
AEW Dynamite Results 3/3/21 Shaq and Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet, plus much more

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– Dynamite opens with the much anticipated mixed-tag team match involving NBA Legend Shaquille O’Neal. A video package showing how the feud kicked off is shown as Cody Rhodes enters the ring.

Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Jade Cargill

Cody and Shaq start the match. The two tie-up, but Shaq pushes Cody to the ground. Cody gets Shaq in the corner and chops him twice, but Shaq returns the favor with a chop of his own. He delivers a knee to the midsection of Rhodes in the other corner. Cody stumbles around the ring, and Shaq continues to deliver chops. Jade tags herself in. She and Red Velvet stare each other down. Jade hits a pump kick to the face of Red Velvet.

Red Velvet evades some punches and lands a right of her own. Jade regains control in the corner and tosses Red Velvet across the ring. She taunts with pushups in the middle of the ring. A Red Velvet crossbody from the top rope is countered into a fallaway slam. Cody is tagged in and hits Shaq with a knee, knocking him to the floor before getting into the ring. Shaq gets hit in the back with a chair by Austin Gunn and slams both Gunn brothers. Red Velvet hits a moonsault to everyone on the outside. The action re-enters the ring, and Jade locks in a figure-four leg lock.

Jade heads outside the ring after the hold is broken and sets up a table. Red Velvet identifies the danger and attacks Jade, throwing her back into the ring. Red Velvet sets up her own table. Red Velvet hits an enzugiri and tags in Cody. Shaq enters. Shaq pays homage to Brodie Lee and hits Cody with a powerbomb. Cody slams Shaq but kicks out at two. Jade and Red Velvet enter and trade chops in the middle of the ring.

Cargill hits a spinebuster and goes for the pin, but Cody breaks it up. Rhodes then hits Shaq with a crossbody, and they go through the two tables on the outside. Red Velvet hits a spear, but Jade kicks out at two. She then returns with a face-first slam on Red Velvet, picking up the win. Shaq is shown on the floor out cold.

WINNER: Jade Cargill & Shaquille O’Neal

– Shaq is shown being stretchered into an ambulance. Tony Schiavone goes to talk to him, but he has vanished.

Pac & Rey Fenix vs. John Skyler & D3

Pac hits a straight kick to the face. He and Fenix then hit a combo high-low takedown. Fenix walks the ropes and kicks D3 in the eyes. Fenix sets Skyler on the ground, and PAC hits a 450 Splash. Fenix then hits a sit-out slam for the victory.

WINNER: PAC & Rey Fenix

– MJF and Chris Jericho come out for the Inner Circle press conference. Jericho says it’s been one year since he lost the AEW World Title, and it’s about time he held a title again. He also shares that he is a seven-time stage team champion, even naming Dwayne Johnson and Paul Wight as former partners. Conrad Thompson asks about the odds of letting Sammy Guevara back in the Inner Circle. Both men berate him. MJF then says he is tired of being asked why they attacked Papa Buck; he says his only regret is that he got his backyard blood all over his new custom suit.

Santana and Ortiz say they were dumb to bring their dad to work, knowing the Inner Circle would cross any line. Eric Bischoff is present and asks why they would motivate the Bucks to come back at them with a vengeance. MJF and Jericho don’t care about the condition of Papa Buck. Matt and Nick’s music hit, and they come out and address their challengers. They say they knew they would hurt their friends but didn’t know they hurt their father and make it personal. They list all the things their dad did that apparently MJF and Jericho’s father evidentially failed to do with them.

Their DIY spirit helped created Being The Elite and even AEW. Matt says without AEW, MJF is still living at home waiting for a callback from the Rosie O’Donnell Show. As for Jericho, he’s probably be jerking the curtain at the Performance Center.

Superkick Party on Jericho, and a brawl breaks out. Brandon Cutler comes out to help his friends. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson set up a table on the stage. Ortiz and Santana are put through tables.

FTR and Tully Blanchard (w/ J.J. Dillon) vs. Jurassic Express

Tully Blanchard and Marko Stunt start the match, Tully drives Marko to the corner. Dax Harwood and Jungle Boy are tagged in; Harwood and Jungle Boy both start running the ropes. Jungle Boy nails Dax with a big dropkick. Jungle Boy hits Cash Wheeler with an unsuspecting dropkick. Jungle Boy has Dax in a snare trap on the outside of the ring; the action returns to the ring, and the ref has been distracted by Tully.

The distraction allowed J.J. Dillon to give his shoe to, and they go for the pin, but Jungle Boy kicks out at two. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial, FTR and Tully are controlling the match still. Jungle Boy has not yet had the chance to tag a partner. We come back from a commercial, and Luchasaurus gets the hot tag, and he takes out FTR. Marko Stunt jumps into the arms of Luchasaurus, and Luchasaurus throws Stunt right at Tully Blanchard, which takes him down. Luchasaurus hits a double suplex on Harwood and Wheeler.

Jungle Boy is the legal man; Wheeler hits an excellent frog splash on Jungle Boy. Then he hits an Everest German suplex into a pin, but Stunt breaks up the kick. Tully is tagged, and he hits a slingshot suplex on Marko Stunt.

