AEW Double or Nothing 2021 Results Kenny Omega Victorious, New AEW Women’s Champion Crowned

The AEW World Championship is on the line in a triple threat match tonight at 8pm EST!
Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for All Elite Wrestling’s Double or Nothing event!
The Buy-in
– We open tonight’s Buy-in with a video package for all of the matches on tonight’s main card.
– We open in the arena with a breakdown of tonight’s card before we go backstage to an interview with Matt Hardy and Private Party where Matt says that he’s winning the Casino Battle Royale.
NWA Women’s Championship Match
Serena Deeb (c) vs Riho
Deeb shoves Riho away when they lock up before Deeb locks in a standing side headlock and Riho backs to the ropes before Deeb runs her over. Riho misses a dropkick before they slap each other and Deeb rocks Riho with an uppercut before Riho dropkicks Deeb and hits a knee in the corner. Riho hits a diving cross body before Deeb goes for a submission and Riho gets to the ropes before Deeb hits a dragon screw and a running clothesline in the corner. Deeb slingshots Riho into the bottom rope before playing to the crowd and dropping Riho with more uppercuts before driving her knees into the mat. Deeb locks in a choke in the ropes before hitting a neckbreaker and an inverted Gory Special before putting Riho up top and Riho fights her off before hitting a diving stomp.
Riho hits a drop toe hold into a 619 for a deep two count before countering an octopus stretch and hits a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Deeb hits a dragon screw into a twisting neckbreaker for a near fall. Deeb hits a double dragon screw into a jack knife powerbomb for a near fall before Riho counters Detox and hits a dragon suplex before Deeb locks in a half crab. Riho then gets to the ropes for the break before Deeb hits an inverted dragon screw and Riho counters Detox into a bridging pin before Deeb counters a crucifix and locks in the Serenity Lock for the tap and the win.
Winner: Serena Deeb retains her NWA Women’s title by defeating Riho via submission.
Main Show
Brian Cage vs Adam Page
Adam rushes Brian before countering a Driver and rolling Brian up before Brian goes out onto the apron and Adam knocks Brian off of the apron before Brian drags Adam out of the ring and sends him into the railing. Adam hits a suicide dive before Brian catches him when he goes for a slingshot cross body and Brian powerbombs him into the post before whipping him into the railing. Back in the ring Brian chokes Adam in the ropes and whips him into the corner, sending him bouncing off of the turnbuckles before Adam hits a crucifix for two. Adam clotheslines Brian and himself over the top rope and down onto the floor before Adam hits a dive off of the top and hits a frankensteiner. Brian superkicks Adam before Adam hits a discus clothesline for two before Brian rocks him with a knee and hits a neckbreaker for two.
Brian drops Adam across the top rope before hitting a suplex off of the top and onto the ramp before hitting an avalanche F5 for a near fall before failing to hit a Buckshot Lariat and Adam hits an F5 for a near fall. Brian counters the Buckshot into a bucklebomb before Adam gets a near fall off of a clutch and Brian hits a spinning sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Ricky Starks and Hook come out to the ring. Hook then distracts the referee before Ricky throws the FTW belt at Brian and Brian throws it back before he turns around and Adam hits him with the Buckshot Lariat for the pin and the win.
Winner: Adam Page defeats Brian Cage via pinfall.
AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
Young Bucks (c) vs Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston
The Bucks double team Eddie and play to the crowd before Eddie drops Nick across the top rope and Matt attacks him from behind before sending Jon into the railing and dropping Eddie repeatedly before hitting mounted punches in the corner and Jon hits a lariat at ringside. Eddie catches Nick when he goes for a springboard before hitting an exploder and gets the hot tag to Jon who takes out both Bucks and hits them with a pair of piledrivers for two before locking in the bulldog choke and Nick breaks up the submission on Matt. Jon hits a double DDT before Karl comes out onto the ramp and Eddie takes out Doc at ringside before Kaz attacks Karl and they brawl to the back before Matt sprays Jon with something before hitting him in the head with the canister for a near fall. The Bucks hit Jon with a Meltzer Driver onto the ramp before hitting an assisted draping swanton for two before Matt superkicks Jon and locks in a rear chin lock before Jon hits a double German and tags in Eddie who drops the Bucks with right hands and suplexes Nick before hitting Matt with a DDT. Eddie locks in a stretch muffler on Matt before dropping Nick with a boot and chopping Matt in the corner before Nick superkicks him and Matt hits a shiranui into a knee by Nick for a near fall before Eddie gets his knees up when Nick goes for a swanton.
