
AEW Rampage (11/4/2022) Results: Orange Cassidy vs. Katsuyori Shibata, Mike Tyson Appears & More.

Results for the 11/4/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/4/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


AEW All-Atlantic Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata.

– Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter vs. Madison Rayne & Skye Blue.

– Samoa Joe & Wardlow vs. Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) (w/ Prince Nana).

– Ricky Starks Speaks.

– Full Gear AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament Participants Announced.

– Mike Tyson Appears.

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AEW Rampage (11/4/2022) Live Coverage.

– Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and guest legendary Boxer Mike Tyson welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

AEW All-Atlantic Championship.

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata.

The All-Atlantic City dream match began with the crowd shouting “Holy Shit” as the bell rang. Shibata got Cassidy in a headlock, but Cassidy got him in leg scissors. Shibata broke the hold and went for a punt on Cassidy but Cassidy laid on the mat and taunted Shibata. Cassidy sent Shibata to the outside before hitting Tope Suicida on Shibata. Shibata slammed Cassidy across the barricades with furious anger before getting back in the ring and doing the cross-leg sit-down. Shibata got back outside, but Cassidy slammed Shibata onto the barricade. Cassidy and Shibata exchanged strikes on the outside before the two rolled back in the ring. Shibata tried to lock-up with Cassidy, but Cassidy got on the top turnbuckle to take a breather. Cassidy tried to put his hands on his pockets, but Shibata took Cassidy down and locked in a Figure Four on Cassidy but Cassidy got a rope-break. Cassidy hit a DDT on Shibata off the middle turnbuckle before putting his hands on his pockets and hitting a low dropkick on Shibata in the corner. Cassidy went for the taunt kicks on Shibata but Shibata hit an STO on Cassidy before sitting down. Shibata stomped down Cassidy before doing the taunt kicks on Cassidy, which Cassidy was livid about. Cassidy and Shibata sat down in the ring before Cassidy hit taunt-chops on Shibata, to which Shibata responded with a vicious bitch-slap on Cassidy before hitting the running dropkick on Cassidy in the corner for a near fall. Shibata hit a suplex on Cassidy for a near fall before locking in a chin lock on Cassidy, but Cassidy responded with a back suplex on Shibata. Shibata hit a headbutt on Cassidy, laying the two of them on the mat. Cassidy hit a PK Kick on Shibata, but Shibata shook it off. Cassidy hit four more kicks, but Shibata popped right back up and hit a superman punch on Cassidy. Shibata hit more punches on Cassidy before locking in an Abdominal Stretch before quickly transitioning into an Octopus lock on Cassidy, but Cassidy got a rope break. Shibata went for a suplex on Shibata, but Cassidy reversed it with the Slumdog Millionaire. Cassidy hit the quick knocks on Shibata, but Shibata responded with a Death Valley Driver on Cassidy. Cassidy hit the Slumdog Millionaire followed by the beach Break on Shibata for a near fall. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch, but Shibata sucked up and locked Cassidy in a Sleeper before connecting a back suplex on Cassidy. Shibata went for a running kick on Cassidy, but Cassidy caught him with a second and final Orange Punch for the pinfall win and title retention. The two shook hands and posed for the camera after the match. 

Winner & Still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy.

– Lexy Nair interviewed AEW Interim Women’s Champion Toni Storm backstage, with Storm saying Britt Baker was manipulating Hayter. Storm said that Baker would be responsible for what she would do to her on their match on Full Gear.

– Lexy Nair interviewed Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson & William Regal backstage. Claudio was disgusted by Chris Jericho’s actions as ROH Champion, to which Danielson responded that he wanted another shot at the ROH Championship. William Regal said that Jericho had to pick a challenger between Castagnoli and Danielson.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter vs. Madison Rayne & Skye Blue.

Rayne got Hayter in a wrist lock to begin the match before Blue tagged in and got Hayter in a lateral press for a near fall. Hayter tossed Blue into he corner but Blue hit an enziguri kick and a cross-body on Hayter for a near fall. Blue went for an O’Connor Roll, but Hayter tossed Blue into the top rope instead. Hayter placed Blue in the corner before tagging in Baker. Baker hit a forearm strike and a sling blade on Blue for a near fall. Bakr hit another forearm strike on Blue, but Blue got a roll-up on Baker for a near fall. Baker kicked Blue in the head before tagging Hayter back in. Hayter stomped at Blue in the corner before hitting her with a snap-suplex for a near fall. Hayter slammed Blue across the ring corners before she taunted tot he crowd and attacked Madison Rayne. Hayter got Blue in a snap-mare Sleeper Hold. Hayter kissed Blue’s forehead while holding the sleeper hold before hitting a strike on Blue’s back. Blue hit a thrust kick on Hayter before hitting a spinning kick on Baker before tagging in Rayne. Rayne attacked Baker & Hayter before she hit a neck breaker on Baker for a near fall. Hayter gave Rayne a receipt and hit a back breaker on Rayne, but Blue hit a backstabber on Hayter. Rayne and Baker exchanged strikes before Baker hit a twisting neck breaker on Rayne for a near fall. Hayter & Baker HIT stereo thrust kicks on Rayne & Blue. Rayne hit a pump kick on Baker and went for a crucifix bomb on Hayter, but Hayter broke the pin attempt and hit a short-hand lariat on Rayne for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter

