
AEW Dynamite 3/11/20 Results: Nick Jackson Injured, Death Triangle Competes & Lance Archer Debuts

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights of The Inner Circle’s attack on Jon Moxley from last week.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Hangman Page, The Young Bucks show up and he tells them that he would never team with Matt Jackson before walking away.

Ortiz w/Santana vs. Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson

The match begins with Ortiz nailing Cody with a rolling headbutt to the midsection, Cody recovers and he nails Ortiz with a drop kick. Cody follows up by nailing a charging Ortiz with a power slam, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and Lance Archer make their way through the crowd. Ortiz attacks a distracted Cody before clotheslining him out of the ring, Ortiz also throws Cody into the barricade. Cody recovers and he throws Ortiz into the ring steps, Cody gets Ortiz back in the ring and he lands a rack bomb for a near fall. Cody keeps Ortiz down while applying a single leg crab to him, Ortiz eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Ortiz fights back and Cody drops him with a right, Santana distracts Cody so Ortiz can kick his injured leg. Ortiz then chokes a downed Cody on the middle rope, Cody fights back and he drops Ortiz with a knee to the midsection. Ortiz recovers and he nails Cody’s injured leg with a stunner, Ortiz then hits Cody with a suplex for a near fall.

Ortiz dumps Cody out of the ring so Santana can works him over, Ortiz leaves the ring and he gets Cody back in it. Ortiz then hits Cody with a splash for a near fall, Ortiz keeps Cody down while applying a trailer hitch to him. Ortiz releases the hold and he chokes Cody in the corner, Ortiz keeps the pressure on Cody while landing more strikes. Cody fights back and he nails Ortiz with a suplex slam, Cody mounts Ortiz in the corner while landing some strikes. Cody goes to the top rope and Ortiz crotches him after another Santana distraction. Ortiz goes to the top rope with Cody and Cody knocks him off, Santana distracts Cody again and Santana whips him with a belt. Ortiz returns to the top rope and he nails Cody with a superplex for a near fall, Cody recovers and he attacks Santana with a suicide dive. Ortiz goes for a dive and Cody catches him before slamming him on the entrance ramp, Cody gets Ortiz in the ring and Ortiz manages to hit him with a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Cody fights back and he misses a Disaster Kick, Ortiz blocks CRoss Rhodes and Cody still nails him with a rope assisted dragon screw leg whip.

Cody keeps Ortiz’s leg trap while stomping away on it, Cody gets Ortiz in a figure four leg lock and Ortiz taps out.

Winner: Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson

After the match, Santana attacks Cody until Arn Anderson, Kenny Omega and Matt Jackson make the save. Chris Jericho and the rest of The Inner Circle appear on the big screen, Jericho says The Inner Circle will defeat The Elite at Blood & Guts. Jericho then shows a bloodied Nick Jackson trapped underneath a door, Nick eventually gets loaded into an ambulance as members of The Elite leave with him.

Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose & Bea Priestley

The match begins with Rose and Priestley jumping their opponents before the bell sounded, Statlander and Priestley battle on the arena floor while Rose and Shida battle in the ring. Shida fights back and Rose drops her with a shoulder block, Rose then levels Shida with a short arm clothesline. Rose then hits Shida with a slam and leg drop for a near fall, Priestley tags in and she nails Shida with more strikes. Priestley corners Shida while trying to choke her, Priestley keeps Shida down while kicking her in the back. Priestley traps Shida near the ropes while landing some face washes, Rose tags in and she attacks Shida with some more strikes. Shida fights back again and Rose nails her with a suplex after some Priestley interference, Shida then nails Rose with a knee strike from out of nowhere. Statlander and Priestley are tagged in by their respective partners, Statlander quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Statlander hits Priestley with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Statlander then rolls up Priestley for a near fall.

