
AEW Rampage (6/9/2023) Results: Fatal 4-Way For Title Shot, Powerhouse Hobbs, Lucha Bros & More.

Full results for the 6/9/2023 edition of AEW Rampage.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/9/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


AEW Rampage (6/9/2023).

  • Fatal 4-Way for AEW Women’s Championship Shot: Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Skye Blue vs. Nyla Rose vs. Mercedes Martinez.
  • The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) & “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn vs Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico, Luther & Angelico).
  • Powerhouse Hobbs In Action.
  • Bandido & Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) vs. Ethan Page, Big Bill & Lee Moriarty (w/ Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & Isiah Kassidy).

Live Coverage.

– Exalibur, Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone welcome the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match. 

Bandido & Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) vs. Ethan Page, Big Bill & Lee Moriarty (w/ Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & Isiah Kassidy).

Page & Fenix began the match before Fenix hit a Hurricanrana on Page, but Page responded with a Hurricanrana of his own. Fenix hit an Inside Cradle into a dropkick on Fenix before Page back ed up to the corner. Moriarty & Bandido tagged in, with Moriarty dancing in the ring. The two exchanged strikes before Bandido hit a boot kick, a crossbody & the Tijeras on Moriarty. Penta & Big Bill tagged in, with Penta taking his time to confront Big Bill. Penta went for his taunt, but Big Bill choked him to block the taunt. Penta hit a thrust kick, the chop kicks, and a gut kick before going for a Piledriver off Fenix & Bandido’s thrust kicks on Big Bill. Penta went for a dive on Big Bill on the outside, but Bill caught him with a right hand while Page laid out Fenix & Bandido on the outside. The two teams brawled on the outside. Meanwhile in the ring, Big Bill hit a jab on Penta before choking him in the bottom corner. 

During the break, Big Bill danced around the ring before stomping away at Penta in the corner. Big Bill hit an open hand strike on Penta before Page & Moriarty tried to take Penta out, but Penta evaded everyone before tagging in Bandido. Bandido pushed Bandido in the air before sending him crashing onto the mat. Moriarty tagged back in before the three hit a running knee, a clothesline, and a dead-weight Powerslam on Bandido for a near fall. Bandido hit an enziguri kick on Page before Fenix tagged in. Fenix hit a Hurricanrana on Moriarty, a Thrust Kick on Page, and a thrust kick on Big Bill before he & Penta fired away with sTEREO thrust Kicks on Bandido. Penta tossed Bandido onto Big Bill & Moriarty on the outside before hitting the Made in Japan Slam on Page for a near fall. Fenix hit a Wlak-Rope PK on Page before he & Penta hit thrust kicks on Bill again. Penta & Fenix hit the Fear Factor on Moriarty on the outside before Bandido went for a dive, but Page blocked it. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & Isiah Kassidy told Page to wear the Hardy Wrist Bands, which allowed Bandido to hit the 21 Plex on Page off the distraction for the pinfall win.

Winners: Bandido & The Lucha Brothers.

– In a new episode of QTV, QT Marshall suggested that QTV needs to be edgy. Aaron Solow & Harley Cameron suggested ideas, from Cameron doing thirst traps, selling ice cream bars, and doing an announcement of an announcement (all ideas Marshall was not impressed by). Instead, Marshall suggested allowing Powerhouse Hobbs to show everyone what to expect. 

– There was a video package hyping up AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2 on June 25, 2023.

Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ QT Marshall, Harley Cameron & Aaron Solow) vs. Caleb Crush.

Crush got a waist lock on Hobbs, but Hobbs caught him with a back elbow before catching him with a lariat. Hobbs slammed Crush into the top rope before hitting a running boot on Crush to send him crashing on the mat. Crush hit an enziguri kick, but Hobbs responded with a splash and a Spinebuster on Crush for the pinfall win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs.

– Renee Paquette interviewed Arn Anderson & TNT Champion Wardlow backstage. Arn said that Brock Anderson would be fine after he was attacked by Christian Cage & Luchasaurus. Arn Anderson said that their actions were way beyond okay before saying that what they did will come around. Wardlow said that he would face Jake Hager for the TNT Championship on the 6/14/2023 edition of AEW Dynamite, but promised that he would attack Luchasaurus & Cage sooner than later.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) & “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn vs SAP (Serpentico, Angelico & PAPI LUTHER).

