
AEW Fyter Fest ’20 Night One Results: Three Title Matches, Plus Two More Big Tag Team Matches

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Fyter Fest ’20 Night One. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (c) def. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) to retain the titles

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) def. Jake Hager to retain the title

AEW Women’s World Championship
Hikaru Shida (c) def. Penelope Ford to retain the title

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) def. MJF & Wardlow

Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy) def. Santana & Ortiz

Chris Jericho makes his way to the commentary desk to start the show.

– MJF gets the microphone before the next match to talk about the rivalry with Jurassic Express, MJF says he and Wardlow are tired of beating Jurassic Express. MJF says AEW put him and Wardlow against Jurassic Express to help win the ratings war.

MJF & Wardlow vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

The match begins with Boy and MJF getting into a striking exchange, Boy ends that by nailing MJF with a clothesline. MJF goes to the ring apron and Boy looks for a poison rana, MJF blocks it and Wardlow kicks him in the face. Wardlow sends Boy face first into the ring post before getting him back in the ring, MJF then hits Boy with a belly to belly suplex. Wardlow attacks Boy behind the ref’s back, Wardlow tags in and he attacks Boy with some strikes followed by an exploder suplex. MJF tags in and Boy sends him face first into Wardlow’s boot, MJF recovers and he gets Boy in a front headlock. Boy makes the tag and the referee doesn’t see it due to a Wardlow distraction, MJF corners Boy before landing some shoulder thrusts. MJF then hits Boy with a back suplex for a near fall, Wardlow tags in and he also nails Boy with a back suplex. MJF tags back in and Boy escapes a double team move to tag Luchasaurus in, Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Luchasaurus drops MJF before landing a spinning head kick, Luchasaurus then hits Wardlow with a series of head kicks. Luchasaurus kicks MJF into the corner and Wardlow tags in, Luchasaurus and Wardlow have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Wardlow ends the exchange by tossing Luchasaurus across the ring, Luchasaurus recovers and he nails Wardlow with a flapjack. Boy and MJF are tagged in by their respective partners, Boy knocks MJF out of the ring before nailing him with multiple suicide dives. Wardlow interferes and Boy nails him with an enziguri, Luchasaurus then takes out Wardlow with a suicide dive. Boy gets back in the ring and he tags Luchasaurus in, Luchasaurus and Boy nail MJF with an elevated cutter for a near fall. Wardlow hits the ring and he drops Luchasaurus with a hurricarana, Boy hits the ring and he nails Wardlow with a poison rana. Wardlow recovers and he nails Boy with a hurricarana, MJF returns to poke Luchasaurus in the eye and land a few strikes. Stunt argues with the ref while everybody takes each other out in the ring, Luchasaurus and Wardlow get up before dropping each other with clotheslines. Boy then hits MJF with a destroyer, Stunt interferes and Wardlow tosses him onto Boy. MJF shocks Luchasaurus with a roll up for a near fall, Wardlow tags in and he nails Luchasaurus with a swanton bomb for another near fall. MJF puts his ring on and he enters the ring, Luchasaurus causes MJF to hit Wardlow before Boy gets him out of the ring. Luchasaurus nails Wardlow with head kicks before Boy nails him with a springboard tornado DDT, Luchasaurus nails Wardlow with a choke slam and standing moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

– Lance Archer and Joey Janela are shown brawling in the crowd, Sonny Kiss and AEW officials break it all up.

AEW Women’s World Championship
Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

The match begins with Shida having a shoving contest with Sabian and Ford, the referee immediately sends Sabian backstage. Shida then nails Ford with a knee strike to the face, Ford escapes a falcon arrow attempt and a knee strike before rolling Shida up for a near fall. Ford leaves the ring and Shida nails her with a baseball slide drop kick, Ford recovers and she sends Shida into the barricade. Shida fights back and she drops Ford on the ring apron, Shida follows up by leveling Ford with a knee strike. Shida gets back in the ring and she gets Ford on the top turnbuckle, Ford avoids the knee strike before nailing Shida with a head kick. Ford then smashes Shida’s face into the top turnbuckle a few times before landing a handspring elbow strike, Ford follows up by landing a boot to the face and a German suplex for a near fall. Ford mounts a downed Shida and she lands strikes as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Ford holding Shida in a camel clutch. Shida eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Shida fights back and she nails Ford with some strikes. Ford escapes a suplex attempt to hit Shida with a reverse DDT for a near fall, Shida and Ford exchange some slaps in the middle of the ring.