Jon gets the hot tag and gets hit with a double superkick before Jon locks in a sleeper on Matt and Eddie holds onto Nick up top before he’s free and the Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck for a near fall before Eddie saves Jon from a Meltzer Driver and Jon locks in a sleeper before Nick drags Jon out of the ring and sends him into the railing before Jon saves Eddie from a Meltzer Driver. Jon and Eddie hit a doomsday device for a near fall that Nick breaks up before countering a Paradigm Shift int oa sharpshooter before Eddie breaks it up and hits Matt with with a back drop driver and Jon hits Nick with the Paradigm Shift for a near fall that Matt breaks up. The Bucks then superkick Jon before Jon hits them with a double lariat and the Bucks unleash a Superkick Party for one before superkicking him again and superkicking Eddie before hitting several BTE Triggers until Jon collapses and they pin for the win.
Winner: Young Bucks retain their AEW World Tag Team titles by defeating Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston via pinfall.
Casino Battle Royale
Paul Wight comes out to join commentary ahead of the match before it begins and Christian Cage enters at number one before Matt Sydal enters second and Will Hobbs enters at number three before Dustin Rhodes enters at number four and Max Caster enters at number five. Once the match starts Max elimiantes Matt before Max is eliminated by Christian and Matt Hardy comes out next before attacking 10 when he comes out and 10 takes out Matt and Isiah before Nick Comoroto comes out before Luther sends Serpentico into the ring. Serpentico is almost immediately eliminated by 10 before Dustin eliminates both 10 and Nick before Nick hits Dustin with a cowbell and Will eliminates him before The Varsity Blondes, Colt Cabana, Anthony Bowens, and Pentagon enter next before Colt is eliminated by Isiah. VB eliminate Anthony before Matt eliminates Griff and Jungle Boy, Marq Quen, Aaron Solow, Lee Johnson, and Evil Uno come out next as Brian Pillman is eliminated. Solow and Lee are almost immediately eliminated by Matt before Uno is eliminated by Pentagon and Jungle Boy eliminates Penta before Christian eliminates Hobbs and Lio Rush comes out as the joker before PP and Matt eliminate Lio and Jungle Boot and Christian work together to eliminate both members of Private Party.
Matt then tries to team with Christian before Christian tricks and eliminates Matt before Jungle Boy eliminates Christian for the win.
Winner: Jungle Boy wins the battle royale to win an opportunity to face Kenny Omega for his AEW World title.
– After the match Jungle and Christian hug before Jungle celebrates with Marko and Luchasaurus.
Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson) vs Anthony Ogogo (w/ QT Marshall)
Cody tries to wrestle Anthony who shrugs him off and buckle Cody with a punch to the midsection before hitting a pair of slams before dropping Cody with a boot and Cody takes him down before locking in a cattle mutilation before Anthony gets free and pokes Cody in the eye. Anthony drives Cody onto the mat for two before Cody comes back with a bulldog before hitting a Cody Cutter and Anthony knocks Cody off of the top before hitting a diving splash before Cody locks in a figure four and Anthony reverses it. Cody then hits a Vertabreaker for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cody Rhodes defeats Anthony Ogogo via pinfall.
AEW TNT Championship Match
Miro (c) vs Lance Archer
Lance attacks Miro before the match before hitting an asai moonsault for one before putting Miro through a table and Miro suplexes Lance over the railing and into the front row before hitting a running splash in the corner once they’re back in the ring before Lance hits a running cross body. Miro hits a leg lariat before playing to the crowd and kicking Lance in the chest before Lance hit a Blackhole Slam for two and misses a moonsault before Jake Roberts comes out to the ring and Miro superkicks Lance before Lance hits Miro with a chokeslam for a deep two count. Miro then drops Lance with a kick before choking him unconscious for the referee stoppage and the win.
