
AEW Dynamite 9/16/20 Results: NWA World Women’s Title Match, A Parking Lot Brawl & More!

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– The Young Bucks hit the ring before the opening match and they hit the referee with a double super kick, The Bucks head backstage and they pay the fine to Tony Khan.

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) w/Tully Blanchard vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

The match begins with Harwood working over the arm of Boy, Wheeler tags in and he does some damage to the arm of Boy. Harwood tags back in and he goes back to work on Boy’s arm, Boy gets free and he trips up Harwood for a near fall. Boy follows up with a springboard arm drag on Harwood, Boy then hits both opponents with drop kicks. Luchasaurus tags in and Harwood retreats to the corner before tagging Wheeler in, Wheeler attacks Boy and Harwood hits Luchasaurus from behind. Harwood tags in and Luchasaurus nails both opponents with clotheslines, Harwood goes to the top rope and Luchasaurus nails him with a power slam as he leaps off. Luchasaurus corners Harwood before landing strikes and tagging Boy in, Boy nails Harwood with an assisted swanton bomb for a near fall. Harwood corners Boy before landing a back elbow strike, Wheeler tags in and Boy takes both opponents down with a double huracanrana.

Wheeler recovers and he nails Boy with a power slam followed by multiple knee drops, Wheeler then gets Boy in the bow and arrow stretch. Harwood tags in and he stomps away on a downed Boy, Harwood then hits Boy with a suplex and leg drop for a near fall. Wheeler tags in and Harwood drops Boy on his knee for a near fall, Wheeler keeps Boy down while holding him in a modified abdominal stretch. Boy gets free and he attacks both opponents with some strikes, Wheeler catches a leaping Boy and Harwood tags in before landing a double front suplex for a near fall. Harwood picks Boy up before nailing him with a chop, Wheeler tags in and he crashes after a missed drop kick attempt. Harwood tags in and Boy cracks him with a clothesline, Wheeler tags in and Luchasaurus gets one as well. Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus picks up Wheeler and he throws him at Harwood. Luchasaurus then lands a standing moonsault on Wheeler for a near fall, Luchasaurus misses a charge in the corner and Harwood tags into the match.

Luchasaurus escapes the grasp of FTR and he tags Boy into the match, Luchasaurus and Boy double team Harwood for a near fall. Wheeler returns and he shoves Luchasaurus into the ring post, Boy nails Harwood with a cross body block for a near fall. Harwood recovers and he drops a charging Boy, Wheeler tags in and Boy catches him in a roll up before landing a knee strike. Harwood tags in and Boy rolls him up for another near fall, Boy gets to the ring apron and he kicks Harwood in the head. Boy then hits Harwood with a top rope cross body block before they exchange near falls, Luchasaurus returns and Harwood knocks him out of the ring. Harwood and Boy exchange a few European uppercuts, Boy catches Harwood in a small package for a near fall. Luchasaurus leaps at Wheeler and he winds up landing in the crowd, Boy then hits Wheeler with a suicide dive. Wheeler helps Harwood with an illegal roll up on Boy for a three count.

Winners: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) w/Tully Blanchard

– Matt Hardy is shown injured and grabbing his leg backstage, Private Party are attending to him when Chris Jericho and Jake Hager arrive to mock the injured Hardy.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Hangman Page

The match begins with Page backing Kazarian into the corner before letting him go free, Kazarian catches Page in a roll up before landing a drop toe hold. Kazarian quickly gets Page in a kravat and he lands some knee strikes as well, Kazarian transitions into a headlock on Page. Page gets free and Kazarian cracks him with a knee to the midsection, Page recovers to hit Kazarian with a shoulder tackle and slam. Page backs Kazarian into the corner before they exchange some chops, Page ends the exchange by nailing Kazarian with a suplex. Page gets Kazarian out of the corner and Kazarian nails him with some strikes, Page gets Kazarian to the ring apron before landing a clothesline. Page follows up by nailing Kazarian with a dive, Page gets up and he gets Kazarian back in the ring after landing a few more strikes. Kazarian recovers to hit Page with multiple leg drop variations as he tried getting back in the ring, Kazarian follows up with a side Russian leg sweep on Page. Kazarian then nails Page with a bridging suplex for a near fall, Page tries getting up and Kazarian locks him in a front headlock.

Page gets free and he gets into a striking exchange with Kazarian, Page finally ends the exchange by leveling Kazarian with a clothesline. Page nails Kazarian with a few forearm strikes before catching a leaping Kazarian, Page nails Kazarian with a fall away slam. Page gets up and he nails Kazarian with a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Kazarian fights back and he nails Page with a slingshot DDT for a near fall. Kazarian looks for an unprettier and he winds up rolling up Page for a near fall, Kazarian eventually nails Page with his version of the unprettier for a near fall. Kazarian looks for a reverse DDT and Page escapes to land a sliding lariat, Page then hits Kazarian with a death valley driver for a near fall. Page looks for a slingshot move and Kazarian catches him in a cutter for a near fall, Kazarian goes for a springboard leg drop and Page counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Kazarian gets Page to the arena floor and Page clotheslines him into the barricade, Page gets Kazarian into the ring before landing a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winner: Hangman Page

– A video package airs highlighting the rivalry between Santana & Ortiz and Best Friends.

