
AEW Dynamite 7/29/20 Results: 2 Title Matches, No DQ Tornado Tag Match & Several Debuts

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The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana & Ortiz) vs. Orange Cassidy, Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) & Jurassic Express (Luchasarus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

The match begins with Jericho immediately tagging Hager into the match, Cassidy avoids a swinging Hager before clapping his ears and landing a drop kick. Jericho makes a blind tags and he attacks Cassidy from behind, a brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place. Trent back body drops Ortiz out of the ring, Trent and Taylor then his The Inner Circle with a suicide dives. Boy follows up by taking The Inner Circle out with suicide dives, Luchasarus and Hager pass Stunt around before Stunt is used to take out The Inner Circle. Guevara leaps into the ring and he quickly gets surrounded by everybody, Guevara quickly gets taken out by the opposing team. Hager interferes and he attacks a leaping Trent, Jericho tags in and he attacks a downed Trent with strikes before landing a back suplex. Hager tags in and he corners Trent before landing some strikes, Santana tags in and he also nails Trent with strikes. Trent sends Santana out of the ring and Santana drags him out, Santana and Ortiz double team Trent on the arena floor. Santana gets Trent back in the ring before landing a suplex, Jericho tags in and The Inner Circle work over Trent.

Jericho traps Trent in the corner while landing some strikes, Trent fights back and he nails Jericho with a missile drop kick. Ortiz tags in and he quickly attacks Trent, Santana tags in and he works with Ortiz to double suplex Trent for a near fall. Hager tags in and he attacks Trent with more strikes, Guevara tags in and he nails a trapped Trent with a knee strike for a near fall. Guevara follows up by nailing Trent with a Samoan drop, Trent fights back and Guevara nails him with a clothesline. Hager tags in and he gets a downed Trent in a chin lock, Ortiz tags in and he nails a cornered Trent with strikes. Hager tags back in and he gets Trent in another chin lock, Trent fights back and Hager nails him with a slam. Trent then hits a distracted Hager with a back drop suplex, Luchasarus and Guevara are tagged in by their respective partners. Luchasarus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasarus and Hager have a sttriking exchange in the middle of the ring. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and thay all take each other out, Luchasarus ends that by nailing Guevara with a tail whip. Jericho grabs the baseball bat and Cassidy attacks him, Guevara drops Luchasarus before landing a knee strike.

Guevara goes to the top rope and Matt Hardy interferes behind the ref’s back, Luchasarus nails a downed Guevara with a roundhouse head kick for a three count.

Winners: Orange Cassidy, Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) & Jurassic Express (Luchasarus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

Jon Moxley is shown backstage from earlier in the day, Moxley says he thought his issue with Brian Cage had been settled until Cage and Ricky Starks attacked Darby Allin. Moxley says Starks has fallen in with the wrong crowd and the odds will be even tonight, Moxley says he will finish the fight tonight.

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) w/Arn Anderson vs. Warhorse

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Cody and Warhorse, Cody starts working over the arm of Warhorse. Warhorse gets free and Cody quickly sends him into the corner, Warhorse fights back and he corners Cody while landing some strikes. Cody looks for a roll up and Warhorse counters with one of his own before landing an arm drag, Warhorse keeps Cody down while wrenching away on his arm. Cody gets free and he quickly exits the ring, Cody returns to the ring and he gets Warhorse in a headlock. Warhorse gets free and Cody gets him in another headlock, Warhorse gets free and he nails Cody with a clothesline for a one count. Cody leaves the ring again and he eventually gets back in, Warhorse quickly attacks Cody with some more strikes. Cody escapes a back suplex attempt before sending Warhorse into the middle turnbuckle, Cody then nails Warhorse with a running punch before getting him on the top rope. Cody follows Warhorse up there and he lands a superplex for a near fall, Cody starts focusing his attack on the leg of Warhorse. Cody then hits Warhorse with a slam for a near fall, Cody keeps Warhorse down while applying a single leg crab.

Warhorse eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Cody looks for a figure four leg lock and Warhorse quickly counters it until Cody gets to the ropes. Warhorse then sends Cody into the corner before landing multiple corner clotheslines, Warhorse follows up by landing some strikes and a clothesline on Cody. Warhorse traps the arms of Cody while stomping away on him, Warhorse goes to the top rope and Cody leaves the ring. Warhorse leaps off the ring apron and he nails Cody with a double stomp, Warhorse gets Cody back in the ring before landing a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Cody fights back and he catches Warhorse in a roll up for a near fall, Cody looks for a figure four and Warhorse catches him in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Warhorse goes back to the top rope and Cody avoids his leap, Cody then drop kicks Warhorse in the injured leg. Cody gets Warhorse in the figure four and a tap out follows.

