
AEW Dynamite Results (2/9/22): Hangman Page Defends AEW World Title, Tony Khan’s ‘Huge’ Announcement + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite (2/9/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us to the show and Wardlow makes his way down to the ring with cardboard cut-outs of MJF. Wardlow hands ring announcer Justin Roberts a card and Roberts introduces FTR and Tully Blanchard who make their way to the ring, followed by Shawn Spears. A video package is then shown of MJF’s win over CM Punk last week and then the man of the hour, MJF makes his way to the ring. MJF tells the Atlantic City, New Jersey crowd to settle down and says he made it crystal clear last week that he’s the best wrestler on the planet…not Kenny Omega, not Bryan Danielson, not Adam Cole and not Hangman Page. MJF says he beat CM Punk twice last week while in Punk’s hometown of Chicago, Illinois and that means he’s better than the best in the world. MJF says a lot of emotion came over him while he was pinning Punk which made him feel the need to whisper two words into Punk’s ear…you suck. MJF says if it weren’t for Shawn Spears he wouldn’t have beaten Punk. Spears says given MJF’s historic win, he got MJ a gift, a brand new shirt that says ‘Better Than The Best in The World’, which is available on AEWShop.com. MJF says he’s better than Bret Hart in Canada, he’s better than Roddy Piper in Portland, he’s better than CM Punk in Chicago and it’s time he becomes AEW World Champion. CM Punk comes out and says MJF’s win is as suspect as MJF’s spray tan. Punk says he’s got some friends today since MJF, FTR, Wardlow and Spears like to ‘pick their spots and team up on one person’, Sting and Darby Allin make their way out and Punk says they can either give him what he wants, a rematch or he, Sting and Darby will come down to the ring and beat it out of them. MJF says he’s already beaten Punk twice and Punk says he’s not talking to MJF…he’s talking to Wardlow, because the everyone in the ring wouldn’t have won anything if it weren’t for Wardlow. MJF says he beat Punk all by himself, Punk tells Wardlow to leave ‘those punks in the ring’, MJF says Wardlow hangs around The Pinnacle because they’re best friends. Dax Harwood says he and Cash Wheeler are the best tag team in the world and they want a rematch against Punk, Sting and Darby. Punk accepts, MJF says he doesn’t want to wrestle in the ‘cesspool’ of Atlantic City. MJF proposes CM Punk, alongside any partner of his choosing against FTR and if Punk wins, MJF will give him a rematch anytime, anywhere, the only caveat is Punk cannot choose Darby or Sting as his partner. MJF tells Wardlow to change into his gear because he has a match tonight. MJF says he’s better than Punk and Punk knows it and we head to a commercial break.

Wardlow (with Shawn Spears) vs. The Blade

Blade takes out Wardlow by the knees right as the bell sounds and unloads some kicks to the downed big man. Wardlow knocks Blade back as the crowd HEAVILY cheers his name. Wardlow plans Blade with a belly-to-belly and tosses Blade out of the ring as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and back in the ring, Blade tries to fight Wardlow off with some chops to the chest but Wardlow charges at Blade with a spear. Wardlow plants Blade with a huge power-bomb, the crowd cheers for more, Wardlow obliges and sends Blade thumping to the mat with another power-bomb…the crowd wants more, so Wardlow gives them more and nails Blade with a third…and fourth power-bomb and finally pins Blade for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Wardlow

