall win. 

Winner & Still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill (w/ Leila Grey & Kiera Hogan).

– Trina hit a slap on Diamante after the match before shaking Jade’s hands and congratulating her on the win.

Golden Ticket Battle Royale.

Butcher, Blade, Marq Quen, Isaiah Kassidy & Rush attacked Hangman Page from behind before Dark Order and the rest of the participants brawled ringside. The match officially began with everyone brawling inside the ring while, for some reason, Jay Lethal & Matt Hardy were the only ones brawling on the outside. Ariya Daivari got eliminated via a superkick from Penta El Zero Miedo. Danhausen cursed Cole Karter before Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor tossed him out of the ring. Danhausen hit a double-leg takedown on QT Marshall before “Hangman” Adam Page & Danhausen eliminated QT. Blade tossed Danhausen out of the ring to eliminate him from the match. Dante Martin tried to leap over Brian Cage, but Cage tossed him out of the ring to eliminate him. Jake Hager tossed Beretta & Chuck Taylor on the apron, but Best Friends eliminated Hager out of the match. Cage eliminated Taylor by hitting a forearm strike and nearly eliminated Dalton Castle, but The Boys caught him and placed him back in the ring. The boys distracted Cage long enough to allow Castle to eliminate Cage from the match. Lance Archer placed Trent on the apron before hitting him with a lariat, while Daniel Garcia eliminated Dalton Castle, but Lee Moriarty caught him with a pump kick to eliminate Garcia out of the match, but Matt Hardy tossed Lee out of the ring to eliminate him from the match. Archer and Hardy double-teamed Jay Lethan before Archer punched Hardy in the mouth. Preston Vance & Lance Archer exchanged strikes before John Silver carried Archer and tried to eliminate him, but Archer hit a strike on Silver’s back. Butcher hit a suplex on Hardy. Back from the commercial break, Butcher & The Blade attacked Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen from behind, but Mat Hardy made the save. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on Blade before eliminating him from the match. Private Party & Matt Hardy hugged it out, but Rush, Butcher & Lethal eliminated the three out of the match from behind. Rush, Lethal & Butcher triple-teamed Evil Uno before Butcher eliminated him from the match, tossing him over the top rope. Page placed Butcher on the apron before hitting a springboard lariat on Butcher to send him off the apron onto the floor for elimination. John Silver posed for the crowd, but Rush stood behind him and started exchanging strikes with Silver. Rush hit a headbutt on Silver before tossing him over the top rope for the elimination. Penta El Zero Miedo tossed Archer over the top rope, but Archer landed on the apron. Archer tried to chokeslam Penta out of the ring, but Penta Stirked him down and eliminated Archer from the match. Penta tossed Lethal out of the ring, but Satnam Singh caught Lethal to prevent his elimination. Lethal hit a face slam off the Fireman’s Carry before clotheslining Penta out of the ring for the elimination, but Hangman pulled Lethal from behind and tossed him to the other side of the ring for the elimination. The final two participants of the match, Rush & Hangman, exchanged strikes before the two made their way onto the apron. The two exchanged strikes on the apron before Hangman Page hit the Deadeye on Rush on the apron to eliminate him from the match, awarding Page the win.

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page.

– Mark Henry interviewed Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs ahead of their Lights Out Match, with Starks saying that he will turn off his lights once and for all.

Lights Out Match.

Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs.

Starks and Hobbs exchanged strikes before Stakrs hit a Thesz Press on Hobbs. Outside of the ring, Starks slides through the bottom turnbuckle to hit a lariat on Hobbs. Starks tossed Hobbs onto the stairs before getting back in the ring. Starks went for the Roshambo, but Hobbs turned it into a backdrop neck breaker. Hobbs got a table from under the ring and tossed it onto Starks before going outside and getting four chairs into the ring, hitting Starks in the head with one of them in the head. Hobbs punched Starks with a chain on the ribs three times before setting up the table on the ring corner. Hobbs took the snakeskin belt off Justin Roberts before hitting Starks with the belt twice on the back, but Starks took the belt off him and hit Hobbs with the belt right in the dome. Back in the ring, Hobbs hit the Sky High on Starks. Hobbs placed a chair in between the middle and top turnbuckles before hitting Starks with another chair on his back. Hobbs placed another chair on another corner before getting Starks in a body lift and slamming him on the chair. Starks pushed Hobbs onto the other chair placed in the corner before hitting a Tornado DDT for a near fall. Hobbs set up two chairs in the middle of the ring but STarks caught him with a low blow kick. Starks arranged the chairs before attempting a powerbomb, but Hobbs tossed Starks with a back body drop onto the standing chairs back first for a gruesome sight before Hobbs hit a running Powerslam on Starks onto a stack of chairs for a near fall. Hobbs and Starks brawled their way to the ramp before Hobs slammed Starks onto the entrance tunnel. Hobbs pulled a light bulb off the heel entrance tunnel before the two got back in the ring. Starks hit a spear on Hobbs onto the table set in the corner before powering back up with the support of the crowd. Starks got the light bulb off Hobb’s hands before slamming it into Hobbs’ head. Starks hit the Roshambo for the pinfall win. Starks stood tall but in pain to end the special broadcast.

Winner: Ricky Starks


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