Priestley fights back and she gets Statlander in the octopus stretch, Statlander gets free and Priestley kicks her in the face. Priestley goes up to the top rope and Statlander gets her down to land a back breaker, Shida tags in and she suplexes Statlander onto a trapped Priestley for a near fall. Priestley fights back and she kicks Shida in the head, Shida recovers to nail Priestley with an enziguri and knee strike. Rose tags in and she knocks Statlander off the ring apron before working over Shida, Rose places Shida on the top rope before missing a top rope knee drop. Statlander and Shida double team Rose for a near fall, Shida then nails Rose with an enziguri and falcon arrow for a near fall. Statlander and Priestley battle for a short time before Rose lays out Statlander, Rose and Priestley look for a double team move until Shida takes them both out. Rose then hits Statlander with a spear and a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winners: Nyla Rose & Bea Priestley

After the match, Bea Priestley attacks Nyla Rose before posing with her championship belt.

– A video package airs highlighting what has gone down between Christopher Daniels and Dark Order, followed by Daniels doing a mockery of the Dark Order commercials.

MJF, The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny & Wardlow vs. The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

The match begins with MJF shoving Stunt to the mat below, Luchasaurus tags in and MJF gets scared before everybody from both teams hit the ring. Luchasaurus and MJF stay in the ring as everybody else leaves, Butcher and Blade attack Luchasaurus from behind with a double chop block. Blade tags in and he kicks away at the trapped leg of Luchasaurus, Butcher tags in and he attacks Luchasaurus with a plethora of strikes. Blade tags back in and he drops kicks Luchasaurus in the injured knee, MJF tags in and he works over the injured leg of Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus fights back before getting jumped by the opposing team, Blade tags back in and he DDT’s the injured leg of Luchasaurus. Butcher tags in and he lands a splash on Luchasaurus’ injured leg, MJF tags back in and he wrenches away on the leg of Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus fights back and he knocks MJF into his teammates, Butcher and Blade attack Luchasaurus’ partners to prevent a tag.

MJF drops Luchasaurus and he applies a twisting leg lock to him as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see MJF applying a trailer hitch to Luchasaurus. Butcher and Blade interfere and the referee breaks it up, Blade tags in and he kicks Luchasaurus in the face. Luchasaurus fights back and he nails Blade with a head kick, MJF tags in and Luchasaurus tags Boy in a short time later. Boy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Boy drops MJF before nailing Blade with a middle rope moonsault. Butcher interferes and Stunt helps Boy take him out, Stunt goes for a suicide dive and Boy follows with one a short time later. Luchasaurus also takes out the opposition with his own suicide dive, Luchasaurus gets MJF and Blade back in the ring before tagging into the match. Luchasaurus nails Blade and MJF with a double choke slam, Luchasaurus nails MJF with a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Luchasaurus and Butcher exchange some strikes until Butcher drops Luchasaurus with a clothesline, Stunt tags in and he stomps away on MJF. Bunny comes to the ring to distract the referee while Blade attacks Boy, Wardlow interferes and he shoves Luchasaurus into the ring steps. MJF catches Stunt in the Salt Of The Earth to force a tap out.

Winners: MJF, The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny & Wardlow

– A Darby Allin video airs, showing him dragging a body bag featuring images of Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in it.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker, who instantly starts mocking the people of Utah while saying she wants to shake things up. Baker starts giving everybody in attendance an inspirational speech while mocking them at the same time, Baker says she wants to be everybody’s role model. Big Swole comes out and she says all Baker does is talk all of the time, Baker says the only one in Swole’s household that fans care about is her boyfriend and Swole says she is married before mocking Baker’s relationship and running away.

Joey Janela & Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy) vs. Death Triangle (Pac, Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

The match begins with Death Triangle jumping their opponents before the bell sounds and the brawl spills all over the place, Kassidy drops Pac with an arm drag followed by a drop kick. Pac corners Kassidy and Fenix tags into the match, Quen tags in and he double teams Fenix with Kassidy. Kassidy and Quen nail Fenix with Silly String before Pentagon Jr tags in, Janela also tags in and Pentagon Jr nails him with a leg kick. Janela fights back and he nails Pentagon Jr with a middle rope back elbow strike, Janela follows that up by nailing Pentagon Jr with a clothesline. Pac interferes and he attacks Janela from behind, everybody hits the ring and Death Triangle gets knocked out of it. Janela then takes out the opposition with a dive from the top rope, Janela gets Fenix back in the ring before tagging Kassidy into the match. Pac crotches Kassidy on the top rope after interference from Pentagon Jr, Pac tags in and he stomps away on a downed Kassidy.

