
AEW Dynamite Results For 11/10/21 Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero, Omega and Page Contract Signing

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– AEW Commentator and Hall of Famer Jim Ross starts the telecast bellowing out, “It’s Wednesday Night, and you know what that means.” Ross welcomes the viewer to Indianapolis, Indiana. They are coming to us live from the Indiana Farmers Coliseum.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero (w/ Orange Cassidy)

The bell rings, and Bryan Danielson and Rocky Romero shake hands before starting the match. Danielson hits Romero with a suplex and begins working on Romero’s back leg. Danielson drops Romero with a waist lock takedown. Romero sends Danielson to one of the corner turnbuckles and then hits Danielson with a back elbow. Romero sends Danielson out of the ring; as Danielson gets up, Orange Cassidy is distracting him. Romero takes advantage, and he nails Danielson with a dive through the middle ropes.

Romero and Danielson are back in the ring, Danielson gets the upper hand, and Danielson hits Romero with a series of strikes. Danielson begins stretching Romero out; however, Romero gets out of it. Romero throws Danielson to the ropes and hits a swinging DDT. Romero is in control and is beating Danielson with vicious strikes. Danielson is outside of the ring again, and Romero attacks Danielson again. Romero stays on top and continues to control the match.

Danielson counters Romero and hits him with a German suplex, both men are back up and on the top turnbuckle, and they fly off, slamming into the mat. Romero grabs Danielson’s arm and attempts to go for the cross-arm breaker. Danielson gets out of it, Bryan counters it and puts Rocky Romero in an ankle lock. Romero counters it and has Danielson in another submission hold. Danielson counters, and Romero soon counters Danielson. Danielson then goes for another submission move, and Danielson has Romero in a Tequila Sunrise, causing Romero to tap out.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring and hyping up the Minneapolis Street Fight between The Inner Circle and American Top Team. The Inner Circle is walking toward the ring, and they get attacked from behind, and American Top Team lays out The Inner Circle. Junior Dos Santos hits Jericho multiple times and then throws a heavy strike at Sammy Guevara.

American Top Team is having fun as they continue the beat down on The Inner Circle. Dan Lambert is smiling as Scorpio Sky, and Ethan Page set up a table in the ring, and he gets an assist and powerbomb’s Jericho through the table. Scorpio Sky says we will see even more this Saturday as the crowd chants “asshole.” Page tells Lambert to make Jericho tap out, and Lambert puts Jericho in the Walls of Jericho.

Lambert has the hold on Jericho; Scorpio Sky grabs Jericho’s arm and makes Jericho tap out. Then, Ethan Page grabs the microphone and says, “American Top Team is the most powerful team in AEW.” Then, AEW heads out for a commercial break.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Jamie Hayter, and Rebel vs. Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Rebel, and Jamie Hayter are out first, and once Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa come out, they run to the ring, and all six competitors begin fighting. Thunder Rosa starts the match with Rebel, and Rosa punishes Rebel with multiple strikes.

Anna Jay and Thunder Rosa begin double-teaming on Rebel until Jamie Hayter gets involved and hits Anna Jay in the back. The referee Paul Turner gets distracted, and now Baker gets engaged in the action. AEW heads out for their picture-in-picture commercial break with Hayter in control.

We return from the break, and Tay Conti hits Hayter with Tay-KO; Conti goes for the pin; however, Baker breaks up the pin. All six women are again in the ring fighting; Thunder Rosa is on the top turnbuckle and lands a flying body press. Tay Conti then hits Rebel with the DDTay and then pins Rebel to get the win. Baker thought about getting into the ring to break up the pin but chose not to. Thunder Rosa, Anna Jay, and Tay Conti stand tall and celebrate their victory.

Winners: Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa

Jungle Boy vs. Anthony Bowens (w/ Max Caster)

The match begins with a tie-up; it’s broken up relatively shortly. Anthony Bowens gets the upper hand; first, he hits Jungle Boy with a vicious strike. Then, Jungle Boy comes back with some brutal strikes of his own; Bowens will soon hit Jungle Boy with another fierce strike to the ribs. Now, Jungle Boy counters Bowens wrist lock into a springboard. Jungle Boy then gives Anthony Bowens a few knife-edged chops.

Max Caster grabs the legs of Jungle Boy while the referee Aubrey Edwards is distracted by Bowens. Jungle Boy kicks Caster away; however, Bowens wallops Jungle Boy and the action goes outside the ropes. We have another picture-in-picture commercial break with Bowens in complete control.

We return from the break with Jungle Boy taking the Bowens leg out; Jungle Boy goes for a suplex; Bowens counters it and hits a strong kick. Jungle Boy goes for the Snare Trap; however, Caster gets on the apron and distracts Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy takes Caster out, and Jungle Boy follows it up with a tope suicida. Jungle Boy gets back into the ring, and he gets taken out by Bowens. Bowens goes for the pin, but Jungle Boy kicks out at the last second. Jungle Boy then traps Bowens into the Snare Trap; Bowens taps out. After the match, Bobby Fish runs down to the ring and attacks Jungle Boy. Finally, Jungle Boy gets saved by Christian Cage and Excalibur.