Winner: Cody w/Arn Anderson, still the AEW TNT Champion

After the match, Dark Order members hit the ring to attack both Warhorse and Cody until Matt Cardona (Zack Ryder) makes the save.

– Tony Schiavone is on stage to talk about AEW All Out ‘20 when The Inner Circle interrupts, Chris Jericho says they are furious about what has been going on in recent weeks. Sammy Guevara blames Matt Hardy for the loss tonight, Jericho says he and Orange Cassidy will meet again on AEW Dynamite in two weeks. Jericho says he wants to face Cassidy to a debate next week, Santana tells Jericho he smells like cat pee before everybody storms off.

– The FTR contract signing from earlier today is shown, FTR brings in Arn Anderson as their tag team consultant. Anderson checks out their potential contract and they say Tag Team Appreciation Night is set for August 12, both members of FTR sign their contract when Hangman Page arrives with some alcohol and they all drink together.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Hangman Page & Kenny Omega (c) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

The match begins with Page attacking Dark Order while Omega was making his entrance, Omega breaks everything up and the bell sounds. Uno then jumps Omega from behind and he corners him before landing some strikes, Grayson tags in and he nails an elevated Omega with a springboard elbow drop. Omega fights back and he nails Grayson with some strikes, Uno interferes and Omega kicks him in the face to knock him to the arena floor. Page tags in and he double teams Grayson with Omega for a near fall, Omega tags back in and he nails Grayson with a springboard axe handle smash. Uno interferes and he gets double teamed as well, Grayson attacks Omega from behind and he sends him into the corner. Uno tags in and Page gets a tag a short time later, Page quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Page nails Uno with a fall away slam before knocking both members of Dark Order to the arena floor, Page takes out Grayson with a dive and Uno then sends him into the ring post. Omega goes after Uno and he gets sent into the barricade, Uno gets Page in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Grayson tags in and he double teams Page alongside Uno, Grayson then nails Page with a penalty kick for a near fall.

Grayson follows up on that by nailing Page with a back elbow strike, Uno tags in and he attacks a cornered Page with some strikes. Grayson tags in and he kicks an elevated Page in the head for a near fall, Grayson then corners a swinging Page before tagging Uno back in. Uno keeps Page in the corner while landing some more strikes, Page fights back again and Uno trips him up before he can make a tag. Grayson tags back in and he gets Page on the ring apron before landing a slingshot swanton bomb, Uno tags back in and he lands a few strikes before tagging Grayson back in. Page catches a leaping Grayson and he nails him with a slam, Omega tags in and he starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Omega nails Grayson with You Cannot Escape for a near fall, Uno tags in and Grayson corners Omega. Uno nails Omega with some strikes before Omega recovers to tag Page in, Page and Omega double team Uno after Grayson is knocked out of the ring. Grayson returns and he gets double teamed by the opposition, Grayson gets Page out of the ring before nailing him with a suicide dive. Uno boots a distracted Omega in the face before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Grayson tags in and he works with Uno to land a tossing sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Page returns to the ring and Grayson nails him in the eye, Omega fights back and he eats a knee strike from Grayson. Grayson and Uno then propel Omega into a cornered Page, Grayson nails Omega with a 450 splash for a near fall. Uno tags in and Omega avoids the Fatality attempt, Uno recovers and he uses a ref distraction to hit Omega with a neck breaker. Grayson nails Omega with a splash from out of nowhere before eating a clothesline from Page, Page then hits Uno with a power bomb. Omega then hits Uno with a V Trigger for a near fall, Page tags in and Uno is nailed with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, Brodie Lee sends Anna Jay and Colt Cabana backstage before giving Evil Uno and Stu Grayson a lashing. Lee gets a microphone and The Young Bucks get in the ring, Dark Order members surround the ring and FTR attack Lee to start a wild brawl between everybody.

– Dr. Britt Baker is in the crowd and she talks about Big Swole being in the upcoming AEW Women’s Tag Team Tournament, Baker says Swole can have a match against her if Swole can beat an opponent of her choice.

