
AEW Fight For The Fallen ‘20 Results: Two Title Matches, FTR vs. Lucha Bros & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Fight For The Fallen. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Jon Moxley (c) def. Brian Cage to retain the title

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) def. Sonny Kiss to retain the title

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) def. The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

The Nightmare Sisters (Brandi Rhodes & Allie) def. MJ Jenkins & Kenzie Paige

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) w/Arn Anderson vs. Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Cody immediately nailing Kiss with a pump kick followed by a bunch of strikes, Cody then nails Kiss with a suplex slam. Kiss recovers and he tries throwing Cody out of the ring, Cody gets back in the ring before landing a Disaster Kick for a near fall. Kiss leaves the ring and Cody gets him back in, Cody gets in the ring and Kiss nails him with a forearm strike. Kiss tosses Cody out of the ring before following him out there, Kiss gets Cody on the ring apron before landing an axe kick to the back. Cody gets back in the ring and Kiss nails him with an enziguri, Kiss goes for a handspring slap and Cody catches him in a full nelson. Kiss gets free before nailing Cody with an arm drag, Kiss follows up with a head and arm suplex on Cody. Kiss goes to the middle rope before leaping off to nail Cody with a hurricarana, Kiss traps Cody in the corner before landing a right. Cody gets trapped in the ropes and Kiss lands a cartwheel kick for a near fall, Kiss goes to the middle rope and he misses the split leg drop. Cody then hits Kiss with a head kick, Cody goes for the Cross Rhodes and Kiss counters with one of his own for a near fall. Kiss goes to the top rope and he lands a 450 splash for another near fall, Cody fights back and Kiss looks for a head scissors before getting dumped on the ramp.

Cody leaves the ring and he nails Kiss with an Alabama slam on the ramp, Cody gets Kiss back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Cody traps the arm of Kiss while landing a few kicks, Cody then hits Kiss with a Cody Driver for a few near falls. Cody gets Kiss on the top rope and he follows him up there, Cody then nails Kiss with a superplex for another near fall. Cody argues with the ref and Kiss rolls him up before being locked in a cross face, Kiss gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Cody keeps Kiss down while attacking him with a ton of strikes, Cody then goes to the corner to remove the turnbuckle pad. Kiss fights back and he sends Cody into the exposed corner for a near fall, Kiss waits for Cody to get up before landing some forearm strikes. Cody avoids a head kick to nail Kiss with a Cross Rhodes for a three count.

Winner: Cody w/Arn Anderson, still the AEW TNT Champion

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

The match begins with Pentagon Jr attacking Harwood with a variety of strikes, Harwood fires back and he lands strikes of his own on Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr then drops Harwood with a super kick before tagging Fenix in, Fenix and Pentagon Jr double team Harwood for a near fall. Harwood fights back and Wheeler makes a blind tag to double team Fenix, Wheeler gets Fenix in the corner before landing a few strikes. Harwood tags in and he nails a downed Fenix with an elbow drop followed by a leg drop, Wheeler tags in and he attacks Fenix with a ton of strikes. Fenix recovers and he manages to tag Pentagon Jr in, Pentagon Jr rolls up Wheeler so Fenix can kick him in the face. Fenix then nails Harwood with a drop kick on the arena floor, Pentagon Jr gets Wheeler back in the ring before attacking him with more strikes. Fenix tags in and he nails a cornered Wheeler with some chops, Fenix traps Wheeler in the ropes while working over his arm. Wheeler gets to his knees and Fenix levels him with more strikes, Pentagon Jr tags in and he nails Wheeler with a head kick. Pentagon Jr keeps Wheeler down while holding him in a chin lock, Wheeler gets free and he nails a charging Pentagon Jr with a power slam.

Wheeler looks for a tag and Fenix nails him with a drop kick, Fenix leaps off the top rope and Wheeler nails him with an European uppercut. Harwood tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Fenix fights back and Harwood power bombs him into the top turnbuckle before landing a running uppercut for a near fall. Pentagon Jr knocks Harwood out of the ring while Fenix and Wheeler battle in it, Pentagon Jr tags in and he double teams Wheeler with Fenix. Pentagon Jr nails a downed Wheeler with a springboard leg drop for a near fall, Fenix tags in and he goes to the top rope before Wheeler throws Pentagon Jr into him. Wheeler catches a leaping Fenix before Harwood tags in to land a super bulldog for a near fall, Wheeler hits the ring and Pentagon Jr drops him. Pentagon Jr tags in and he goes to the top rope before Harwood attacks him with strikes, Fenix tags in and FTR attempts their finisher. Pentagon Jr blocks the FTR finisher while Harwood gets his knees up against a leaping Fenix afterwards, FTR and The Lucha Bros get into a brawl in the ring. Harwood and Fenix eventually fall out of the ring, Pentagon Jr gets Wheeler to the ring apron while looking for a package pile driver.