MJF w/Wardlow vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with MJF raking the eyes of Dean before locking in the Salt Of The Earth submission to force a tap out.

Winner: MJF w/Wardlow

After the match, MJF gets the microphone and he calls himself an honest man while calling Jon Moxley dishonest. MJF accuses Moxley in cheating in their match at AEW All Out ’20, MJF says he should be the AEW World Heavyweight Champion right now. MJF says he will be referred to as the undefeated, uncrowned and undisputed AEW World Heavyweight Champion. MJF makes the ring announcer announce him as such, MJF says that he may join a faction in AEW to ensure that he gets a fair shake in AEW.

– Technique By Taz is up next and Taz looks at Ricky Starks’ finisher.

– Eddie Kingston is in the ring with The Butcher & The Blade and The Lucha Bros, Kingston says he never lost the Casino Battle Royale. Kingston says his group is a family and not a stable or faction, Kingston The Butcher & The Blade drag people from the crowd into the ring so they can all beat them up. Kingston says they now have everything in order and they are all ready, Kingston then tells The Blade to get his house in order.

Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Jake Hager)

The match begins with Hager shoving Quen to the mat below, Kassidy tags in and he nails a trapped Hager with a bulldog. Jericho interferes and Quen drop kicks him to send him to the arena floor, Private Party then hit The Inner Circle with suicide dives. Kassidy gets Hager into the ring before landing a slingshot swanton bomb, Quen tags in and he works with Kassidy to hit Hager with a double suplex for a near fall. Hager recovers and he boots Quen right in the face, Jericho tags in and he nails a downed Quen with some strikes. Jericho follows Quen around the ring while landing some more strikes, Jericho then hits Quen with a back suplex for a near fall. Hager tags in and he nails a cornered Quen with some more strikes, Quen fights back and he nails Hager with a missile drop kick. Jericho and Kassidy are tagged in by their respective partners, Kassidy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Kassidy sets up for a springboard move and Hager attacks him with the baseball bat behind the refs back, Jericho knocks Kassidy out of the ring and Hager sends him into the barricade.

Jericho also leaves the ring and he sends Kassidy into the barricade, Jericho gets Kassidy back into the ring before tagging Hager in. Hager drops Kassidy with a hard Irish whip into the corner before landing a Hager Bomb, Hager follows up by choking Kassidy on the bottom rope. Hager gets Kassidy up before dropping him with a short arm clothesline, Hager keeps Kassidy down while holding him in a chin lock. Kassidy gets free and Hager nails him with a slam before attacking Quen, Private Party fights back and they hit Hager with Silly String. Quen and Jericho are tagged in by their respective partners, Quen quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Quen knocks Hager to the arena floor before landing a suicide dive, Quen then hits Jericho with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Kassidy tags in and he double teams Jericho alongside Quen for a near fall, Kassidy then sends a charging Hager into Jericho before landing a top rope huracanrana for a near fall. Kassidy avoids the Judas Effect to roll Jericho up for a near fall, Kassidy misses a swanton bomb and Jericho nails him with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Jake Hager)

After the match, Chris Jericho attacks Isaiah Kassidy until Marq Quen makes the save.

NWA World Women’s Championship
Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Ivelisse w/Diamante

The match begins with the competitors exchanging a few strikes, Rosa and Ivelisse also exchange a few arm drags. Ivelisse and Rosa also exchange a few slaps to the face, Rosa ends that by nailing Ivelisse with a top rope arm drag followed by a huracanrana. Ivelisse recovers and she nails Rosa with a springboard arm drag, Ivelisse follows up with a middle rope huracanrana on Rosa. Rosa fights back and she nails Ivelisse with a drop kick followed by a leaping elbow strike and face wash for a near fall, Rosa then gets Ivelisse in the Gory Special. Diamante distracts Rosa and Ivelisse escapes her grasp to land a head kick for a near fall, Rosa leaves the ring and Ivelisse nails her with a penalty kick from the ring apron. Ivelisse and Diamante exchange some strikes while on the arena floor, Ivelisse gets Rosa back in the ring and she follows her in there to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Ivelisse keeps Rosa down while holding her in a chin lock, Rosa gets free and she attempts a pin on Ivelisse. Rosa corners Ivelisse before attacking her with some strikes, Rosa gets Ivelisse down while holding her in a full nelson.

