
AEW Double Or Nothing: Jungle Boy vs. MJF Result

MJF w/Wardlow vs Jungle Boy

Jungle and MJF drop each other with shoulder blocks before Jungle drops MJF again and MJF rolls out of the ring to regroup before taking his time getting back into the ring and MJF teases a test of strength before hitting a monkey flip. They keep a hold of each other’s hand, exchanging quick two counts before MJF lands up in Jungle’s closed guard and they stand on their head before Jungle rolls through and ends up in full mount on MJF, hitting him with forearms before MJF gets free. Jungle chops MJF in the corner before sending him across the ring and MJF feints an injury before attacking Jungle from behind and stomping and choking him in the corner. MJF hits a snap mare into a side headlock before Jungle gets to his feet and elbows his way free before MJF suplexes him and hops up before playing to the crowd consisting of wrestlers at ringside. MJF drops Jungle with a back elbow and lifts him up by his hair before Jungle counters a back suplex and MJF counters a poison hurricanrana before Jungle gets two off of a jack knife pin. MJF whips and wrings the arm of Jungle, sending him head over heels into the corner before focusing on the arm of Jungle and chopping Jungle across the chest before screaming at him and slapping him.

Jungle kicks MJF away before coming back with forearms and an eblow into a lariat before chopping MJF against the ropes around the ring until MJF collapses. MJF wrings the arm of Jungle and sends him out of the ring before slapping him in the face and tossing him back in the ring before Jungle hits a series of suicide dives into a flipping senton before tossing MJF back into the ring and hitting a swinging DDT for a near fall, MJF getting his foot on the bottom rope before the count of three. MJF hits Jungle with a back elbow when he rushes him in the corner before he goes back to the arm and they exchange open hand palm strikes until MJF slaps the arm of Jungle. Jungle superkicks MJF before hitting a Canadian destroyer and MJF falls on top of him for a near fall before Jungle locks in a cross face, but his arm is hurting too much to keep the hold. MJF bites the arm of Jungle and hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall before they end up on the apron and Jungle hits a superkick into a poison hurricanrana onto the apron before MJF falls onto the floor.

Jungle rolls MJF back into the ring before MJF grabs the referee and she accidentally shakes the ropes and inadvertently crotches Jungle before MJF climbs to the top and hits the arm of Jungle before Jungle hits a diving sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Jungle tries to dead lift MJF, but he’s too weak before Jungle counters The Salt of the Earth and MJF gets a near fall off of a backslide before MJF elbows the shoulder of Jungle who rolls him up for a near fall. They then exchange pins until MJF wins with a European clutch for the pin and the win.

Winner: MJF defeats Jungle Boy via pinfall.

Be sure to follow along with our live coverage of AEW Double Or Nothing 2020 at this link.

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