
AEW Dynamite 4/1/20 Results: TNT Title Tournament Preview, Omega vs. Trent & Vanguard 1 Appears

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– Tony Schiavone, Cody and Pharoah welcome everybody to the broadcast. The second half of the AEW TNT Championship brackets are revealed as Kip Sabian faces Dustin Rhodes and Lance Archer faces Colt Cabana.

Trent w/Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy vs. Kenny Omega

The match begins with Omega and Trent battling near the ropes, Trent and Omega exchange some headlock takedowns. Trent gets free from Omega and Omega drops him with a shoulder tackle, Trent recovers and he nails a charging Omega with a double knee strike. Trent drops Omega again before kicking him in the back, Omega gets angry and he drops Trent before kicking him in the back multiple times. Omega corners Trent before choking him with his foot, Omega keeps Trent cornered while landing some strikes. Trent fights back and he drops Omega with a double stomp, Omega leaves the ring and Trent nails him with a moonsault that sends both crashing to the arena floor. Trent celebrates with his friends and Omega takes them all out with a suicide dive, Omega gets Trent back in the ring and he nails him with a kitaro crusher for a near fall. Omega follows up on that by nailing Trent with a three pack of back breakers for a near fall, Omega corners Trent again while landing more strikes.

Omega follows up on that by dropping Trent with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Trent starts fighting back and Omega attacks his injured back. Omega then nails Omega with a back body drop, Omega again attacks Trent with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Trent fights back and he attacks the injured hand of Omega, Trent drops Omega in the corner before landing a few knee drops. Trent then lands knee drops to the injured hand of Omega, Trent gets Omega out of the ring before smashing his injured hand on the ring apron. Trent then stomps away on the injured hand of Omega, Trent misses a knee drop on the ring apron and Omega nails him with a release German suplex on the arena floor. Omega follows up on that by throwing Trent into the barricade a few times, Trent fights back and Omega power bombs him into a beam. Omega gets Trent back into the ring before landing a ushigoroshi for a near fall, Trent fights back and he nails Omega with a tornado DDT.

Trent then hits a cornered Omega with a running elbow strike, Trent traps Omega in the ropes before landing a sliding German suplex as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see a striking exchange between Omega and Trent, Trent ends the exchange by nailing Omega with a snap dragon suplex. Omega fights back to hit Trent with a V Trigger, Trent recovers and he nails Omega with a pile driver for a near fall. Trent misses a knee strike before backing Omega into the corner, Omega gets free and he blocks a DDT from Trent to land a snap dragon suplex. Trent escapes the grasp of Omega before landing a few elbow strikes, Trent then nails a charging Omega with a lariat. Trent sets up for Strong Zero and Omega escapes to land a power bomb followed by a V Trigger, Omega and Trent make their way to the ring apron. Omega looks for a snap dragon suplex and Trent blocks it before landing a few chops, Trent looks for a pile driver and Omega gets him into the ring.

Omega goes to the top rope and Trent gets him down with a release German suplex, Trent then hits Omega with a knee strike for a near fall. Trent goes for Strong Zero and Omega escapes again to land a V Trigger, Omega then hits Trent with a One Winged Angel for a three count.

Winner: Kenny Omega

– A video package airs highlighting what has gone down between Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy.

– A video package airs on Hikaru Shida.

Hikaru Shida vs. Anna Jayy

The match begins with Shida backing Jayy into the ropes before letting her go free, Jayy then swings her hair into the face of Shida. Shida gets Jayy into a headlock and Jayy gets free before eating a shoulder tackle, Jayy looks for an arm drag and Shida blocks it before missing a drop kick. Jayy then nails Shida with a knee strike, Jayy looks for an exploder suplex and Shida fights back before eating a kick to the midsection. Shida recovers and she nails a charging Jayy with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Jayy leaves the ring before hitting Jayy with a knee strike. Shida gets back in the ring and Jayy attacks her with a few strikes, Shida nails Jayy with a knee strike before eating a slap. Shida gets angry and she drops Jayy with a forearm strike, Jayy recovers and she nails Shida with a hook kick. Jayy drops Shida before landing a rolling neck breaker for a near fall, Shida blocks a kick and she misses an enziguri. Jayy catches Shida in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Shida catches Jayy in a triangle choke and Jayy gets to the ropes.