-Bowens & Angelico had a scissor off to begin the match before Angelico hit a jab on Bowens. Angelico & Bowens ran the ropes before Bowens hit a dropkick on Angelico. Serpentico tagged in, but Bowens caught him with a gut kick before he & Caster hit corner splashes on him in thecorner. Caster hit an Atomic Drop & a reverse Atomic Drop on Serpentico before tossing him to the outside. Luther tried to get involved, but Gunn tossed Luther out o the ring. Bowens & Caster hit Scissor Me Timbers on Angelico. The Acclaimed & Gunn went for a Three-Way Scissor in the center of the ring, but was cut off by Serpentico before Gunn caught him with a jab. Luther interrupted and regained control of the match.

Luther hit a snap-suplex on Caster for a near fall. Serpentico tagged back in and hit an elbow drop on Caster. Angelico taunted Bowens & Gunn before the crowd chanted at Angelico “Small Ass Penis” (and if you don’t want a small ass penis, Blue Chew.com Code FIGHTFUL). Caster rolled to the outside before slamming Luther into the ring post before the commercial break. Back from the break, Gunn fired away with punches on all of SAP before hitting a Fall-Away Slam on Serpentico onto Luther. Angelico hit a ground enziguri kick on Gunn to allow Luther to get the pin, but Gunn kicked out. Bowens tagged in and laid in a series of strikes on Angelico, hit an inverse Angle Slam, and hit the Arrival on Luther to allow Caster to hit the Mic Drop for the pinfall win.

Winner: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn.

– There was a video recap of the June 7, 2023 edition of AEW Dynamite. You can find the full results for the show here.

– Renee Paquette interviewed Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt on the ramp. Karen Jarrett said that AEW’s “dramatic diva” was in the building before calling out AEW Referee Aubrey Edwards. Aubrey Edwards & Mark Briscoe interrupted the interview, with Edwards saying that AEW would not sanction a match because neither of them were wrestlers, but Edwards did promise to kick Karen’s ass If she ever got involved in a match. Briscoe revealed that AEW sanctioned a Trios Mixed Tag Team Match. The match between Team Jarrett (Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal & Karen Jarrett) against Aubrey Edwards & The Briscoes (Papa Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) is set for a later date.

– There was a video package promoting the main event of the show.

Fatal 4-Way for AEW Women’s Championship Shot.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD (w/ Hikaru Shida) vs. Skye Blue vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir) vs. Mercedes Martinez.

The match began with Martinez & Baker brawling on the outside while Rose beat down Blue inside of the ring. Blue fought off Rose & Martinez, hitting the Tijeras on Rose. Baker & Blue evaded each other’s offense before doing a stare-down, but they were attacked by Martinez & Rose. Martinez fired away with strikes on Rose. Shafir got a choke on Martinez, but Shida attacked Shafir with a kendo stick before the two brawled into the ramp.

Inside the ring, Rose hit a hip attack on Blue before laying her knee onto Blue’s neck on the middle rope. Blue went for a cross body on Rose, but Rose planted her with a World’s Strongest Slam for a near fall, thanks to Martinez breaking the pin. Martinez laid down her knee on Rose’s neck through the ropes before locking in a Rope-assisted Guillotine Choke on Rose before letting her go. As Rose & Baker brawled on the outside, Martinez hit a Snap-Suplex on Blue for a near fall. Rose got Baker in a modified Camel Clutch, pulling Baker from the teeth, while Martinez tossed Blue into the barricade. Back in the ring, Martinez & Rose exchanged strikes before Rose hung Martinez on the top rope.

Rose went for the Guillotine Leg Drop on Martinez, but Baker pushed Rose off the top rope into the apron. Baker hit a sling blade on Martinez before Baker & Blue exchanged strikes. Blue hit a series of thrust kicks and a sliding enziguri kick on Baker before going for a pin, but Martinez broke the pin. Baker got a Schoolboy on Martinez into the Lockjaw on Martinez while Blue locked in a half-crab, but Rose broke the two holds. Baker fired away with forearm strikes on Rose, but Rose responded with a chokeslam before going for a pin, but Martinez hit a knee strike on Rose to break the pin. Martinez got Rose up and hit a Saito Suplex on Rose before Baker hit a Curb Stomp on Rose. Baker & Martinez brawled on the outside, allowing Blue to hit the Code Blue on Rose from out of nowhere for the pinfall win. Skye Blue stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winner: Skye Blue.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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