– AEW Interim Women’s Champion attacked Rebel & Baker before hitting Thesz Press on Hayter. Hayter & Storm exchanged punches before Storm got Hayter in a Cloverleaf, but Baker hit Storm with the AEW Interim Women’s Title. Hater and Baker stood over Storm with the title. 

– There was a video recap of ROH Champion saying he would kick Lamar Jackson’s ass. Jericho & Sammy Guevara were interviewed by Tony Schiavone backstage, with Jericho asking if he chose to face Danielson & Castagnoli for the ROH Championship and add Sammy Guevara for a Fatal Four Way for the Title. Jericho said that Guevara would do the right thing, which left Guevara bamboozled. 

– Ricky Starks came to the ring to cut a promo, telling the crowd that he liked them even though he did not need to show why he was good. Starks revealed that he was entering himself into the Full Gear AEW Championship Eliminator Tournament. Starks said that he holds AEW on his bare back and that his road to the top would start on Full Gear and promised to walk out as the #1 Contender for the AEW Championship. 

– Sammy Guevara was interviewed backstage, with Guevara bragging that he took Danielson to the limit. Guevara demanded a rematch against Danielson for Dynamite, this time in a two-out-of-three falls match. 

– Mark Henry interviewed the Embassy (Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun & Prince Nana) and Warjoe (Wardlow & Samoa Joe). Wardlow disregarded Nana and called out Powerhouse Hobbs to attack him again.

– Eddie Kingston, Lance Archer, Bandido, Rush & Brian Cage were all announced to join Dante Martin, Ethan Page & Ricky Starks for the AEW Championship Eliminator Tournament. 

Samoa Joe & Wardlow vs. Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) (w/ Prince Nana).

Wardlow and Kaun began the match with Kaun sliding out of the ring to gain some time. Kaun got back in the ring, but Wardlow hit shoulder tackles on Kaun in the corner. Kaun hit body shots and a chop on Wardlow, but Wardlow responded with a lariat. Wardlow laid in the punches on Kaun before tagging in Samoa Joe. Linoa tagged in for a collision of the two biggest men. Liona placed Joe in the corner, but Joe responded with fifteen jabs on Liona. Joe hit a corner back elbow and a leaping enziguri kick on Liona. Liona bit Joe’s left tear before Kaun hit a clothesline on Joe for Linoa to get the near fall. Kaun tagged in and got Joe in a rope-assisted headlock before hitting a chop on Joe. Kaun hit a corner splash on Joe before Liona hit a vicious tackle on Joe. Liona got Joe in a nerve hold before hitting a knee strike on Joe’s abdomen. Kaun tagged back in and laid in the strikes on Joe’s back. Joe hit a chop on Kaun before connecting a headbutt on Kaun, but Kaun responded by gauging Joe’s eyes. Liona & Kaun tried to pull Joe”s left shoulder off his arm, but Joe got up and hit three chops on Liona. Joe tried to slam Linoa in the corner with an Irish Whip, but Liona responded with a vicious shoulder tackle on Joe. Kaun tagged in and got Joe in a knee-assisted chinlock. Kaun hit a kick on Joe, but Joe respond by hitting a Uranage on Kaun before tagging in Wardlow. Wardlow hit two German Suplexes on Kaun, a rebound suplex on Liona, and a one-hand spinebuster on Kaun for a near fall. Liona tried to attack Wardlow, but Joe pulled Liona out of the ring. Wardlow hit the slinging lariat on Kaun before punching Prince Nana. Kaun got a roll-up for a near fall on Wardlow. Kaun went to attack Wardlow, but Wardlow hit a headbutt on Kaun before connecting a Powerbomb on Kaun. Wardlow began the powerbomb symphony on Kaun, connecting a total of four powerbombs on Kaun for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Samoa Joe & Wardlow.

– After the match, Powerhouse Hobbs came to the ramp to call his shot at the TNT Championship. Wardlow shouted at Hobbs to come to the ring as Samoa Joe stared along before the end of the broadcast.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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