
AEW Dynamite Results For 11/24/21 Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana, CM Punk vs. QT Marshall, and more

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.

– Hall of Famer and AEW Commentator Jim Ross begins the telecast as usual by telling the viewer, “It’s Wednesday Night, and you know what that means.” Next, Ross welcomes us to Chicago, Illinois, for AEW Dynamite. He then introduces his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Excalibur. Finally, the three commentators begin going over tonight’s card.

CM Punk makes his way to the ring; after Punk gets in the ring, instead of QT Marshall’s music hitting, it is MJF’s music that hits. The crowd chants CM Punk and before you know it, they are chanting “asshole” to MJF, and then they begin chanting “shut the f**k up.” MJF has the microphone and calls him Punky Brewster; MJF says that the “Pipe Bomb” promo was his best work and congratulates him. Then, MJF begins running down CM Punk for being Straight Edge.

MJF says that CM Punk “cannot go toe to toe with him on the stick (microphone), and that’s okay.” MJF says, “you can drop your pipe bombs because I drop nukes.” Punk grabs a microphone and says, “I’m so disappointed in you.” In those interviews, Punk says he never mentioned MJF’s name by design because he did not want to feed his ego.

CM Punk says, “he’s just jealous because he’s just a less famous Miz,” and the crowd goes nuts. MJF says Punk was right. MJF then makes an impression of Punk, and he tells Punk that he is soft. MJF says this is PG Punk and thinks he should preach Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. MJF then runs down Punk and takes shots about the Comic Books nobody ever read and Movies nobody saw.

MJF tells CM Punk that he knows why CM Punk hates him because he is envious. MJF mentions that he was never up to snuff whether it was against the “You Can’t See Me Man or The King of Kings.” MJF says, “I am better than you, and you know it.” Punk tells MJF there was some truth to what he said, and that was selling out Madison Square Garden while you were marking out to Rosie O’Donnell.”

Punk says, “he never mentioned him because he went to the heart and soul of AEW, Darby Allin.” Punk says, “he talks about being the pillar of AEW, but you got replaced by Britt Baker.” Punk then tells MJF “that the only way he’s going to be number one is he waits long enough for Tony Khan to have a daughter. Punk proposed that they fight now; however, MJF rolls out of the ring.

CM Punk vs. QT Marshall

CM Punk takes down QT Marshall with a shoulder tackle; Punk gets hit by Marshall; however, he comes right back and hits Marshall with four bodyslam’s in a row. Nick Comoroto gets caught grabbing CM Punk’s leg, the referee Paul Turner sends Aaron Solow and Nick Comoroto to the back. Marshall gets a few shots in; however, Punk sends Marshall down with a back elbow. Then, CM Punk sends Marshall to the corner hard; Marshall returns the favor.

Marshall controls the match quickly; however, Punk hits Marshall with a back body drop and then clotheslines Marshall over-the-top rope. So we go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break with QT Marshall in control.

We return from the break with Marshall hitting CM Punk with a Liger Bomb. Marshall begins laying some shots in on Punk; Marshall then starts pushing Punk, and Punk comes back and hits him with an enzuigiri. CM Punk is in control now as he hits QT with a rising knee strike and a big clothesline. Punk goes to the top rope and hits Marshall with a big elbow drop and then hits Marshall with the GTS. Punk wins it by pinfall.

Winner: CM Punk

– Tony Schiavone is backstage interviewing Jurassic Express, and Christian Cage says everything is working in their favor. Cage then says that Jurassic Express is top-ranked, and Cage says he will help them win the AEW Tag-Team titles.

– Eddie Kingston cuts a backstage promo for his match on this Friday’s Rampage and is interrupted by Daniel Garcia and 2.0. Matt of 2.0 mentions Moxley, which sets Kingston off, and they begin fighting; however, producers break it up.

Bear Country vs. Gunn Club

This match starts with a cheap shot; however, Bear Country is ready for them. Austin Gunn gets involved. Bronson and Boulder Bear is on the outside and is down after being sent to the steel steps. The action returns to the ring, and Colten hits Bear Bronson with the Colt 45 to win. After the match, Sting and Darby Allin come out. Austin Gunn charges toward Sting; however, Austin gets cut off and laid out by Darby Allin. Darby and Sting head to the ring, and this causes Billy and Colten to retreat.

Winners: Gunn Club

– AEW Battle of the Belts was announced for Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 6th, 2022.

– Adam Cole and Bobby Fish are talking backstage, and Cole mentions that he is on a losing streak and wants it to stop. They get interrupted by The Best Friends, and Adam Cole begins insulting Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, and Wheeler Yuta

– Team Taz is in the back with Dante Martin and Lio Rush; Taz tells Dante Martin “that they are done messing around and to sign the contract.” Dante signs the contract and walks away with Team Taz, he surprises Lio Rush by signing it, and Martin leaves with Team Taz.

Thunder Rosa vs. Jamie Hayter (w/ Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. and Rebel)

Thunder Rosa and Jamie Hayter go after each other, and the bell rings. Rosa and Hayter are both exchanging strikes, and neither is gaining control. The fight stays on the outside for the first few minutes. However, the action finally makes it to the middle of the ring, with Rosa hitting Hayter with some heavy strikes until Hayter hits Rosa with a shoulder tackle.

