
AEW Dynamite 9/30/20 Results: 2 Title Matches, Britt Baker Returns & Cody Gives His Answer!

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Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin

The match begins with Starks slapping Allin in the face, Allin responds by knocking Starks out of the ring with a drop kick. Starks goes for a spear and Allin counters with a guillotine choke, Allin releases the hold before propelling Starks in the air with a monkey flip. Allin keeps Starks down while applying a Fujiwara arm bar to him, Starks gets to the ring apron and he gets Allin there as well. Allin nails Starks with a suplex onto the ring apron, Allin follows up by nailing Starks with a suicide dive. Brian Cage makes his way to the ring and Will Hobbs attacks him to start a brawl between them, Starks uses an arm drag to send Allin from the ring apron to the arena floor. Starks gets Allin in the ring before stomping away on him, Starks traps Allin by the ropes before landing some chops. Starks then drops Allin with a hard Irish whip into the corners, Allin fights back and Starks gets him in a single leg crab. Allin eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission up, Starks then nails Allin with a back suplex for a near fall. Starks keeps Allin down while landing a knee drop to the head for another near fall, Starks looks for a power bomb and Allin escapes to land a code red for a near fall.

Allin gets Starks down again while applying a Fujiwara arm bar to him, Allin traps the other arm and Starks still manages to get to the ropes. Allin and Starks have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Allin ends the exchange by nailing Starks with a stunner. Allin goes for a springboard move next and Starks nails him in midair with a spear for a near fall, Starks gets Allin on the top rope and he follows him up there. Starks looks for a super Roshambo and Allin defends against it, Allin kicks Starks off the ropes before landing a Coffin Drop for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

– Cody makes his way to the ring as we go to a commercial break.

– Cody is still in the ring after the commercial break and Dasha Gonzalez is in their to conduct the in-ring interview, Cody talks about advice given to him by Al Snow awhile back and the psychological pain he suffered after losing his title. Cody says the reason why wrestlers shake hands is because wrestlers need each other, Cody talks about the shame he felt when he lost the AEW TNT Title to Mr. Brodie Lee in under three minutes. Cody talks about appearing on a TV before returning to AEW, Cody says Hikaru Shida, Jon Moxley and Lee are the best in AEW right now. Cody also talks about being the Executive Vice President on AEW before turning down Lee’s request for a Dog Collar Match. Cody leaves the ring before returning to say he accepts the challenge, Lee hits the ring to attack Cody and a ton of security get in between them. Brandi Rhodes comes out and she takes Dark Order members out with a dive, Brandi and Anna Jay battle until they are pulled apart. Nyla Rose joins the brawl and she attacks KiLynn King for no reason, Lee returns and he briefly brawls with Cody.

– Tony Schiavone interviews FTR and Tully Blanchard, Cash Wheeler says Best Friends aren’t ready to face them because they aren’t on FTR’s level before calling SCU one of the best tag teams in the world. Dax Harwood says that The Young Bucks have blown every opportunity they had to win tag team gold, Matt Jackson comes out of nowhere to hit Schiavone with a super kick.

– Dasha Gonzalez interviews SCU, Scorpio Sky talks about the opportunity they have tonight against FTR, Frankie Kazarian says they’ll win tag gold tonight. Shawn Spears tells SCU good luck.

AEW World Tag Team Championships
Brush With Greatness
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) w/Tully Blanchard vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) w/Christopher Daniels

The match begins with Harwood getting Kazarian in a headlock, Kazarian gets free and Harwood wrenches away on his arm. Kazarian gets free and he gets Harwood in a headlock, Kazarian gets Harwood down while working over his arm. Kazarian gets Harwood in another headlock before landing a few shoulder tackles, Kazarian follows up by nailing Harwood with a clothesline. Sky tags in and he nails Harwood with a drop kick, Harwood backs Sky into his corner before Wheeler tags in. Sky takes Wheeler down while applying a headlock to him, Wheeler gets free and Sky nails him with a shoulder tackle. Wheeler fakes being tripped by Daniels and the referee sends him backstage, Wheeler attacks a distracted Sky from behind. Harwood tags in and Sky nails him with a cross body block, Sky then hits both members of FTR with drop kicks. Kazarian tags in and he double teams both members of FTR with Sky as Wheeler tags in, Sky tags in as the ring is cleared. Sky then takes out FTR with a suicide dive, Sky gets Wheeler in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Harwood drags Sky out of the ring and Wheeler attacks him from behind, Wheeler gets Sky back in the ring.

