
AEW Dynamite Results For 9/1/21 FTR vs. Santana and Ortiz, Elite vs. Jurassic Express and Lucha Bros

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– “It’s Wednesday Night, and you know what that means,” as AEW Head Commentator Jim Ross. Ross then welcomes the viewers to Chicago, Illinois, and they are coming to us live from the Now Arena. Ross then introduces his colleagues Excalibur and Tony Schiavone to the broadcast; the three broadcasters begin going over tonight’s card.

FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard) vs. Santana and Ortiz

FTR comes out wearing Grand S.L.A.M. matching jackets as a tribute to Bobby Eaton. Santana and Ortiz then make their entrance, and they are wearing black and white war paint. Dax Harwood and Santana begin things; they lock up and counter each other and then stare at each other after neither men get the upper hand. Next, Dax Harwood and Santana begin exchanging chops for a good forty-five seconds or so. Now, all four men are in the ring and exchange strikes and send FTR outside the ring.

Santana and Ortiz both hit different dives onto FTR; soon, Santana and Ortiz send their opponents into the ring. Harwood is getting some strikes in, Cash Wheeler gets the blind tag, and Ortiz does not see it. Wheeler sends Ortiz hard into the ring post shoulder first, not once but twice. Next, Wheeler tags in Harwood, and Harwood begins stomping on Ortiz’s elbow. Wheeler takes the turnbuckle pad off in one of the left corners while the referee is distracted. Harwood tries to send Ortiz into it, but Santana makes the save. Next, Santana hits The Three Amigos. Santana goes up top and hits Harwood with the frog splash. Santana goes to cover Harwood, but Harwood kicks out.

Harwood hits Ortiz with a big brainbuster, Harwood goes for the pin, and Ortiz kicks out at two. Wheeler and Santana are now the legal men; Ortiz and Santana double team Wheeler and hit him with a suplex. Harwood hits Santana with a huge suplex from the top rope. FTR hit Ortiz with the Big Rig; they go for the pin, and Santana saves Ortiz at the last second. Santana hits Wheeler with a cutter and then a super lung-blower by Ortiz, a thrust kick from SantanaOrtiz hits a double flapjack, then pins Harwood to get the victory.

Winners: Santana and Ortiz

– Daniel Garcia and 2.0 cut a promo and tell Darby Allin not to think about CM Punk yet because Garcia will be up first on Friday on Rampage.

– CM Punk makes his entrance. Punk asks the crowd if they are tired of him yet? Punk talks about this Sunday and how it could be his last because he has not wrestled in seven years. While CM Punk is talking, he gets attacked by 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. Sting and Darby Allin make the save. Punk hits the GTS, Sting hits Scorpion Death Drop, and Darby Allin hits the Coffin Drop. After that, CM Punk and Allin get into each other’s faces. Sting has the microphone, and he tells CM Punk that he always wanted to share a ring with him. Sting says that “their paths have never crossed .” Sting says he will not be at ringside for their match on Sunday at All Out.

– We get a promo of the different AEW commentators talking about the upcoming Christian vs. Kenny Omega at All Out.

– MJF is with Tony Schiavone with interview segment; MJF talks about all of the Jericho nicknames and says Jericho will go down as one of the G.O.A.T.’s and says Jericho is like Muhammed Ali, but he comes back after his prime when he should have quit a while ago. MJF says it is poetic that Jericho’s yearning to get him to the dance is the same reason his music will die.

Orange Cassidy vs. Jack Evans (w/ Matt Hardy)

Before the bell rings, Matt Hardy begins attacking Orange Cassidy. The referee Bryce Remsburg orders Hardy to leave ringside. Remsburg asks Cassidy if he is “ready,” and Cassidy says that he is. Evans comes in and kicks Cassidy in the back of the head. Evans has the upper hand until Cassidy returns and takes out Evans by sending him over the top rope.

Cassidy then hits Jack Evans with a tope suicida; Evans and Cassidy begin exchanging holds and reverse a good six or seven times. Cassidy sends Evans to the corner, and now both men are on the ropes and exchanging punches. Cassidy and Evans’s exchange strikes as we go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the commercial break, Orange Cassidy rolls up Jack Evans for the pin. Hardy comes down and attacks Orange Cassidy. Cassidy is back up, and before he can do anything, he gets attacked; Wheeler Yuta and Chuckie T attempt to make the save, but once they hit the ring, they are attacked by Private Party, Angelico, The Blade. Hardy and his guys circle Cassidy and are about to attack, but Jurassic Express makes the save.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

– We get a short promo for Miro and Eddie Kingston’s upcoming match at AEW All Out. They then head out for a commercial break.

– They come back from commercial break, and we get Moxley doing a promo for his upcoming match against Satoshi Kojima at All Out.

– Jim Ross is standing in the ring and says that this is his first in-ring interview since he’s been in AEW. Ross introduces one of his oldest friends Chris Jericho. Jericho says he will say something he hasn’t said in a long time, and that is “Chicago is Jericho.” Ross says he doesn’t understand why Jericho is risking his career. Jericho says before I answer that, I want to say, “MJF, you are a piece of shit.” But, Jericho says he has to put it all on the line; Jericho says he is not complacent, and that’s why he is here.

Jericho says that he does not want it to end, and he wants to keep going. Jericho says, “if something goes horribly, but he is okay with the possibility of his career-ending, where it began.” Jericho continues and says he has to do this and tells MJF what he will do to him at All Out.

– Darby Allin has a short video segment and tells CM Punk that he is willing to do anything to win.