Hikaru Shida vs. Diamante

The match begins with Diamante showing some disrespect to Shida, Diamante gets Shida into the ropes before eating a bunch of strikes. Diamante fights back and she drops Shida before landing more strikes, Shida fights back and she lands some strikes of her own. Diamante knocks Shida out of the ring and Diamante follows her out there, Shida traps Diamante on the barricade before landing a running knee strike. Shida gets Diamante back in the ring before going to the top rope, Shida then hits Diamante with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Shida traps the arm of Diamante while landing some forearm strikes, Diamante fights back and she cracks Shida with strikes until a striking exchange breaks out. Shida looks for a falcon arrow and Diamante escapes before eating a knee strike, Diamante rolls to the ring apron and Shida climbs the ropes to attempt to suplex Diamante back into the ring. Diamante fights back and she drops Shida on the top rope, Diamante traps Shida in the corner while landing some strikes. Diamante then hits Shida with a stunner for a near fall, Diamante goes for a code red and Shida avoids it. Diamante catches Shida in a sunset flip and Shida gets to the ropes, Shida fights back and she nails Diamante with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Shida follows up by nailing Diamante with a knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– Vickie Guerrero & Nyla Rose are interviewed, Guerrero says that Rose will win the Deadly Draw Tag Team Tournament. Ariane Andrews and Rose are revealed to be partners in the tournament.

– MJF & Wardlow are shown taking care of some things backstage, MJF and Wardlow head to the ring while being trailed by a bunch of people. MJF waves to the fans while his people continuously clap for him, MJF gets into the ring and goes to the podium for his State Of AEW speech. MJF talks about being on AEW Dynamite two weeks in a row instead of being in the crowd, MJF says he isn’t featured on TV because a certain individual doesn’t want him highlighted. MJF says change is needed and he talks about how AEW World Champion Jon Moxley gets to do what he wants, MJF says AEW has become a dictatorship and Moxley isn’t his champion. MJF talks about all the negative side effects of Moxley being a champion, MJF talks about all the brainwashing Moxley has allegedly done. MJF says Moxley gets treated so well by AEW because AEW wants ratings, MJF says he draws better numbers that Moxley does. MJF says he can carry AEW to the top because he is AEW, MJF says he will be leading AEW for the next twenty five years. MJF says he wants to transform AEW to the pinnacle of professional wrestling, MJF says he is challenging Moxley for the AEW World Heavyweight Title at AEW All Out ‘20.

No DQ Tornado Tag Match
Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. Team Taz (Brian Cage & Ricky Starks) w/Taz

The match begins with Cage, Starks and Taz appearing backstage to trash talk Moxley, Starks and Cage head to the ring as Taz rejoins the commentary team. Allin leaps off the staging area to take out Cage and Starks during their entrance, both teams start brawling and it spills all over the place. Cage battles Moxley while Starks battles Allin, Starks uses a clothesline to knock Allin over the ropes and into the ring. Cage catches a diving Allin and Moxley follows up with a dive of his own, Moxley grabs a trash can as Starks nails Allin with a spear on the ring apron. Cage gets the garbage can and he attacks Moxley with it, Cage and Starks get Moxley in the ring to work him over. Starks and Cage continue attacking Moxley with strikes, Alllin returns and he nails Cage with a missile drop kick. Allin follows up on that by nailing Starks with a shotgun drop kick, Allin and Starks battle to the ring apron and Moxley gets Starks in a sleeper hold. Cage breaks that up before nailing Moxley and Allin with a power slam/power bomb combination, Cage corners Allin before landing shoulder thrusts and a release German suplex. Moxley returns and he attacks Starks with a steel chair, Moxley and cage exchange strikes until Cage drops him with a pump kick.

Allin returns to hit Cage with a stunner before eating a spear from Starks, everybody eventually takes each other out. Moxley avoids a clothesline from Cage before landing a release German suplex and pile driver for a near fall, Moxley goes for an arm bar on Cage and Starks breaks it up. Starks mounts a downed Moxley and he attacks him with strikes, Starks gets a garbage can and Moxley eats more strikes from the opposition. Cage and Starks nail Moxley with a double Alabama slam on the garbage can for a near fall, Starks misses a charge in the corner and Allin knocks him out of the ring. Moxley goes to help Allin, Moxley and Allin nail Cage with a Coffin Drop DDT for another near fall as Moxley also lands a suicide dive on Starks. Allin grabs a thumbtack covered skateboard and he attacks Starks with it, Moxley gets Cage in an arm bar. Allin nails Starks with a double stomp using the thumbtack skateboard for a three count.

Winners: Jon Moxley & Darby Allin

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