Wheeler starts attacking Sky with some European uppercuts, Harwood tags in and he nails Sky with a leg drop for a near fall. Harwood follows up by nailing Sky with a back elbow strike, Wheeler tags in and he stands on a downed Sky. Wheeler holds Sky down while applying a front headlock to him, Sky fights back and Wheeler reapplies the front headlock to him. Wheeler releases the hold to land some strikes on Sky, Wheeler misses a charge in the corner and Harwood tags himself in. Sky catches Harwood in a small package while Wheeler distracts the ref, Wheeler tags in and Sky nails him with a side Russian leg sweep. Kazarian and Harwood are tagged in by their respective partners, Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Wheeler tags in and Kazarian nails him with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Kazarian then hits Wheeler with a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Harwood tags in and he catches Kazarian in a roll up for a near fall, Harwood picks Kazarian up while landing more strikes. Kazarian fights back and he tags Sky back into the match, Sky rolls up a downed Harwood for a near fall. Harwood recovers and he knocks Sky out of the ring, Sky nails Harwood with a top rope cross body block for a near fall.

Sky then hits Harwood with a slingshot cutter for a near fall, Kazarian tags in and Wheeler makes the blind tag a short time later. FTR nail Kazarian with a series of double team moves for a near fall, Wheeler goes to the top rope and Kazarian pushes Harwood into him. Kazarian climbs the ropes to exchange strikes with Wheeler, Harwood makes a blind tag and Kazarian catches him in midair to land a power slam for a near fall. Sky and Wheeler are tagged in by their respective partners, Sky catches Wheeler in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Wheeler leaves the ring and Sky suplexes him back in, Wheeler goes to the ring apron once again and Sky goes for the suplex. Blanchard trips Sky up and Wheeler falls on top of him for a three count.

Winners: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) w/Tully Blanchard, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

Isiah Kassidy w/Marq Quen & Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho w/The Inner Circle

The match begins with Jericho shoving Kassidy away while insulting him, Kassidy gets angry and he attacks Jericho with a ton of strikes. Kassidy then hits Jericho with a shoulder tackle followed by a clothesline, Jericho gets up and Kassidy attacks him with more strikes. Kassidy then hits Jericho with a huracanrana and drop toe hold, Kassidy follows up with a roll up on Jericho for a near fall. Jericho fights back and he quickly drops Kassidy, Jericho corners Kassidy while landing strikes on him. Kassidy blocks a Jericho drop kick before catapulting him out of the ring, Kassidy leaves the ring and he dumps Jericho over the barricade. Jericho attacks Luther and Luther clotheslines him over the barricade, Kassidy takes out a bunch of people with a suicide dive. Kassidy gets Jericho in the ring before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Kassidy picks Jericho up while attacking him with more strikes. Jericho recovers and he nails a charging Kassidy with a flapjack, Jericho keeps Kassidy down while landing more strikes on him. Ortiz interferes and he bites Kassidy while Jericho distracted the ref, Jericho follows up by slingshotting Kassidy into the bottom rope.

Jericho gets Kassidy away from the ropes before hitting him with a back suplex for a near fall, Kassidy fights back and Jericho quickly drops him. Jericho looks for a suplex and he finally lands it on Kassidy, Kassidy tries fighting back again and Jake Hager interferes while the ref was distracted. Kassidy recovers and he propels Jericho into the turnbuckles, Kassidy follows up by nailing Jericho with clotheslines and a spinning head kick. Kassidy then hits Jericho with a springboard flipping stunner for a near fall, Kassidy picks Jericho up while landing more strikes. Jericho gets Kassidy to the ring apron before landing a right, Kassidy avoids a leap from Jericho before landing a springboard stunner for another near fall. Kassidy gets Jericho near the ropes while landing forearm strikes, Jericho recovers and he drops a charging Kassidy. Jericho misses a Lionsault and Kassidy lands one of his own for a near fall, Kassidy follows up with a Code Breaker on Jericho for a near fall. Kassidy goes for a springboard move and Jericho counters with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winner: Chris Jericho w/The Inner Circle

After the match, The Inner Circle try attacking Isiah Kassidy before Matt Hardy and Marq Quen make the save. The Inner Circle attack The Chaos Project before heading backstage.

– A video package airs showing Kip Sabian and Miro preparing for Sabian’s bachelor party, Billy Mitchell talks to Miro about helping with the bachelor party.

– Dasha Gonzalez interviews Best Friends & Orange Cassidy, FTR interrupt and they call Best Friends & Orange Cassidy mid-carders and comedic relief. Cassidy gets the microphone and he calls FTR “weenies.”

Orange Cassidy w/Best Friends vs. 10 w/Dark Order

The match begins with 10 taking Cassidy’s sunglasses and handing them to John Silver, Cassidy goes after Silver and 10 attacks him from behind. 10 then hits Cassidy with a spinning flat liner for a near fall, 10 gets Cassidy in the corner before landing a corner clothesline and delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. 10 puts Cassidy’s hands in his pocket while mocking him, Cassidy fights back and 10 nails him with a spine buster. Cassidy goes to the ring apron and 10 knocks him to the arena floor, 10 follows Cassidy out of the ring before sending him into the barricade. 10 gets Cassidy back in the ring as Dark Order members hug 10, Cassidy recovers and he takes out Dark Order members with a dive. Cassidy gets 10 back in the ring and he eventually lands a tornado DDT on him, Cassidy then hits 10 with an Orange Punch and Beach Break for a three count.