Rosa hits Hayter with a dropkick, and then the action goes to the outside again; Rosa gets back into the ring and hits a running dropkick which sends Hayter into the barricade. Rosa rolls underneath the ring ropes to stop the referee’s count. Now, Rosa goes for another maneuver on Hayter; however, Hayter catches her and crashes into the steel post. We return from a commercial break; Thunder Rosa hits Jamie Hayter with a shotgun dropkick. Then, Rosa hits Hayter with another big dropkick in the corner.

Jamie Hayter recovers and hits Thunder Rosa with a nice backbreaker. Rosa is back up, and Thunder Rosa goes for a Russian leg sweep; however, Hayter blocks it. Rebel distracts the referee; Britt Baker gets in the ring and hits Rosa with a Superkick, how Rosa ducks and Baker hits Hayter. Rosa then pins Hayter for the big victory and to advance in the TBS Women’s Championship Tournament.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Chris Jericho is getting interviewed by Alex Marvez, and they get interrupted by 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. Jericho begins insulting them. He tells Matt that he has a square head and never interrupts him again.

– Dr. Britt Baker is having her “Friendsgiving Dinner” with Rebel and Tony Schiavone. Schiavone says he has some bad news and shows her a clip from All Out, and the clip shows that Riho was never eliminated from the Casino Battle Royale and that Tony Khan has signed them for a match on this Friday’s Rampage.

Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana

The match begins with Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana countering each other’s holds. Danielson takes a cheap shot at Cabana when the referee has to break it up. Then, Danielson begins hitting Cabana with some massive chops and kicks. Danielson is just laying it in on Colt; the crowd starts chanting “Colt Cabana,” and Danielson goes for a big running dropkick, but Danielson misses. Cabana goes for a splash; however, he misses, and Danielson hits Cabana with a release German suplex. Danielson and Cabana are on the top rope, and Danielson gets knocked off.

Colt Cabana hits a moonsault and then goes for the pin; however, Danielson kicks out. Danielson lays in some more heavy shots, and Danielson takes Cabana down after some severe kicks to the back of Colt’s head. Finally, Danielson locks in the Label Lock to get the victory. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Danielson, and Danielson tells the crowd they sang a different tune since his debut a few months ago.

He tells the crowd that they are fickle, and he also shows everyone he kicked that he knocked out Cabana’s tooth. Then, “Hangman” Adam Page comes out, and Page says that Chicago means a lot to him, and he cannot think of a better place to have their match. Danielson says, “of course you would offer me a title shot after I just had a match; however, I consider that coward shit, not Cowboy shit.” Page says he will even let Danielson get the first strike.

Danielson says he is not falling for it; however, Danielson does throw the first punch, and both men begin throwing punches; Hangman goes for the Buckshot Lariat; however, Danielson rolls out of the ring and walks away. “Hangman” Adam Page stays in the ring as we go to a break.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

– We get a promo hyping the upcoming Ruby Soho vs. Kris Statlander TBS Tournament Match.

Malakai Black, FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard), and Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose Garcia) vs. Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson), Lucha Bros, and PAC (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Cody Rhodes and Dax Harwood begin the match; they start with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Rhodes takes Harwood down first. Harwood takes Rhodes down with a shoulder tackle. Harwood goes for a slingshot suplex; however, Cody escapes it. Rhodes throws his belt into the crowd, the crowd chants for them to throw it back, and a fan does to the surprise of Rhodes. PAC gets tagged in; PAC gets in some shots in on Harwood.

Harwood makes it over to his tag partner Cash Wheeler for the tag, Wheeler showboats a little bit, and PAC makes him pay for it, and he takes Wheeler down hard. PAC tags in Penta El Zero, Penta lands some strikes in on Cash Wheeler. Wheeler gets away from Penta, and he tags in Andrade. Penta gets away from Andrade and tags in his brother Rey Fenix. Fenix hits Andrade with an enzuigiri and hits Andrade with a combination move. Rhodes tags himself in, and the crowd begins to boo until Rhodes gets attacked. Now, Malakai Black gets tagged in, and he gets some strikes in on Cody Rhodes. We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break with Cash Wheeler in control over Rey Fenix.

We come back from the break, and Penta takes out FTR with a double DDT; Penta hits Andrade with a backstabber. PAC tags himself in, and he hits Malakai with a shotgun dropkick. Cash Wheeler hits PAC with a massive backbreaker. Cody Rhodes is tagged in, and he hits PAC with a superkick. Finally, PAC sends hits Andrade with a belly-to-belly suplex into the corner turnbuckle.

Now, everyone is out of the ring; however, Tully Blanchard is in the ring, Arn Anderson gets in the ring, and they are about to go at it. However, Jose Garcia gets in the ring, and both Tully and Arn hit Garcia and send him out of the ring. Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood are in the ring to back up Tully; however, Rey Fenix flies in, taking them both out. Malakai Black sprays the black mist into the eyes of PAC. Andrade then hits PAC with the hammerlock DDT, and that gets him and his team the victory. Andrade, Malakai, and FTR stand tall in the ring as the show goes off the air.

Winners: Malakai Black, FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard), and Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose Garcia)

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