
AEW Rampage Fyter Fest Week Two Results: Lethal vs Daniels, Rap Battle, Adam Page In Action + More

Full results for the 7/22/2022 edition of AEW Rampage, live on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/22/2022 edition of AEW Rampage live on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– “Hangman” Adam Page & John Silver vs. The Butcher & The Blade.

– Lee Moriarty vs. Dante Martin 

– Dr. Britt Baker, DMD & Jamie Hayer (w/ Rebel) In Action.

– Max Caster vs Austin Gunn: RAP BATTLE

– Jay Lethal (w/ Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt) vs. Christopher Daniels

Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross welcomed the audience before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

“Hangman” Adam Page & John Silver vs. The Butcher & The Blade.

Page and Silver brawled against Butcher and Blade, but Butcher hit back strikes on Silver. Silver and Butcher double-teamed Silver in their corner before Butcher hit a chop on Silver. Blade stomped down Silver in the corner. Silver hit suplex on Blade before tagging in Hangman. Page hit a spring rope lariat on Butcher, a Fall Away Slam on Blade, a cross body on Butcher, a Tope Suicida on Blade, and a top rope lariat on Blade for a near fall. Butcher pulled Page out of the ring and slammed him onto the barricade. Butcher laid his knee on Page before hitting him with a chop. Butcher slammed Page into the corner with an Irish Whip. Page launched forearm strikes on Butcher, but Butcher responded with three chops to Hangman’s page. Blade tagged in and locked Page in an S-Grip headlock, but Page broke the hold with forearm strikes on Blade’s head. Silver tagged in and launched Blade into the Butcher. Silver hit an uppercut, a running elbow strike, and a back suplex for a near fall. Butcher and Blade hit an assisted Gutbuster/Doctor Bomb combination for a near fall, with Blade bleeding intensely. Page tagged back in and hit forearm strikes on Butcher and Blade. Page tossed Blade out of the ring. Page and Butcher collied with stereo lariats before Butcher attempted a German Suplex, but page reversed it with a rolling Lariat. Silver hit a Cannonball on Blade. Silver and Page hit a Stunner/ German Suplex combination on Butcher before page hit a Buckshot Lariat for the pinfall win. 

– There was a video vignette highlighting the match between ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta and Daniel Garcia, where Garcia said that he would make Yuta tap out on Death Before Dishonor. 

– Claudio Castagnoli cut a promo in the ring to promote his match against Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion Jonathan Gresham. Claudio said that he believe he was the best in the world because of the support of the fans, before telling Gresham that he has never stepped foot with a man like him. Claudio said that he cannot think of a better way to continue his chapter in AEW by becoming the new ROH Champion. Gresham, Brian Cage, Toa Linoa, Kaun & Tully Blanchard stated down Claudio from the craven’s nest.

– TNT Champion Wardlow said that he would beat the shit out every locker room in wrestling, welcoming anyone and everyone to Wardlow’s world. 

Lee Moriarty vs. Dante Martin (w/ Matt Sydal).

The two shook hands before they locked up, with Moriarty and Martin exchanging wrist locks. Moriarty got Martin in a cravat, but Martin broke the hold with a wrist lock. The two exchanged holds before Moriarty got Martin in a hammerlock, but Martin tripped Moriarty into a magistral for a near fall. Martin hit a pop-up Tijeras on Moriarty, but Moriarty responded quickly with a pump kick. Martin hit a pop-up dropkick on Moriarty, sending Moriarty out of the ring. Moriarty got back in the ring, but Martin got him with a side headlock, but Moriarty broke the hold with an elbow-breaker, quickly transitioning into a Guillotine Choke for a near fall. Moriarty laid in the forearm strikes on Martin before stomping Martin’s back. Moriarty got Martin in an inverted wrist-lock. Back from the commercial break, Martin hit an Avalanche frankensteiner on Moriarty for a near fall. While Martin hit a cross body on Moriarty for a near fall, Stokely Hathaway walked down the ramp. Moriarty got a near fall on Martin from a roll-up before quickly transitioning into the Border City Stretch, but Martin got a rope break. Moriarty went for a suplex on Martin, but Martin reversed it with a half-and-half Uranage on Moriarty for a near fall. Martin went for the Nose Dive, but Moriarty reversed it with a rope-assisted O’Connor Roll for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Lee Moriarty.