Shida nails Ford with multiple knee strikes and an enziguri, Ford recovers and nails a charging Shida with a pump kick. Ford goes for a handspring stunner and Shida catches her in a sleeper hold, Shida then stretches Ford across her knee. Shida follows up by nailing Ford with a back breaker for a near fall, Shida then hits Ford with a falcon arrow and Ford immediately rolls her up for a near fall. Shida corners Ford before landing a running knee strike, Shida goes to the top rope and she misses a missile drop kick. Ford then hits Shida with a stunner for a near fall, Ford leaves the ring and she grabs the women’s championship belt. Sabian returns and Shida clobbers him with a kendo stick, Ford then hits Shida with a handspring cutter for another near fall. Ford goes to the top rope and she misses a moonsault attempt, Shida then hits Ford with multiple knee strikes and a falcon arrow for a near fall. Shida follows up with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida, still the AEW Women’s World Champion

– Taz looks at Jon Moxley’s finisher while also talking about how Brian Cage is built to withstand it.

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) w/Arn Anderson vs. Jake Hager w/Catalina Hager

The match begins with Hager backing Cody into the corner before letting him go free, Coody looks for a takedown and Hager nails him with an elbow strike. Cody goes for a kick afterwards and Hager shoves him to the mat below, Coody gets Hager in a headlock and Hager gets free to land a shoulder block. Hager catches a leaping Cody and he gets him in the corner before landing a right, Cody fights back and Hager attacks him with more strikes. Cody recovers and he catches Hager in a roll up for a near fall, Hager looks for an ankle lock and Cody looks to counter before getting pushed away. Hager leaves the ring to confront Anderson and Cody nails him with a dive, Cody gets Hager back in the ring. Cody leaps off the top rope and Hager catches him, Cody gets free to trip up Hager and wrench away on his leg. Cody keeps Hager down while applying a figure four leg lock to him, Hager quickly gets to the ropes to break the hold. Cody follows up by nailing Hager with a Disaster Kick, Cody goes for another Disaster Kick and Hager counters with a spine buster. Hager leaves the ring and he attacks Anderson, Cody intervenes and Hager nails him with a release German suplex on the arena floor.

Hager follows up on that by throwing Cody into the barricade, Cody fights back and Hager drops him with a clothesline. Cody gets back in the ring and Hager follows him in there to land a slam, Hager follows up by nailing Cody with an elbow drop for a near fall. Hager drags Cody to the ropes before choking him on the middle rope, Cody tries fighting back and Hager dumps him out of the ring. Hager leaves the ring and he gets Cody back in it, Cody tries fight back again and Hager avoids his dive to send him crashing into the ropes. Cody attacks Hager with a few strikes and Hager dumps him out of the ring, Anderson interferes to distract Hager and Cody shoves him into the ring post. Coody gets Hager back in the ring and Hager gets him in a sleeper hold, Cody kicks off the ropes and Hager keeps the hold on. Cody finally gets free after nailing Hager with a jaw breaker, Cody follows up by nailing Hager with a Cody Cutter. Cody waits for Hager to get up before attacking him with a plethora of strikes, Cody then nails a charging Hager with a power slam for a near fall. Hager drops Cody before landing a Hager Bomb for a near fall, Hager follows up on that by tossing Cody across the ring.

Hager goes for another Hager Bomb and Cody gets his feet up before landing a reverse DDT for a near fall, Cody goes to the top rope and Hager takes him off with a throw for a near fall. Hager gets Cody in the ankle lock and Cody gets to the ropes a short time later, Catalina interferes and she slaps Cody. Anderson argues with the ref and Dustin Rhodes interferes to hit Hager, Hager recovers and he nails Cody with a uranage. Hager goes for an arm triangle choke and Cody counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Cody w/Arn Anderson, still the AEW TNT Champion

After the match, Jake Hager attacks the referee.

– A Darby Allin video airs and it shows Allin doing various stunts and tricks.

– Orange Cassidy makes his way towards the announce table and he takes a seat near Excalibur.

Santana & Ortiz vs. Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) w/Matt Hardy

The match begins with Kassidy slapping Santana across the face, Kassidy gets Santana out of the ring before landing a drop kick. Quen attacks Ortiz before Kassidy takes everybody out with a suicide dive, Kassidy gets Santana in the ring before Quen tags in. Quen nails Santana with a series of moonsaults for a few near falls, Kassidy tags in and he nails Santana with an enziguri for a near fall. Kassidy mounts a downed Santana before landing a few strikes, Santana fights back and he nails Kassidy with a few chops. Ortiz traps Kassidy in the ropes so Santana can nail him with a power bomb, Ortiz tags in and he double teams Kassidy with Santana. Ortiz then gets Kassidy in an octopus stretch for a short time, Ortiz then hits Kassidy with a few suplexes for a near fall. Santana tags in and he helps Ortiz with a suplex for a near fall, Santana keeps Kassidy down while attacking him with a few kicks. Kassidy fights back and he manages to tag Quen in, Quen quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Ortiz makes a blind tag and he double teams Quen with Santana, Santana attacks Kassidy while Ortiz holds Quen in a camel clutch.