Brian Cage vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook)

Powerhouse Hobbs is making his way down to the ring with Hook; Brian Cage attacks Hobbs from behind. Cage is beating Hobbs down. Finally, Cage gets Hobbs into the ring; as Brian Cage attempts to get in, Hook cuts him off. This allows Hobbs to attack Cage; Hobbs now takes control after hitting Cage with huge punches. We head out to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

They return from commercial break, and once they come back from commercial, Tony Schiavone says that he received a text from Dr. Britt Baker, and Baker has news about a big free agent. During the commercial break, Hobbs was in control. Brian Cage regains control and gets some heavy shots on Hobbs; Cage hits Hobbs with a German suplex. Hobbs hits Cage with a huge spinebuster; he goes for the pin, but Cage kicks out.

Cage is back up, and he hits Hobbs with a knee strike and then a Death Valley Driver. Cage then hits Hobbs with a big suplex. Cage goes to finish the match, but Hook distracts the referee, and Hobbs sends to the ropes, and Ricky Starks is there and hits him with the FTW belt. Hobbs then slams Cage and pins him for the win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook)

– We get a promo from Malakai Black, and he is calling out Lee Johnson and says he will take him out and will not be as easy on him as he was to Cody Rhodes, Arn Anderson, and Brock Anderson.

– QT Marshall and The Nightmare Factory call out Paul Wight; Marshall and all his guys begin attacking Wight. Wight takes them all out; The Gunn Club comes out and appears to save Paul Wight, but they turn on him when Billy Gunn hits Wight with the chair in his surgically repaired hip. The Gunn Club leaves the ring, and Marshall and The Nightmare Factory begin attacking Wight as we go to a commercial break.

– Tony Schiavone asks about the free-agent news, and Baker says that she does have news on the hottest free agent in Professional Wrestling and says it’s herself. She also states that Reba, Not Rebel, and Jamie Hayter will be in the Women’s Casino Battle Royale.

Tay Conti vs. Penelope Ford (w/ The Bunny)

Before the match begins, Tay Conti hits Penelope Ford and The Bunny with the dive. Conti is in control as the match starts. Conti hits Ford with a big backbreaker; Conti goes for the pin, but Ford kicks out. Conti sends Ford to the corner and hits her twice, and this sends Ford down to the mat. Conti goes to the top rope, but Conti gets knocked off. Ford takes control as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the break, Ford hits Conti with a nice slingshot heal drop on Conti. We return from the break, and Ford is just throwing some heavy shots at Conti. Ford hits Conti with a big kick in the corner, Conti hits Ford with a big crossbody. Conti then locks in Ford for a submission hold, but Ford reaches the ropes. Conti hits Ford with three pump kicks. Conti goes for her finisher; however, Ford counters it and slams her down. Ford distracts the referee Aubrey Edwards; The Bunny then grabs the legs of Conti. Conti grabs The Bunny, and Ford gets bumped into The Bunny, allowing Conti to pin Ford for the win. After the match, Ford and The Bunny begin attacking Conti. The attack continues, and The Dark Order’s Anna Jay makes the save. Excalibur says that Anna Jay will be in the Women’s Casino Battle Royale.

Winner: Tay Conti

– Thunder Rosa is about to be interviewed by Alex Marvez, but Nyla Rose and Jade Cargill confront Rosa. Rosa says if she goes down, she will go down swinging. She then punches Rose; however, Cargill takes Rosa down real quick.

– We get a promo of the AEW commentators talking about Chris Jericho’s battle with MJF and talk about his match this weekend at All Out.

– Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur go over Sunday’s All Out card.

Jurassic Express and Lucha Bros. (w/ Marko Stunt and Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Elite (The Good Brothers and The Young Bucks) (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

Luchasaurus and Doc Gallows get into each other’s faces as the bell rings. Gallows and Luchasaurus begin exchanging strikes. Gallows goes to hit Luchasaurus with a suplex; however, Luchasaurus counters and hits a suplex. Gallows tags Nick Jackson and Rey Fenix tag in. Fenix and Nick Jackson counter each other’s moves.

Penta and Matt Jackson are tagged in, they have a face-to-face with The Young Bucks, but they get attacked by The Good Brothers from behind. All eight men are in the ring now; Matt Jackson and Fenix are still in the ring; Matt Jackson and Fenix are running the ropes; however, Jungle Boy trips him up, allowing Fenix to hit Matt with a sling blade. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break, and The Elite takes control.

The Jungle Boy goes on a streak and takes out all four members of The Elite; Jungle Boy escapes and gets to Rey Fenix for the hot tag. Fenix hits Nick Jackson with a Fireman’s carry; Nick Jackson saves Matt as Fenix goes for the pin.

Luchasaurus hits Karl Anderson with a big chokeslam and then hits Anderson with a moonsault press. The Lucha Bros. go to end it, and Cutler sprays Fenix in the eyes. This allows The Good Brothers to hit Fenix with The Magic Killer, Anderson goes for the pin, Luchasaurus makes the save. Then, The Young Bucks hit Fenix with the Meltzer Driver. Matt Jackson then pins Fenix to get the win. After the match, Kenny Omega comes down to ringside. Then, The Elite with Kenny Omega begins attacking Christian Cage and The Lucha Bros.

Kenny Omega says, “Mr. Callis that he knows he has the keys to steel cage and to lower it down. The Elite continues their beatdown on all three men. They handcuff the men to the ropes, and Matt Jackson delivers multiple flying knees to Penta and Fenix. Frankie Kazarian and Dante Martin come down to help try to save, but they get either knocked off the steel cage or sprayed by Brandon Cutler. Omega and The Young Bucks hit Christian Cage with the Triple BTE as we go off the air.

Winners: The Elite (The Good Brothers and The Young Bucks) (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

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