Winner: Orange Cassidy w/Best Friends

– MJF is backstage with Wardlow, he enters The Inner Circle’s locker room to give Chris Jericho and other members of The Inner Circle gifts for Jericho’s 30th Anniversary in pro wrestling. Wardlow apparently forgot a gift for Sammy Guevara and MJF gets mad at him, Jericho and Guevara question while MJF is here. Jericho asks MJF if he wants to join The Inner Circle and MJF wants to know if Jericho wants him in The Inner Circle, MJF and Jericho nearly start arguing before MJF and Wardlow leave.

Dr. Britt Baker w/Reba vs. Red Velvet

The match begins with Baker working over the arm of Velvet, Velvet gets free and she does some damage to the arm of Baker. Baker gets free and Velvet gets her down with a headlock, Baker gets free again and she pulls back on both of Velvet’s arms. Baker cracks Velvet with a forearm strike before wrenching away on her arm again, Baker then cracks Velvet with an elbow strike. Velvet recovers and she nails a charging Baker with a leg lariat and bulldog for a near fall, Baker recovers and she cracks Velvet with a short arm clothesline. Baker picks Velvet up while landing a bunch of forearm strikes and a butterfly suplex, Baker follows up by kicking Velvet into the ropes a few times. Baker keeps Velvet down while choking her on the bottom rope, Velvet fights back and Baker attacks her with more strikes followed by a slingblade. Baker then hits Velvet with a super kick and swinging neck breaker, Baker then hits Velvet with a curb stomp for a three count.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker w/Reba

After the match, Dr. Britt Baker applies the Lockjaw to a downed Red Velvet.

– Eddie Kingston comes to the ring with the Lucha Bros and a referee as we go to a commercial break.

– Eddie Kingston is in the ring with The Lucha Bros and referee Bryce Remsberg after the commercial break, Kingston talks to Remsberg about his match last week with AEW World Champion Jon Moxley. Kingston says he didn’t tap out last week and Remsberg still stopped the match, Remsberg says he was unresponsive last week when Moxley had him in the bulldog choke. Remsberg says he was trying to help Kingston and Kingston has his friends surround Remsberg, Moxley hits the ring with a barbed wire baseball bat.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Jon Moxley (c) vs. The Butcher w/Eddie Kingston & The Lucha Bros

The match begins with Butcher attacking Moxley with a ton of strikes, Moxley fights back and Butcher nails him with a uranage. Butcher keeps Moxley down while landing a knee drop on him, Butcher corners Moxley while landing chops on him. Moxley fights back again and Butcher levels him with a clothesline followed by another knee drop, Butcher then chokes Moxley on the middle rope. Butcher then drops Moxley with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Moxley recovers and he sends a charging Butcher out of the ring. Moxley goes for a suicide dive and Butcher blocks it, Butcher drags Moxley to the ring apron before smashing his leg on the ringside edge. Butcher gets back in the ring and he applies a modified single leg crab to Moxley, Butcher releases the hold to smash Moxley’s knee on the mat. Butcher mounts a downed Moxley while attacking him with some strikes, Butcher keeps Moxley down while applying a spinning toe hold to him. Moxley escapes a slam from Butcher and he nails him with a neck breaker, Moxley follows up with a penalty kick on Butcher for a near fall.

Moxley keeps Butcher down while applying an arm bar to him, Butcher gets free and he gets Moxley in a single leg crab. Butcher releases the hold to attack Moxley with more strikes, Butcher also stomps away on the injured leg of Moxley. Butcher then hits Moxley with a running power slam for a near fall, Butcher reapplies the single leg crab to a downed Moxley. Butcher releases the hold and he quickly drops Moxley in the corner, Butcher goes for another power slam and Moxley gets free. Butcher drops Moxley before applying a stretch muffler to him, Butcher releases the hold and he gets Moxley in another single leg crab. Butcher releases the hold and he nails Moxley with a clothesline, Moxley leaves the ring and Butcher follows him out there to land a few strikes. Moxley recovers and he sends a charging Butcher into the barricade, both competitors get back in the ring and a striking exchange breaks out. Moxley’s leg gives out and Butcher nails him with a running cross body block for a near fall, Butcher and Moxley get into another striking exchange. Butcher then hits Moxley with a pump handle uranage for a near fall, Butcher then hits Moxley with a leg drop for another near fall.

Butcher goes to the middle rope and Moxley attacks him, Moxley climbs the ropes and he nails Butcher with a superplex. Butcher quickly recovers and he gets Moxley in a modified ankle lock, Moxley gets free and he sends Butcher into the corner. Moxley then hits Butcher with a pile driver for a near fall, Moxley gets Butcher on the top rope and he follows him up there. Butcher knocks Moxley off the ropes before landing a middle rope cross body block for a near fall, Moxley recovers and he nails Butcher with a Paradigm Shift. Moxley gets Butcher in a bulldog choke and Butcher taps out.

Winner: Jon Moxley, still the AEW World Heavyweight Champion

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