Jurassic Express hits the Thoracic Express, but they get confused about who the legal man is, so only a two count. Jungle Boy goes to outside, and a cameraman hits him. The cameraman hits Luchasaurus now. FTR hit Luchasaursus with a spike piledriver; Tully then tags in to get the pin and the win. FTR, Tully, and J.J. Dillon celebrate. The cameraman who helped them when he removes his hoodie and it is Shawn Spears.

Winners: FTR and Tully Blanchard (w/ J.J. Dillon)

– Tony Schiavone welcomes Paul Wight to AEW; Paul tells the crowd “who saw this turn coming” sarcastically. He talks about AEW Elevation and what it will be about. Wight says Tony is not the only one who gets scoops; he has a scoop and that AEW is signing a huge star, a hall-of-fame worthy huge star. He says they will debut at AEW Revolution, and it’s not who you think.

AEW Women’s Eliminator Tournament Final
Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Ryo Mizunami

They start with a tie-up, and they battle for a good fifteen seconds until Ryo Mizunami gets the upper hand. Ryo goes for a shoulder tackle, but it does not work out for her. Nyla and Riho begin exchanging multiple strikes. Ryo begins hitting Nyla with multiple chops into the corner. Ryo is really playing to the crowd; Ryo hits Nyla with a clothesline and then goes for the pin, but Rose kicks out with ease. Nyla gets up and takes Ryo down with a heavy shot.

They go to another picture-in-picture, and Rose is controlling the action. They are back, and Nyla goes for big moonsault but misses, and this gives Ryo in control; she knocks Rose to the outside now. Nyla gets a good shot in, but Riho hits with a guillotine leg drop. The ref starts the count, but Rose gets in the ring, and Ryo hits a lateral press. Nyla gets back up and nails Ryo with some big heavy shots. Ryo hits the rope but then gets hit with a massive clothesline, and Nyla hits the Death Valley Driver.

Nyla then goes for the Beast Bomb, but Ryo gets out of it and hits Nyla with the Exploder. They both go up to the top rope, and Rose delivers a superplex and hits the mat hard. Ryo and Rose at the same time; she hits Nyla with a German suplex and then hits a guillotine leg drop to get the victory.

Winner: Ryo Mizunami

Sting comes out to talk to Tony, and he says he is ready for a street fight. Ricky Starks interrupts him and says that Sting steal has it, but he tells Sting he is no icon and slaps Sting. Sting then comes at him with multiple strikes. Sting hits the Stinger Splash, and then he follows it up by putting Starks in the Scorpion Death Lock. Team Taz comes out for the save, and Brian Cage begins attacking Sting, Cage goes for the powerbomb, but Darby Allin comes out now and stops Cage. Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Brian Cage, and they go to a commercial.

Max Caster vs. Dark Order’s 10 ( w/Negative One)

Max Caster comes out rapping and taking shots at The Dark Order. They start with a tie-up, and Caster gets the advantage first, but rather quickly, 10 takes control of the match. 10 gets in multiple strikes in on Caster; Caster goes to the outside. They head out again for a picture-in-picture commercial as Caster sends 10 into the ring post. During the commercial, Caster is in control.

They come back from the commercial break, and now 10 is controlling the match. 10 hits Caster with a massive spinebuster. Caster is back up a short time later, he hits 10 with a brainbuster and then goes for the Claim to Fame, but 10 moves out of the way. 10 hits Caster with a powerbomb; the ref is distracted by Caster. Jack Evans comes out and hits 10 with a case, and 10 is laid out. Caster goes right for the pin and picks up the victory. He will move on to the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match at AEW Revolution.

Winner: Max Caster

– Miro cuts a promo and how he will take care of Chuck Taylor at AEW Revolution.

– The commentary team then goes over the upcoming AEW Revolution card

Marq Quen & Matt Hardy vs. Adam “Hangman’ Page & John Silver

The match begins with John Silver and Marq Quen; Marq Quen starts with the upper hand. He brings Silver to his corner, and Matt Hardy takes a cheap shot at John Silver. They go to a commercial after returning with Matt Hardy throwing multiple strikes in at Silver. Adam Page is trying to get the crowd into the match. Marq Quen and Matt Hardy keep exchanging tags so they can control the match.

Hardy begins celebrating, and it costs him as John Silver hits the Silver Slice Bread. Silver makes it to Page for the hot tag, and he takes out Marq Quen. Marq Quen goes to kick Page, but Page moves, and Quen takes out Hardy. Page delivers some heavy strikes to Marq Quen; then follows it up by going for a dive onto Matt Hardy outside the ring. Silver and Page are working really well together; between the two, they hit a rolling elbow, enzuigiri, pop-up powerbomb, Silver then hits the German suplex, and Page then ends Marq Quen’s night with the Buckshot Lariat. Page then stares right at Matt Hardy while pinning Marq Quen for the win.

After the match, Page and Silver are attacked by Hardy; then, the majority of the locker room is in the ring, and everyone is fighting. There is mayhem in the ring as they go off the air.

Winner: Adam “Hangman” Page & John Silver

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