Santana and Quen find a way to double team and stretch Private Party, Ortiz gets Quen on his back before Santana tags in to apply an abdominal stretch. Kassidy finds a way to tag in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Kassidy nails Ortiz with a cutter before sending Santana out of the ring. Kassidy then nails both opponents with a suicide dive, Kassidy gets Ortiz back in the ring and he lands a swanton bomb on his back for a near fall. Kassidy gets Ortiz on the top rope before tagging Quen in, Santana interferes to nail Kassidy with a cutter. Ortiz then hits Quen with a super sit out power bomb, Quen gets cornered and nailed with a cannonball from Santana for a near fall. Santana and Kassidy take their battle to the arena floor, Santana sends Kassidy into the barricade before tagging into the match. Hardy interferes and he steals the loaded sock from Santana, Quen catches Santana in a few roll ups before eating a super kick. Ortiz and Santana go for the Street Sweeper and Quen prevents it, Private Party nail Santana with Gin & Juice for a three count.

Winners: Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) w/Matt Hardy

– Chris Jericho throws his water bottle at Orange Cassidy, Jericho goes after Cassidy and a bunch of people quickly get in between them.

– Dasha Gonzalez interviews Kenny Omega & Hangman Page, Page says people say Best Friends have deserved a title shot for a long time. Omega says they have defeated every single tag team thrown at them, Omega says they will retain the titles tonight.

– Taz and Brian Cage make their way to the ring, Taz says that Cage’s title shot against Jon Moxley will now take place at AEW Fight For The Fallen in two weeks instead of next week. Taz says that Moxley claims to be concerned with the health of everybody at AEW, Taz says Moxley has continuously tested negative for the coronavirus while at home. Taz says Moxley has a case of the chicken shits and he is afraid of Cage, Taz says Cage will take the title from Moxley.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Hangman Page & Kenny Omega (c) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

The match begins with Omega backing Taylor into the ropes, Taylor gets free and he drops Omega with a series of arm drags. Trent and Page are tagged in by their respective partners, Page gets Trent in a headlock and Trent gets free before exchanging strikes with Page. Trent ends the exchange by nailing Page with a back drop driver, Taylor tags in and he double teams Page alongside Trent. Taylor then nails Page with a suplex for a near fall, Trent tags in and Page drops both opponents before tagging Omega in. Omega knocks Taylor out of the ring before nailing Trent with a back breaker, Page tags in and he double teams Trent with Omega. Page nails a downed Trent with a standing shooting star press for a near fall, FTR make their way to the announce table. Omega tags in and he attacks a cornered Trent with some strikes, Omega sends Trent into the corner a few times before tagging Page in. Page quickly nails Trent with a suplex for a near fall, Omega tags back in and he attacks Trent with more strikes. Page tags back in and he nails Trent with a top rope axe handle smash, Page follows up by choking Trent along the middle rope.

Page drops Trent before applying a modified abdominal stretch to him, Trent gets free and he attacks Page with a few strikes. Page recovers and he attacks Trent with strikes of his own, Page corners Trent before landing a running clothesline. Taylor helps Trent from getting thrown into another corner, Trent then hits Page with a clothesline and tornado DDT. Taylor tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Trent then nails Omega with a suicide dive. Taylor follows up by propelling Omega into the barricade, Taylor gets Page back into the ring to land a falcon arrow for a near fall. Trent tags in and Page knocks Taylor out of the ring, Page then hits Trent with a fall away slam before landing a dive on Taylor. Page gets back in the ring and he levels Trent with a lariat, Omega tags in and he nails Trent with a missile drop kick. Omega then hits Trent with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Omega goes for You Cannot Escape and Trent gets his knees up. Trent then hits Omega with a knee strike before tagging Taylor in, Taylor immediately nails Omega with a pile driver for a near fall. Page interferes and Taylor tosses him out of the ring, Omega fights back and Taylor nails him with a knee strike.

Omega recovers and he nails Taylor with a snap dragon suplex, Trent tags in and Omega nails him with a snap dragon suplex. Page tags in and he nails a cornered Best Friends with clotheslines, Page then hits Taylor with a German suplex. Page and Omega double team Trent for a near fall, Taylor drags Omega out of the ring so they can land their finisher. Best Friends then hit Page with a Strong Zero for a near fall, Omega attacks Taylor with a V Trigger before eating an Awful Waffle. Page gets up and he knocks Taylor out of the ring, Page then attacks Trent with multiple roaring elbow strikes. Trent then catches Page in a roll up for a near fall, Page recovers and he nails Trent with a Dead Eye for a near fall. Page then hits Trent with a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winners: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, FTR hits the ring to offer alcohol to Kenny Omega and Hangman Page before they all toast. Omega dumps the beer and that angers FTR, The Young Bucks hit the ring to ensure nothing physical happens between the two teams.

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