Ivelisse gets free and she nails Rosa with some knee strikes and a kick to the back, Ivelisse keeps Rosa down while holding her in a chin lock. Rosa gets free and she gets into a striking exchange with Ivelisse, Ivelisse gets Rosa to her knees before landing a few kicks. Rosa recovers and she nails Ivelisse with a dragon screw leg whip, Rosa gets Ivelisse in the corner before landing a clothesline and double knee strike. Rosa traps Ivelisse on the ropes before landing a drop kick for a near fall, Ivelisse recovers and she hits Rosa with a tiger driver for a near fall. Rosa fights back and she hits Ivelisse with a side Russian leg sweep before applying a cross face to her, Ivelisse gets to the ropes to break the hold. Ivelisse goes to the ring apron and Rosa gets her back in the ring before landing a death valley driver for a near fall, Ivelisse fights back and she nails Rosa with a head kick for a near fall. Rosa then hits Ivelisse with a tombstone pile driver from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Thunder Rosa, still the NWA World Women’s Champion

After the match, Diamante attacks Thunder Rosa until Hikaru Shida makes the save.

– Highlights are shown of Miro’s AEW debut.

– Miro is lifting weights while Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian stand by, Miro wants to get in the ring and destroy people. Sabian says that he must be his best man first and Miro says he will give Sabian the best bachelor party.

– Lance Archer and Jake Roberts hit the ring, Archer destroys one of the fans before Roberts starts talking. Roberts asks the unharmed people left in the crowd some questions, Roberts says they need tag team partners for next weeks six man tag team match. Roberts invites Taz out to the ring and Taz obliges, Taz says the members of Team Taz are excited to do business with Archer and Roberts. Taz says they have a deal that Archer will defend the AEW World Heavyweight Title against Brian Cage if he beats Jon Moxley at the Anniversary Show, Archer says he will beat Moxley and become the champion. Archer says he and Cage will go “Godzilla” all over the arena when they meet, Moxley interrupts and he comes out through the crowd. Ricky Starks and Cage attack Moxley from behind, Cage puts Moxley through a roller case that’s in the crowd. Will Hobbs attacks Cage and Starks with a chair to help Moxley, Moxley gets a microphone and he introduces Hobbs and Darby Allin as his partners for next week.

Parking Lot Brawl
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. Santana & Ortiz

The match begins with an all out brawl between all four competitors, Trent picks up Ortiz and he slams him onto the top of a car. Santana sends Taylor into a wall and Taylor sends him into the back of a car, Trent gets Ortiz in the trunk of a car before slamming the trunk hood on him multiple times. Taylor and Trent nail a trapped Ortiz with swanton bombs on the trunk hood, Best Friends set up a sheet of plywood on the back of a truck. Ortiz starts fighting back and Trent nails him with some strikes, Taylor then sends Santana onto the hood of a car. Santana gets the baton and he attacks both opponents with it, Santana then slingshots Trent into the tailgate of the truck. Ortiz tries attacking Taylor with a sledgehammer and he winds up nailing a car windshield with it, Taylor responds by throwing Ortiz into some garbage cans. Taylor and Ortiz battle onto the top of a car, Ortiz suplexes Taylor onto the top of a car before Santana lands a splash for a near fall. Ortiz grabs a garbage can and he attacks Taylor with it, Trent returns and he leans a door on one of the cars. Trent escapes a power bomb attempt before spearing Ortiz through the door, Santana finds Taylor and he attacks him with a ton of strikes.

Taylor recovers and he drops Santana on top of a car hood, Ortiz finds a metal dust pan and he attacks Trent with it. Taylor sends Ortiz into a car before setting up a piece of the barricade on it, Taylor then suplexes Ortiz onto the piece of barricade. Santana grabs a piece of wood and he breaks it on the back of Trent, Trent fights back and he throws Santana into a car before landing a bunch of strikes. Trent climbs on top of a car and Ortiz nails him with a low blow, Ortiz follows up by nailing Trent with a power bomb onto the top of the car. Santana and Ortiz then power bomb Trent through the car windshield, Taylor returns and he attacks Santana with a baseball bat. Ortiz saves Santana and he eats a shot from the baseball bat, Taylor breaks a piece of wood over the back of Ortiz. Santana returns and he back body drops Taylor onto a garbage can, Ortiz attacks Trent with pieces of broken wood. Santana traps Taylor by a car before attacking him with a ton of strikes, Santana grabs a metal pipe and Orange Cassidy comes out of a car trunk to hit Santana with the Orange Punch with a steel chain.

Cassidy picks up Santana and he brings him over to Taylor, Taylor then hits Santana with a pile driver onto a car hood. Trent then hits Ortiz with a modified pile driver through the plywood for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

After the match, Best Friends and Orange Cassidy get into Trent’s mom’s van and they all drive away.

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