Shida follows up by nailing Jayy with a suplex for a near fall, Shida then nails Jayy with a knee strike and falcon arrow for a near fall.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

After the match, Hikaru Shida has a few words with Dr. Britt Baker.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Jon Moxley and Jake Hager, which also features comments from Moxley, Hager and members of The Inner Circle. The video ends with an announcement of Moxley defending the title against Hager in an Empty Arena No Holds Barred Match in two weeks.

– A Jake Roberts video airs and he says that Lance Archer is pissed off, Roberts accuses AEW of playing games with himself and Archer. Roberts says he and Archer have all the cards, Roberts says that Brandi Rhodes wears the pants in her family.

Lance Archer vs. Marko Stunt

The match begins with Archer clobbering Stunt with a clothesline, Archer then tosses Stunt into the corner before landing a few strikes. Stunt tries fighting back and then Archer levels him with a forearm strike, Archer also tries crushing the face of a downed Stunt. Archer then nails Stunt with a suplex throw that sends Stunt across the ring, Archer then hits Stunt with a spinning choke slam. Stunt leaves the ring and Archer follows him out there before missing a clothesline, Stunt looks for a suicide dive and Archer gets back in the ring to eat an enziguri followed by some drop kicks. Archer destroys Stunt by knocking him out of the ring after landing a pounce, Archer gets Stunt back in the ring before landing a choke slam for a near fall. Archer then hits Stunt with the Blackout for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer

After the match, Lance Archer gets Marko Stunt to the ring apron before throwing him into the audience consisting of the Gunn Club and Orange Cassidy.

– A video package airs showing Brodie Lee holding a meeting with members of Dark Order, Lee says he knows how everybody feels during these anxious times. Lee says he stands before everybody as the Exalted One, Lee makes a member of Dark Order stand up and deliver a message to the people. Lee confronts another Dark Order member after that person yawns in his presence, Lee takes a seat as the video ends.

Dark Order (8 & 9) vs. The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

The match begins with Marshall attacking both members of Dark Order, Rhodes tags in and he works over the arm of 8. Rhodes then drops 8 with a shoulder block before landing an arm drag takedown, Marshall tags in and he double teams 8 with Rhodes. Marshall nails 8 with a senton bomb for a near fall, Rhodes tags in and he nails an elevated 8 with a neck breaker for a near fall. 9 interferes and Rhodes knocks him outside of the ring, Marshall tags in and he nails the arm of 8 with a top rope axe handle smash. 9 interferes again and that allows 8 to nail Marshall with a clothesline, 8 then nails a cornered Marshall with a clothesline. 9 tags in and he attacks a cornered Marshall with some strikes, 8 tags back in and he also attacks a cornered Marshall. 9 tags back in and Marshall takes out both of his opponents, Rhodes tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Rhodes then hits 9 with an atomic drop and bulldog. Rhodes follows up by clearing the ring and landing a dive from the ring apron.

Marshall also lands a dive of his own onto a member of Dark Order, Marshall and Rhodes nail 9 with an assisted cutter for a three count.

Winners: The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

After the match, Brodie Lee comes to the ring before nailing 9 with a power bomb while staring down 8 afterwards.

– A video package airs featuring Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy, Jericho says he is at home this week because today is a holiday known as April Fools Day and The Elite are the fools. Vanguard 1 appears behind Jericho as he mocks The Elite, Jericho reminds The Elite that they still have to face The Inner Circle in a Blood & Guts Match. Jericho gets out of the hot tub to confront Vanguard 1, Jericho offers Vanguard 1 an Inner Circle shirt and Vanguard 1 leaves. Jericho sends the hounds after Vanguard 1 and Vanguard 1 manages to get away.