Fenix tags in and he works over Kassidy until he tags Pentagon Jr in, Pentagon Jr attacks Kassidy as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Kassidy nailing Pac with a cutter, Janela tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Janela clears the ring before nailing Fenix with a suicide dive, Janela gets Fenix back in the ring and he tags Quen in. Quen and teammates attack Fenix with a series of triple team moves for a near fall, Pentagon Jr tags in and he nails Quen with a sling blade. Death Triangle then triple teams Quen for a near fall of their own, Quen recovers and he manages to tag Janela in. Pac interferes and he knocks Janela to the arena floor, Janela drags Pac to the ring apron as Quen nails Pentagon Jr with a suicide dive. Kassidy then takes out Fenix with a suicide dive before Janela hits Pac with a death valley driver on the ring apron, Janela nails Pac with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall.

Pentagon Jr interferes and he kicks Janela in the back before Fenix lands a cutter, Pentagon Jr and Fenix then hit Janela with a double stomp package pile driver. Pac then hits Janela with a Black Arrow for a three count.

Winners: Death Triangle (Pac, Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

After the match, Death Triangle attacks Joey Janela & Private Party until Best Friends make the save.

– Lexi interviews Dustin Rhodes, who says he is pissed off after the attack on Nick Jackson, Rhodes says somebody has to step up and he’ll team with Hangman Page tonight.

– Videos air of those auditioning for Shawn Spears’ tag team partner.

– Jim Ross interviewed Jon Moxley earlier in the day, with Moxley saying that he is not feeling any good after last weeks attack by The Inner Circle. Moxley says he is winning the game against The Inner Circle because he is the AEW World Heavyweight Champion, Moxley says he won’t miss Blood & Guts for anything in the world.

The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) w/Jake Hager, Santana & Ortiz vs. Hangman Page & Dustin Rhodes w/QT Marshall & Brandi Rhodes

The match begins with Jericho immediately tagging Guevara into the match, Page quickly attacks Guevara with some strikes. Rhodes tags in and he double teams Guevara with Page, Rhodes corners Guevara while attacking him with more strikes. Page tags in and Guevara sends him out of the ring, The Inner Circle surrounds Page and Jericho nails him with a drop kick while he is distracted. Guevara then nails Page with a penalty kick before getting him back in the ring, Jericho tags in and he works over Page with some strikes. Page fights back and he lays out both opponents before tagging Rhodes in, Rhodes quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Rhodes then hits a charging Guevara with a power slam before attacking him with strikes in the corner. Jericho distracts Rhodes and Guevara lands a double stomp for a near fall. Guevara sends Rhodes out of the ring so The Inner Circle can work him over, Jericho tags in and he drops Rhodes with a clothesline.

Guevara tags back in and he nails a cornered Rhodes with some shoulder thrusts, Rhodes fights back and Guevara nails him with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Jericho tags in and he double teams Rhodes with Guevara, Jericho goes for a middle rope moonsault and Rhodes gets his knees up. Page and Guevara are tagged in by their respective partners, Page quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Page nails Guevara with a fall away slam before taking Jericho out with a dive, Page then hits Guevara with a sliding lariat for a near fall. Guevara finds a way to drop Page before tagging Jericho in, The Inner Circle interferes before getting taken out by Page and Rhodes. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat and Jericho blocks it before applying the Lion Tamer, Rhodes hits the ring to break the submission up. Guevara lands on his feet during the shooting star press and then Jericho blocks the Buckshot Lariat from happening, Page fights back and he attacks Jericho.

Rhodes then hits Guevara with a destroyer, Page follows up by nailing Guevara with a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winners: Hangman Page & Dustin Rhodes w/QT Marshall & Brandi Rhodes

After the match, The Inner Circle attack Dustin Rhodes and Hangman Page until Kenny Omega comes out to help before getting overwhelmed. Cody returns and he hits the ring before getting overwhelmed as well, The Inner Circle drag Page up the entrance ramp. The Inner Circle set up Page for a power bomb and Matt Jackson makes the save by nailing everybody with super kicks and spears, Jackson flips off Page before Jericho attacks everybody with chair shots.

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