Winner: Jungle Boy

– We get a short promo setting up “Hangman” Adam Page and Excalibur.

– We get a backstage promo with The Superkliq, and Adam Cole introduces his old stablemate Bobby Fish. Adam Cole tells Bobby Fish that he will wrestle Jungle Boy at AEW Rampage this week. The Young Bucks welcome Bobby Fish to AEW and say he’s new around here, and Matt Jackson tells Bobby Fish that “there’s no dispute.”

– We get a clip from last week’s CM Punk and Eddie Kingston promo.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Wardlow

The bell rings, and Wheeler Yuta goes right at Wardlow; Wardlow stops him in his tracks. Yuta gets a few shots in on Wardlow, but Wardlow has enough and slams Yuta down, then picks him back up, and he powerbomb’s Yuta four consecutive times. Wardlow ends it by hitting Yuta with the rising knee strike and then pins Wheeler Yuta for the quick victory.

After the match, Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy are checking on Wheeler Yuta. However, Cassidy and Taylor both get attacked by The Hardy Family Office. Matt Hardy has a steel chair around the neck of Orange Cassidy and then hits him with the Twist of Fate.

Winner: Wardlow

– We return from a commercial break, and they go to their cameras in the back, and CM Punk and Eddie Kingston are trying to fight each other, but other wrestlers and other AEW personnel hold them back.

Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty vs. Dante Martin and Lio Rush

Lee Moriarty and Dante Martin begin the match with a tie-up; Martin and Moriarty counter each other hold for a good minute. Then, Martin counters Moriarty’s pin attempt, and they continue to counter each other’s moves. They finally had enough, and they stopped, and the crowd applauded the performance.

Lio Rush is tagged in, and Lee Moriarty tags in Matt Sydal. Lio Rush gets in the face of Moriarty and says something (inaudible). Sydal then gets in Rush’s face, and Rush slaps him hard. Sydal eventually catches up to Lio Rush and lands a massive dropkick onto Rush. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break with all four competitors fighting in the ring.

We return from the break with Lee Moriarty and Lio Rush in the ring. Now, Sydal and Moriarty are double-teaming Lio Rush. Rush hits Sydal and Moriarity with a handspring back elbow. Sydal and Moriarity go out of the ring, and Rush hits Sydal with a tope suicida. Next, Lio Rush tags in Martin, and all four men are battling it out; Rush calls out a play of sorts, and Martin hits Moriarity with his finisher and pins Moriarty for the win.

Winners: Dante Martin and Lio Rush

– We get a Miro promo, and he talks about his upcoming match against Bryan Danielson.

Dax Harwood (w/ Tully Blanchard) vs. PAC

Before the bell rings, Excalibur says that Cash Wheeler is barred from ringside. Finally, the match begins, and both men start with counters; PAC takes control after hitting Dax with multiple shoulder tackles, a bodyslam, and a big arm drag takedown. PAC and Harwood are now exchanging heavy strikes and chops. Next, PAC hits Dax with a nice-looking release German suplex. Harwood goes to the outside, and PAC lands, diving over the rope and lands on Harwood. We go to a commercial break; as we return, PAC and Harwood are standing on top of the turnbuckle, and PAC hits Harwood with an Avalanche Brainbuster.

PAC goes back to the turnbuckle, and he hits Harwood with a shotgun dropkick. PAC is going to try and end it; however, DAX gets up quickly and avoids PAC. PAC is running toward Harwood, but Blanchard pulls Harwood out of the way, allowing Harwood to hit PAC with a big brainbuster. Harwood goes for the pin; however, PAC kicks out at two. Dax and PAC are on the top turnbuckle again, and Dax hits PAC with a big back body drop.

PAC and Harwood are back up, and Dax hits PAC with a rebounded Liger Bomb; Harwood goes for the pin, PAC kicks out at two. PAC soon counters Harwood’s hold into the Brutalizer. Dax taps out, and PAC wins it. After the match, PAC still has the Brutalizer on Dax. Cash Wheeler runs down to the ring and attacks PAC. The lights soon go out, and when they turn back on, Andrade El Idolo and Malakai Black are in the ring and begin attacking PAC. The Lucha Bros. and Cody Rhodes come down to make the save.

Winner: PAC

– We now get a highlight package promoting the Full Gear matchup between MJF vs. Darby Allin.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring, and it’s time for the AEW contract signing between Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page. Tony mentions that Tony Khan has banned The Dark Order and The Elite from ringside for the signing.

Tony Schiavone asks both men will sign the contract first. Page pauses before signing the contract, and Page says he looks “forward to kicking your ass at Full Gear.” Page signs the contract, and then the contract gets handed over to Omega.

Omega pauses, and he talks about the history between him and Hangman. Kenny asks Hangman to “shake his hand and then go kill it at Full Gear.” Hangman shakes the hand of Omega, Omega leaves the ring, and suddenly Page gets attacked by Don Callis, disguised as a Cameraman. Callis nails Hangman with the camera, and now both Omega and Callis are beating down Page. Finally, Kenny Omega signs the contract, but he signs it with the blood running down from Hangman’s forehead. The show then goes off the air.

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