After the match, Shawn Spears whacks Blade with the chair and he and Wardlow make their way out of the ring. We then see a video package where Alex Abrahantes narrates Penta’s ‘change’ because of Malakai Black’s mist and we cut back to the ring where The Inner Circle makes their way to the ring and will have a ‘team meeting’. Chris Jericho, TNT Champion Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager make their way down together followed by Santana & Ortiz, who then come out as a pair. Jericho says it’s cute that Santana & Ortiz came out together but it wasn’t cute when they didn’t tag him in, in their match against 2.0 and Daniel Garcia and called them disrespectful. Santana says it’s enough of that ‘corny shit’ and at the end of the day, Chris Jericho only cares about Chris Jericho. Santana says anything that they’ve fight or issue they had to go through, it’s to the benefit of Chris Jericho and only Chris Jericho. Santana says whenever they had a chance to get to the AEW Tag Team Titles, they had to stop what they’re doing to come save Chris Jericho. Santana says that he and Ortiz came out there to tell him the days of them playing second fiddle are over and done with and at the end of the day, Chris is the one who always stood in their way and never let them get a bigger spotlight than he had. Santana says he better than Ortiz with everything he has because if it wasn’t for him, he would’ve dropped him a long time ago. Jericho says Santana reminds him of Eddie Guerrero because of his attitude. Jericho asks Santana what Eddie Kingston has ever done for him and calls himself the influencer of AEW and because of him, Santana has been in main events of pay-per-views and Dynamite and Rampage and he’s made more money than he ever has because of him. Jericho says Santana & Ortiz had their chance to become AEW Tag Team Champions last year but they lost to the Young Bucks, which has nothing to do with him. Jericho threatens to kick Santana & Ortiz out of The Inner Circle and says maybe he invited the wrong two numbers of LAX to join the group. Guevara stops Santana from attacking Jericho and says they’re a family, Jericho tells Sammy to shutup, Jericho apologizes and Sammy tells him to save it. Sammy says he loves everyone in the ring and says they’re a family. Sammy says one of his goals is to become one of the best champions in AEW history and this bickering back-and-forth isn’t going to help anything. Sammy says he’s quit this group before and unless they can figure ‘this shit’ out, he’ll quit it again before dropping his vest and walks out. Ortiz asks Jericho what’s next and says he couldn’t be more wrong about Eddie Kingston and unlike Chris, he’s one of their brothers in arms and one thing is for certain, the bickering and moaning they’re doing isn’t going to settle anything. Ortiz says where he and Santana come from, they don’t fix it by talking, they do it by fighting and next week, it’ll be Santana & Ortiz against Jericho and Hager. Jericho says after he and Hager beat them down, maybe they’ll have an attitude adjustment. Jericho and Hager exit the ring and we cut backstage where Tony Schiavone is with Trent and Rocky Romero ahead of their match against the Young Bucks this Friday night on Rampage. Matt and Nick Jackson interrupt and ponder why they don’t just fight right here, right now…Adam Cole comes from behind and attacks Romero and Trent, Matt and Nick join the attack and Jay White comes out of nowhere and fires Rocky into a production truck! Jay White has walked through the forbidden door and Isiah Kassidy will face a mystery opponent in a Face of The Revolution qualifying match after the break. After the break, Kassidy is waiting in the ring and Keith Lee’s music hits! Keith Lee is All Elite!

Isiah Kassidy (with Marq Queen and Matt Hardy) vs. Keith Lee — Face of The Revolution Qualifying Match

Lee is feeling it early and often, shows off his high-flying and powerful offense, nails Kassidy with a moonsault and a flip off the top rope, then tosses Kassidy out of the ring and dives onto him on the outside. Matt Hardy makes his way out of the ring-side area with a disappointed look targeted in the direction of Kassidy. Lee tosses Kasside to the corner, Kassidy trips Lee up, slides him out of the ring and dives through the middle ropes to lay out Lee, who quickly gets back in the ring, Kassidy lights him up with some strikes and has a Pele kick swatted away. Lee tosses Kassidy in the air, catches him on his shoulders and plants him with a pop-up side slam for the three-count and the win!

Winner – Keith Lee (qualifies for the Face of The Revolution Ladder Match)

After the match, Marq Queen attacks Keith Lee, Isiah Kassidy joins the attack but Lee quickly takes them both out before. We then see a video package hyping up next week’s No-Disqualification match between Thunder Rosa and Mercedes Martinez before Sammy Guevara makes his way out to the ring as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and it appears as if Sammy Guevara didn’t have much to say as we’re now ready for tag team action. FTR make their way to the ring alongside Tully Blanchard. CM Punk’s next out and his mystery tag partner is former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley!

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) with Tully Blanchard) vs CM Punk & Jon Moxley

Punk and Dax start this one off. Punk frustrates Dax with some takedowns and transitions, Dax composes himself and locks back up with Punk and makes the tag to Cash, who works over Punk with a choke. Punk slides out with an arm-drag, Cash breaks away and makes the tag to Dax, Punk makes the tag to Moxley, who drags Dax to the mat with an arm-drag but Dax reverses the momentum and counters with a head-lock, Moxley tosses Dax off the ropes but Dax wallops him with a clothesline before Moxley fires back with a slam and a trio of kicks, then an elbow and a cover but Dax kicks out at two. Moxley makes the tag to Punk, Cash distracts Punk and Dax dives at Punk’s knee and tags-in Cash who continues the attack on Punk’s now-injured knee. Cash tags Dax back-in and the attack continues on Punk’s left knee. Dax and Cash seclude Punk on the outside of the ring but Moxley dives through the middle rope and takes everyone out as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Moxley just sneaks back in the ring from being counted out, Dax tags-in Cash and they stomp on Mox’s face until referee Aubrey Edwards calls for them to break. FTR then drive Moxley’s head into the bottom turnbuckle, Cash goes for the cover, Moxley kicks out, Cash tags Dax back in, who stomps on Moxley, goes for another cover but Moxley is able to lift the shoulders after a count of two. Moxley fights back and delivers elbows to both members of FTR, Cash tags himself back in, Moxley slams Dax, Cash knocks Punk off the apron, Cash tags Dax back-in, FTR plants Moxley with a elevated leg-drop, Dax goes for the cover but Moxley kicks-out at two. Cash goes up top, looks for an elbow drop, Moxley slides away, Cash tags himself in but gets laid out by Moxley, who finally makes the tag to Punk, who nails Dax with a drop-kick, then a rising knee-strike in the corner, Punk goes for the cover but Dax is able to lift the shoulders at two. Moxley picks Dax up, Punk gets on the top rope and he nails Dax with the Doomsday Device, Moxley takes out Cash outside of the ring, Punk covers Dax but Dax just lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Cash takes Moxley out with a DDT and nails Punk with the ring bell, Dax plants Punk with a brain-buster, goes for the cover but Punk somehow kicks-out at two-and-a-half. Dax clubs Punk with an uppercut, then another, Punk looks for the back-slide, Cash tags himself in, Punk knocks him off the apron, looks for the GTS on Dax but gets caught in the Big Rig, Cash covers Punk but Moxley makes the save to break it up. All four men struggle to their feet, they start throwing strikes on one another, FTR slide out of mirror GTS and Paradigm Shift attempts, Moxley chokes Cash, Dax gets caught in the anaconda vise and taps-out but referee Aubrey Edwards is distracted by Dax and Moxley’s brawl, Tully Blanchard breaks up the submission but eats a GTS from Punk, Cash rolls Punk up but Punk kicks-out. Cash eats a GTS from Punk, Moxley stops Dax from interfering and nails him with the Paradigm Shift, Punk pins Cash and gets the 1-2-3 for the win.