– After the match, Matt Sydal challenged Moriarty to match for the 7/292022 edition of Rampage. Moriarty was joined by Stokely Hathaway. Hathaway offered Moriarty his business card, but Moriarty walked to the back. 

– ROH Commentators Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were in a video vignette to promote the ROH Women’s Championship Match between Serena Deeb & Champion Mercedes Martinez.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD & Jamie Hayer (w/ Rebel) vs. Skye Blue & Ashley D’Amboise.

Baker and Blue locked up with Baker getting her in a wrist lock before getting a lateral press for a near fall. Blue got a wrist ock of her own, but Baker slammed Blue onto the mat. Baker laid in forearm strikes on Blue before hitting a low-super kick on Blue. Hayter slammed Blue into the turnbuckle before stomping her down. Hayter hit a forearm strike on D’Amboise. Baker tagged in and hit an apron-assisted twisting neck breaker on Blue into the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Baker got Blue in a crucifix pin for a near fall. Blue hit a spinning low-kick on Baker. D’Amboise hit forearm strikes on Hayter before going for a neck breaker, but Baker caught her with a super kick. Hayter hit a back-breaker on D’Amboise. Baker hit a butterfly suplex, which Hayter used to hit a running elbow strike on D’Amboise’s neck. Baker got the lockjaw on D’Amboise for the submission win.

Winners: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD & Jamie Hayer (w/ Rebel)

– Max Caster and Austin Gunn competed in a Rap Battle, hosted by Atlanta Native Lil Scrappy. Gunn said he was not amused by Lashley’s sister. Gunn ended his abysmal rap by saying that he got two words for them, Suck it. Caster said that Gunn rapping was cultural appropriation, followed by saying that his style was booty that why he and The Gunn Clubb were known as Ass Boys. Gunn said that John Cena wanted his gimmick back. Caster said Bowens had a bigger spark when he is holding a blunt and continued to say that being with the Gunn Clubb was the only way he would have a gun. Caster asked Gunn who does it feel to have a father known for his crotch, that Tony Khan bought ROH to burn his footage, and finalized that he and the rest of the Gunn Clubb were just a couple of ass boys. Austin Gunn choked up and shouted that he was not an ass boy, giving the Acclaimed the win. After the proceeding. The Gunn Clubb attacked The Acclaimed with Austin Gunn slamming a trash can on Caster’s head. 

– Mark Henry interviewed Christopher Daniels and Jay Lethal before the main event, with Daniels saying that he was tired that ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe’s name was being dragged through the mud. 

Jay Lethal (w/ Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt) vs. Christopher Daniels.

Daniels started the match quick and furious with punches on Lethal’s face, but Lethal hit an enziguri kick on Daniels. Lethal punched Daniels. Lethal went for a moonsault, but Daniels evaded and hit a bodyslam followed by a spring rope elbow drop for a near fall. Daniels hit a lariat on Lethal, but Lethal pushed Daniels into the corner. Lethal hit Daniels with a chop, but Daniels caught Lethal with a leg lariat. Lethal hit a low-dropkick on Daniels before hitting a Tope Suicida on Daniels before the commercial break. Lethal slammed Daniels in the apron before hitting him with a second Tope Suicida. While the referee was distracted, Sonjay Dutt stomped down Daniels. Back in the ring, Lethal put Daniels in a headlock, but Daniels broke the hold with elbow strikes on his abdomen. Lethal hit three uppercuts on Daniels before locking in a Guillotine Choke. Daniels reversed an uppercut with a backslide for a near fall, but Lethal hit a backbreaker on Daniels. Lethal hit a cartwheel kick on Daniels. Lethal went for a Muscle Buster, but Daniels kicked Lethal. Lethal hit a super kick on Daniels. Daniels hit a knee-strike on Lethal to regain momentum. Daniels hit two lariats, a running forearm, corner punches, and STO on Lethal. Daniels hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Lethal for a near fall. Lethal hit the Big Bang on Daniels. Lethal went for a top rope Elbow Drop, but Daniels countered it with a small package for a near fall. Lethal hit a big boot on Daniels and attempted the Lethal Injection, but Daniels evaded. Daniels went for Angels’ Wings, but Lethal counter it with the Lethal Injection for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Jay Lethal (w/ Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt).

After the match, Satnam Singh slammed Daniels with a Gorilla Slam into the ground. Lethal choked out Daniels with a Coquina Clutch to send a message to Samoa Joe. Lethal, Singh, and Dutt stood tall to end the show.

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