Wheeler fights back and Pentagon Jr gets back in the ring, Wheeler gets Pentagon Jr to the arena floor before landing a suicide dive. Fenix returns and he takes out Wheeler with a top rope dive, Fenix then gets Harwood back into the ring and Fenix follows him in there to land a head kick. Harwood avoids another head kick to remove Fenix’s match and roll him up for a three count.

Winners: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

After the match, The Young Bucks attack The Butcher & The Blade to recover the key to FTR’s truck and Kenny Omega comes out with a cooler as well. Omega gives FTR some beers and FTR dumps them on him, Omega gets angry and The Bucks hold him back.

– The Inner Circle make their way to the ring, Chris Jericho gets the microphone to talk about his match last week against Orange Cassidy. Jericho then gives everybody a lesson on how TV ratings work, Jericho says everybody wants to see a rematch between him and Cassidy and nobody will get it. The Inner Circle drink some orange juice in honor of Cassidy’s career, Cassidy interrupts and he makes his way out through the crowd. Jericho says that Cassidy doesn’t have what it takes to defeat him, Jericho demands that Cassidy leave the arena and Cassidy gives him a thumbs down. A bunch of orange juice falls from the ceiling and it falls on The Inner Circle, Jericho gets a towel and its an Orange Cassidy towel.

– Jurassic Express are interviewed backstage, Marko Stunt talks about The Inner Circle being covered in orange juice. Luchasaurus interrupts and he says a dinosaur has the chance to wrestle The Elite tonight.

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Mark Jackson & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Nick doing some work on the arm of Boy, Boy gets free and Nick nails him with a top rope arm drag. Boy responds by landing a springboard arm drag on Nick, Boy then propels Nick to the entrance ramp and Nick returns by attempting a slingshot x-factor. Omega and Stunt are tagged in by their respective partners, Omega shoves Stunt to the mat below a few times. Stunt gets angry and he attacks Omega with some strikes before eating a chop, Stunt nails Omega with a hip toss followed by a springboard hurricarana. Luchasaurus tags in and Matt gets the tag a short time later, Luchasaurus drops Matt before landing a spinning head kick for a near fall. Stunt tags in and Boy tags in a short time later, Jurassic Express triple team Matt to send him out of the ring. Boy and Stunt then double team Matt on the arena floor until Nick makes the save, Luchasaurus and Omega battle in the ring until Omega clears the ring. Omega then takes out the opposition with a suicide dive, Omega gets Boy back in the ring before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Matt tags in and he nails Boy with a buckle bomb followed by a cannonball, Nick tags in and he nails Boy with a slingshot swanton bomb.

Omega tags in and he attacks Boy with a series of strikes, Omega goes for You Cannot Escape and Boy gets his knees up. Boy looks for a tag and The Bucks attack his partners, Omega gets up and he avoids a Boy clothesline before landing one of his own. Matt tags in and he holds a downed Boy in a chin lock, Boy gets free and he fights back before nailing Nick with a hurricarana on the arena floor. Omega attacks Boy on the arena floor and Boy nails him with a clothesline, Boy gets back in the ring before landing a tornado DDT on Matt. Luchasaurus tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus nails Nick with a choke slam followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Omega and Luchasaurus have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Omega ends the exchange by nailing Luchasaurus with multiple V Triggers. Omega follows up with a snap dragon suplex on every member of Jurassic Express, Jurassic Express fights back as Stunt nails an assisted hurricarana on Omega. Jurassic Express nail Omega with an Extinction Event for anear fall, The Bucks return to attack Luchasaurus with super kicks. The Elite then hit Luchasaurus with a triple pile driver for a near fall, Stunt and Nick are tagged in by their respective partners.

Nick gets Stunt to the top rope and Stunt exchanges strikes with him, Boy interferes to hit Nick with a super rana before Stunt lands a splash for a near fall. The Elite knock Jurassic Express to the ramp before Matt tags in, Stunt returns and he nails Matt with a super destroyer for a near fall. Omega tags in and Stunt nails him with a few strikes, Omega recovers to hit Stunt with a snap dragon suplex followed by a pump kick. Omega then nails Stunt and Luchasaurus with V Triggers, Omega goes for a One Winged Angel and Stunt counters with a roll up before eating a V Trigger. Omega then hits Stunt with a One Winged Angel for a three count.

Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega, Mark Jackson & Nick Jackson)

After the match, Kenny Omega attacks Marko Stunt until The Young Bucks break it up.

– Hikaru Shida is interviewed backstage and she says that she is ready for Nyla Rose, but she will defend the title against any challenger.

– Jon Moxley appears and he talks about what he has went through over the last few weeks, Moxley says that the title is on the line tonight as everybody fights for the fallen. Moxley says he will attack Brian Cage’s injured bicep tonight.

The Nightmare Sisters (Brandi Rhodes & Allie) w/Dustin Rhodes vs. MJ Jenkins & Kenzie Paige

The match begins with Paige getting Rhodes in a headlock, Rhodes gets free and she nails Paige with a pump kick. Rhodes drops Paige as Allie tags into the match, Allie nails a downed Paige with a sliding clothesline and knee strike. Rhodes tags in and she nails Paige with a super kick, Paige fights back and Rhodes nails her with a sling blade. Jenkins and Allie are tagged into the match, Allie quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Rhodes nails an interfering Paige with a spear, Allie nails Jenkins with her falling elbow smash for a three count.

Winners: The Nightmare Sisters (Brandi Rhodes & Allie) w/Dustin Rhodes

– Dasha Gonzalez conducts an in-ring interview with Nyla Rose, who says that she won’t reveal who her manager is after supposedly being insulted by Gonzalez. Vickie Guerrero comes out as the manager for Rose, Guerrero says she won’t reveal her plans with Rose and they will fight for the AEW Women’s Championship at the right time. Guerrero says the rest of the women’s locker room that Rose will steal all of the opportunities they have been dreaming about.

– Taz gets the microphone before the next match talking about what Brian Cage has been doing while Jon Moxley was in quarantine.

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Brian Cage w/Taz

The match begins with Cage attempting to attack Moxley before the bell sounds, Moxley counters by landing some strikes on Cage. Cage recovers and he nails Moxley with a clothesline, Cage corners Moxley while landing some shoulder thrusts. Cage follows up by nailing Moxley with a short arm clothesline, Moxley fights back and he goes after the previously injured arm of Cage. Cage recovers to drop Moxley with an overhead slam, Cage corners Moxley before landing a series of strikes. Moxley fights back and he nails Cage with a missile drop kick, Moxley snaps the arm of Cage along the bottom rope. Moxley also smashes the injured arm of Cage on the mat below, Moxley keeps Cage down before landing a penalty kick for a near fall. Cage fights back and he attacks Moxley with a few strikes, Cage then drops Moxley with a back drop driver. Cage goes to the ring apron and Moxley blocks a suplex attempt to send him into the ring post, Moxley follows up with a suicide dive on Cage. Moxley goes back after the arm of Cage and Cage sends him into the barricade, Cage drags Moxley towards the cheap seats while throwing him into the barricade.

Moxley recovers and he wrenches Cage’s arm before kicking away at it, Moxley grabs a barricade and he leans it against the ring. Cage fights back and he nails Moxley with a release German suplex into the barricade, Cage gets Moxley back into the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Moxley avoids a clothesline before applying a sleeper hold to Cage, Cage picks Moxley up and he backs him into the corner. Cage keeps Moxley down while choking him near the ropes, Cage follows up by nailing Moxley with a back suplex for a near fall. Cage follows that up by dropping Moxley with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Cage then applies a modified camel clutch to Moxley. Cage releases that hold before nailing Moxley with a torture rack bomb for a near fall, Cage reapplies the camel clutch to a downed Moxley. Moxley gets free and Cage sends him back to the arena floor, Moxley fights back and Cage suplexes him onto a steel chair. Cage gets Moxley back in the ring and Moxley catches him in a roll up, Moxley sends a charging Cage into the ring post before rolling him up for a near fall. Cage recovers and he nails a charging Moxley with a power slam, Cage goes for a moonsault and Moxley gets out of the way. Moxley gets up and he nails Cage with a series of knee strikes, Cage and Moxley then exchange a few clotheslines.

Moxley then nails a swinging Cage with a Paradigm Shift for a near fall, Moxley gets Cage on the top rope and he follows him up there before landing a superplex for a near fall. Moxley immediately gets Cage in a kimura and Cage gets free by landing a buckle bomb, Moxley goes to the ring apron and Cage suplexes him back into the ring. Cage goes for a Drill Claw and Moxley counters with an arm breaker, Moxley transitions to an arm bar and Taz throws in the towel for Cage.

Winner: Jon Moxley, still the AEW World Heavyweight Champion

After the match, Brian Cage attacks Jon Moxley until the lights go out and Darby Allin returns to make the save.

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