Winners – CM Punk & Jon Moxley

Jade Cargill (with Mark Sterling) vs. A.Q.A — AEW TBS Championship

Jade slams AQA to start, AQA fights back but Jade tosses her to the mat and works an arm-bar, AQA slides out and locks Jade in an arm-bar of her own, Jade lifts her and tosses to the mat and then out of the ring as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and AQA is getting a ton of offense in this one and drills Jade with a sky-high drop-kick, goes up top and nails the champion with a shooting star press, goes for the cover but Jade kick out at two. AQA goes then goes right back up top, looks for a dive but gets caught by Jade, who blasts her with some wild slam before planting her with Jaded for the three-count and the win!

Winner – Jade Cargill

We then see Matt and Nick Jackson alongside Adam Cole. Nick says it’s time to climb the rankings and Adam Cole says Jay White is their man if they need any backup during their match against Rocky Romero and Trent on Friday night. Matt asks Adam if he can send them a heads-up next time he invites someone to the show, Adam says they can trust him because he’s never steered them in the wrong direction. Cole says he has something he needs to say and he’ll catch up with them later on.

Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette — Five-Minute ‘Professor’ Challenge

Deeb tosses Arquette into the corner then blasts her with a neck-breaker before locking-up and arm-bar and Arquette immediately taps-out and Deeb needs just 60-seconds to win her five-minute ‘Professor’ challenge.

Adam ‘Hangman’ Page (C) vs. Lance Archer — AEW World Championship

Both men are brawling backstage before either make their entrance. Page tosses Archer into some production equipment and they brawl to the arena and the bell officially rings. Page drills Archer with the title and tosses him through some glass that busts Archer open. Page tosses Archer back in the ring and blasts Archer with the Buckshot Lariat and referee Paul Turner begins his count to 10 and the only Page and Archer can win is by 10-second knockout or submission. Archer struggles to his feet but gets there after a count of nine, Page dives through the middle ropes and Archer pelts him with a garbage can cover and starts unloading on the champion with it. Dan Lambert makes his way down to the ring as well as Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts and Lambert starts unhooking some of the turnbuckles and takes off the top rope to disallow Page from doing the Buckshot Lariat. Archer tosses Page into the crowd and looks for a power-bomb but Page lays him out with a moonsault off of a barricade. Back in the ring, Page looks for the Buckshot Lariat but realizes he has nothing to launch himself off of without a top rope and Archer nails him in the back of the head with a clothesline and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Page is now also busted open and he plants Archer with a DDT on the outside. Both men get back in the ring, Page unloads shots with a kendo stick on Archer but Archer counters and wallops Page with a slam onto a garbage can. Archer grabs a fork and starts stabbing Page with it, Page rolls up of the ring, Archer follows and retrieves a bevy of chairs from underneath the ring and tosses them in before he finds a chair wrapped in barbed wire. Archer drills Page with a big boot then goes back outside the ring and grabs the steel steps and fires Page onto them with the Black Out which sends the champion bouncing off of the steps and to the floor below as referee Paul Turner begins his count but Archer picks him up, tosses him back into the ring and looks for a power-bomb onto the barbed wire chair but Page rips the barbed wire off of it and clubs Archer in the face with it then delivers a German suplex to the big man. Referee Paul Turner’s bent over in the ring to grab the barbed wire and Page uses Turner as a launching pad to nail Archer with the Buckshot Lariat and both he and Archer go through a table on the outside. Both men struggle to their feet, Page gets up and Archer can’t beat the 10-count and Adam ‘Hangman’ Page retains the AEW World Title!

Winner – Adam ‘Hangman’ Page (C)

After the match Adam Cole comes down to the ring and rips the AEW World Championship out of referee Paul Turner’s hands and Cole puts the title on Page himself to signify he’s coming for Page and his title as the show goes off-the-air.

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