– A video airs featuring The Young Bucks, Matt Jackson says he set up a ring for Nick Jackson to work out in to prepare for his return to action. Matt talks about Nick supposedly getting attacked by The Inner Circle and how emotional he was when the ambulance took him away, Nick says he doesn’t know who actually attacked him. Highlights of the brothers training sessions are shown.

Cody & Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara & Shawn Spears

The match begins with Guevara instantly tagging Spears into the match, Cody tags in and Spears backs him into the corner before applying a headlock. Cody gets free and Spears drops him with a shoulder tackle, Cody gets up and he nails Spears with a pump kick. Allin tags in and he nails Spears with a top rope axe handle smash to the arm, Spears fights back and he tags Guevara in. Guevara has his phone with him and he immediately tags Spears back in, Allin attacks Spears while Guevara wants a kiss from Brandi Rhodes. Brandi takes Guevara’s phone and Allin knocks him into the barricade, Spears attacks Allin and he gets him back in the ring. Allin recovers to hit Spears with a drop kick, Cody tags in and he elevates Spears before kicking him in the midsection. Guevara interferes and Cody knocks him out of the ring, Cody and Allin take out the opposition with suicide dives as we go to a commercial break, We return from the break to see Guevara cornering Allin before tagging Spears into the match, Spears focuses his attack on the arm of Allin.

Allin fights back and Guevara nails him with a knee strike while Cody was arguing with the referee, Allin falls out of the ring and Guevara tags in before attacking him. Guevara grabs Allin and he throws him into the barricade before getting him into the ring, Guevara nails Allin with a suplex before applying a chin lock. Allin gets free and Guevara nails him with a double stomp before tagging Spears in, Spears corners Allin before landing a few strikes. Guevara and Spears make a bet as Spears lands a suplex on Allin for a near fall, Guevara tags in and he goes for his own suplex on Allin for another near fall. Spears tags back in as he makes another bet with Guevara, Allin rolls up Spears from out of nowhere for a near fall. Spears goes for a suplex and Allin counters by landing one of his own, Guevara tags in and Allin nails him with a kryptonite crunch. Cody tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Cody then hits Guevara with a power slam for a near fall. Cody follows up by nailing Guevara with a Cody Cutter for a near fall, Cody applies a sharp shooter to Guevara and Spears interferes.

Cody catches Spears in a figure four leg lock while Guevara attacks Allin, Guevara then hits Cody with a standing shooting star press. Guevara goes for a cutter and Cody counters with a Cross Rhodes, Spears drags Cody out of the ring and he throws Cody over the guardrail. Allin takes out Spears with a dive while members of the AEW roster that were in the audience attack Cody as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Guevara working over Cody in the ring. Spears tags in and he attacks a cornered Cody with some strikes, Spears corners Cody again while landing more strikes. Cody gets free and he drops Spears face first on the top turnbuckle, Cody and Spears have a striking exchange until Cody decides to take Guevara out. Cody then nails Spears with a top rope moonsault, Allin tags in and he nails both opponents with a double missile drop kick. Allin continues attacking both opponents before landing a double springboard elbow strike, Allin clears the ring before hitting Guevara with a dive.

Spears blocks a dive from Allin before throwing him into the barricade, Spears places Allin on the top of the barricade so Guevara can land a drop kick from the ring apron. Cody then takes out both opponents with a suicide dive, Cody gets Spears in the ring and Spears nails him with a C4. Guevara gets Cody out of the ring to double team him alongside Spears, Allin climbs a beam and he leaps off to take out everybody with a Coffin Drop. Allin gets Spears back into the ring and he goes to the top rope, Guevara hits the ring and he battles Allin on the top rope before shoving him off and onto the barricade. Cody nails Guevara with a super inverted suplex before eating a frog splash from Spears, Guevara gets Spears a chair and Allin takes it from him. Guevara distracts Allin and Spears rolls him up for a three count.

Winners: Sammy Guevara & Shawn Spears

After the match, an angry Darby Allin attacks Cody.

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