
AEW Dynamite 2/24/21 Results: Rey Fenix vs. Lance Archer, Jon Moxley, Hangman Page, plus much more

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It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means, and we are then welcome to AEW Dynamite by Jim Ross. Jim Ross tells us that they are coming to us live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. He then introduces his fellow commentator Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.

Jon Moxley vs. Ryan Nemeth

The show begins with Ryan Nemeth already in the ring. Jon Moxley is out next, making his normal entrance near the crowd. Ryan goes in at Moxley, attempting a DDT; Moxley stops him and slaps him across the face. Nemeth hits the mat, Moxley picks him up and throws a series of strikes. Moxley hits a backdrop suplex after Nemeth gets a few strikes in on Moxley. Moxley now gives Nemeth a heavy chop; Nemeth hits Moxley with a big dropkick. Moxley is back up and out of nowhere, locks up Nemeth, has him in a chokehold, and follows it up by hitting Paradigm Shift. Moxley goes for the pin and gets the victory.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Moxley grabs a chair and sits in the middle of the ring to cut a promo, saying he will do whatever it takes to win back the AEW Heavyweight Championship. He says the Exploding Barb Wire Death Match and says he is addicted to Pro Wrestling, and he is there to give his Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Moxley says the thought of the match is too attractive even if it is some trap by Kenny Omega. Moxley finishes by saying, “win, lose, or draw by the time it’s all done. The fans will know he always gave it all”.

They go over the upcoming card and go to a promo with Lance Archer with Rey Fenix. Lance Archer says that they make good tag-team partners, but he doesn’t need to qualify because he will kick his ass. Fenix then cuts a promo in Spanish, and Fenix says, “Archer is the worst partner he has ever had” the two men then begin to fight. They then go to a commercial break.

The Varsity Blondes vs. Brian Cage and Ricky Starks (w/ Taz)

Team Taz makes their way out, and Taz joins commentary. Brian Pillman Jr. and Ricky Starks begin the match with a lock-up, Starks has Pillman in a wristlock, but Pillman gets out of it. Pillman tags in his partner Griff Garrison and Garrison strikes Starks a few times; he and his partner exchange quick tags. Pillman runs the ropes, and Starks goes outside of the ring; Pillman goes after him and hits him with a dive. Pillman then gets back into the ring and now heads to the turnbuckle, but he gets knocked off by Brian Cage.

The referee is distracted, allowing Brian Cage enough time to grab Pillman, and he delivers a stand-up powerbomb into the ring post. They now go to a commercial break. They return with Cage in the ring, and he delivers a bodyslam to Pillman, and then he and Starks exchange tags after Starks gets some strikes in. Pillman has been in the ring for a few minutes, but he gets to Garrison for the hot tag. Garrison hits a big dive onto Cage outside the ring; Pillman hits Cage with a springboard clothesline. Cage is now legal man and hits Pillman with a sphere and then ends it by hitting Griff Garrison with the Drill Claw. Cage pins Garrison to get the victory.

Winners: Brian Cage and Ricky Starks (w/ Taz)

After the match, a clip begins to play showing Darby Allin getting dragged in a bodybag. Sting then comes out, and he has Hook in a body bag. Darby Allin then appears, and he takes a zip line down to the ring. Allin and Sting begin attacking Starks and Cage; Sting hits Cage with a Scorpion Death Drop and a Stinger Splash.

They come back from a commercial break with Tony Schiavone doing a promo spot with Miro, Kip Sabian, and Penelope Ford. Miro says he will take care of Orange Cassidy later; Miro says he misses Charles (Chuck Taylor). Tony Schiavone is handed a note, and it says that Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy will be challenging Miro and Kip Sabian at AEW Revolution, and they accept the challenge.

Jake Hager vs. Brandon Cutler

The match begins with Brandon Cutler getting some punches in on Jake Hager. Hager takes control and hits two powerful suplex’s. Hager then throws Cutler into the ropes and hits Cutler with a big boot. Hager then hits Cutler with a Hager Bomb. Cutler is attempting a comeback, and Cutler gets some strikes in and gets Cutler out. Cutler hits a tope con hilo.

Hager gets back into the ring and catches Cutler, attempting an aerial assault, but Hager catches him and throws him down with a big body slam. Hager gets Cutler back up and hits Cutler with a devastating clothesline. Hager finishes it by pinning Cutler for the victory.

Winner: Jake Hager

After the match, The Inner Circle comes out and beats down Cutler. The Young Bucks make the save, and they say they will fight tonight. Chris Jericho’s music plays. They go backstage and show Jericho, MJF, holding up a bloodied Papa Buck. The Young Bucks leave the ring to try and make the save, but Jericho and MJF are already in a vehicle and speed off.

Back from the commercial break, and they load up Papa Buck into an ambulance.

The announcers begin talking about the matches for next week’s show; they then roll to a promo for the Shaquille O’Neal and Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet match.

Isiah Kassidy (w/ Matt Hardy and Marq Queen) vs. Adam ”Hangman” Page

The match begins with Isiah Kassidy and Adam Page going right at. Adam Page begins the match with the upper hand and delivers some heavy strikes to Kassidy. Page hits Kassidy with a huge lariat, and he is controlling the match easily. Page then does a big dive over the top rope onto Kassidy and follows it up by getting in Matt Hardy’s face. Page now throws Kassidy into the first row; he gets Kassidy back into the ring. The Hybrid2 are distracting the Referee Aubrey Edwards, and this allows Matt Hardy to attack Page. Page is pushed into the ring post; suddenly, The Dark Order’s John Silver and Alex Reynolds appear and point out that Hardy attacked Page.

Aubrey Edwards then throws out Matt Hardy for the remainder of the match. They now go to a picture-in-picture commercial with Kassidy controlling the action. They now return from the commercial, and Kassidy is still in control. Page gets control of the match by doing an eye rake to the eye of Isiah Kassidy. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but it is cut off before he could land it. Kassidy will attempt a dive but Page recovers quickly, and he meets Kassidy with a powerful clothesline.

Page follows up, hitting Kassidy with a Death Valley Driver, Page goes for a sliding lariat, but Page misses. Kassidy picks up Page and hits the brainbuster, Kassidy goes for the pin, but Page kicks out. Kassidy then does a lateral press to Hangman. Kassidy then hits the Poison Rana, Page gets to the ropes, and Kassidy has to back off. Page goes for a destroyer, and he hits the Dead Eye and gets the pin for the victory.

Winner: Adam “Hangman” Page

After the match, Matt Hardy says Page messed up, and that he wanted to give him the world. Hardy then tosses Alan Angels from the stage into a table. The Dark Order and Page tend to Angels who is lying outside of the ring.

They are now going to a promo with Kenny Omega with Don Callis and Alex Marvez. Omega tells Marvez they are constructing a piece for his match against Jon Moxley at AEW Revolution.

AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator Semifinal Match
Dr. Britt Baker (w/ Rebel) vs. Nyla Rose

The match begins with Britt Baker going for a tie-up; Nyla Rose throws her down. Nyla is controlling the match, and she throws Baker outside the ring. Baker is mad, and she starts walking away from the ring, and the Referee Paul Turner begins to start a count, but Baker makes it back. Nyla is using her power and is just beating down Baker.

Baker goes outside the ring and begins selling a shoulder injury, but she tricks Rose and pulls Rose into the ring post. They now go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Baker controlling the match. They are now back with the action. Rose goes for a superplex, but they nearly slip, but Rose lands it, but Baker is back up, and Baker slams Rose down near the turnbuckle. Rose goes to finish the match, but Rebel gets on the apron, and Rose hits a chokeslam on Rebel.

Rose hits Baker with a big strike, and Baker is down. A short time later, Baker gets Rose to the mat, and she is trying to get the lockjaw on; she has it on partially; however, Rose gets out of it by throwing elbows. Rose hits Baker with a powerful punch, and Rose now picks up Baker and hits Beast Bomb. Rose goes for the pin; however, Baker kicks out. Rose hits another Beast Bomb on Baker. Rose then pins Baker to get the victory and moves on. Rose will either face Riho or Thunder Rosa.

Winner: Nyla Rose

The Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifying Match
Lance Archer (w/ Jake “The Snake” Roberts) vs. Rey Fenix

They start the match with Rey Fenix putting his head on Lance Archer’s chest, and Archer throws Fenix right down to the ground. Fenix goes straight to Archer and hits him with a heavy chop; Fenix is thrown into the ropes, he stops himself from going outside the ring. Fenix gets the upper hand on Archer after some strikes. Fenix dives through the middle rope and wallops Archer that Fenix gets flipped into the front row. Archer is still down; however, Fenix is up, and he goes to the top of the turnbuckle but is pushed off by Jake Roberts. The ref was checking on Archer, so he did not see it. Archer is now up, and Fenix is up as well.

Fenix jumps right over Roberts and dives onto Archer and knocking him down yet again. They now goto a picture-in-picture commercial with Lance Archer taking control of the match. Archer is punishing Rey Fenix with some heavy punches, Fenix is up, and he starts trying to throw chops at Archer, but it does affect Archer. Archer then hits a massive clothesline so hard that he does a complete 360. Archer has Fenix on the outside, and he has him against the rail, and Archer hits Fenix with a flipping senton. Lance Archer is tossing around Fenix like he’s a rag doll.

Archer now grabs Fenix and delivers a release German suplex. Fenix gets a few strikes in on Archer, but the offense does not last long, and Archer takes control with some devastating strikes. Archer goes for a high boot but misses and is stuck in the ropes; Fenix then does a top rope walk and kicks Archer in the side of the head. Fenix now hits Archer with a cutter, but Archer is up and delivers a fisherman buster suplex to Fenix. Archer goes for the pin, but Fenix kicks out. Archer goes back to the top rope, and he brings Fenix up, and Fenix hits the Spanish fly. Fenix goes for the pin, and Archer kicks out at two.

Archer is back up and hits Archer with a powerbomb to the ropes. Both men are still going at it with almost no time remaining, but Archer hits the Blackout and follows it up by going for the pin, which gets him the win. Lance Archer moves onto the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match at AEW Revolution. They then show Archer and Fenix embrace each other with a fist bum[p before going off the air.

Winner: Lance Archer (w/ Jake “The Snake” Roberts”)

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