Winner: Miro retains his TNT title by defeating Lance Archer via referee stoppage.
AEW Women’s World Championshp Match
Hikaru Shida (c) vs Britt Baker (w/ Rebel)
The two face off before Shida drives Britt to the ropes and they exchange strikes against the ropes before they counter each other’s early finisher attempts before they exchange pin attempts and standing switches before Hikaru takes Britt down before locking in a bow and arrow. Hikaru locks in a body scissors before missing a dropkick and Britt chokes her in the corner before Hikaru hits a head scissors into a dropkick that sends Britt out of the ring and Hikaru sends Britt into the railing before hitting a diving cross body off of the apron and onto Rebel and Britt at ringside. Back in the ring Hikaru drapes Britt over the apron before Britt kicks her when she goes for a running knee before tossing Hikaru back inside and stomping her before locking in a cravat with knees to the face before hitting a curb stomp and playing to the crowd. Hikaru comes back with strikes and a trip before smashing the face of Britt into the top turnbuckle and hitting a flurry of knees in the corner before ripping at the nose of Britt before hitting a float over suplex for two before hitting a running knee for a deep two count before they exchange strikes until Britt hits a fisherman’s neckbreaker for two. Britt hits a slingblade and an air raid crash for a near fall before Hikaru counters the Lockjaw and hits a German into a jumping elbow drop for two before hitting a superplex for a deep two count before Britt rolls Hikaru up for a near fall and Shida locks in a submission before she’s distracted by Rebel.
Rebel accidentally hits Britt with a crutch for a near fall before hitting Britt with a falcon arrow for a near fall before Rebel is ejected and Britt hits Shida with a curb stomp onto the belt for a very close near fall. Britt then goes for the Lockjaw that Shida turns into a crucifix for a near fall before Britt forces Hikaru to tap with the Lockjaw for the win.
Winner: Britt Baker defeats Hikaru Shida via submission to become the new AEW Women’s World champion.
Darby Allin & Sting vs Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page
Darby and Sting attack Ethan and Scorpio and beat on them at ringside before Scorpio suplexes Sting onto the ramp before Sting pops right back up and tosses Scorpio off of the stage and onto Ethan before hitting them with a diving cross body. Inside the ring Darby and Sting double team Scorpio before Scorpio hits Darby with a cutter and Ethan tosses Darby upside down into the corner before Darby gets launched over the top rope and over the railing before Sting holds onto him and nearly lets him get counted out before Darby gets back inside and counters Ego’s Edge before getting the hot tag to Sting. Sting drops Scorpio repeatedly and takes out both Scorpio and Ethan with Stinger Splashes before hitting Ethan with a code red for two before saving Darby from Ego’s Edge and Sting locks in a Scorpion Death Lock as Scorpio puts Darby in a heel hook and Ethan and Darby slap each other. Both submissions break before Scorpio and Sting exchange strikes until Sting counters a slingshot cutter into a Scorpion Death Drop for the pin and the win.
Winner: Sting and Darby Allin defeat Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page via pinfall.
AEW World Championship Triple Threat Match
Kenny Omega (c) vs Orange Cassidy vs PAC
Kenny cheapshots Juice before exchangin with PAC and locking in a standing side headlock before dropping him with a shoulder block before they run into each other with cross bodies as Orange rolls back inside and covers both Kenny and PAC before hitting a double head scissors. Orange hits PAC with a suicide dive before hitting Kenny with a DDT for two before PAC hits a head scissors to Kenny and follows up with an asai moonsault before choking Orange in the corner and hitting a missile dropkick before hitting Kenny with one. PAC follows up with a double missile dropkick before Kenny hits Orange with a back stabber and PAC with a back suplex for one before they exchange strikes until Kenny launches PAC into the corner with a kick before Orange gets two off of a clutch. Kenny hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before taking out both PAC and Orange and hitting Rise of the Terminator before Orange hits Kenny with a stunner before they exchange pin falls and PAC hits a double 450 onto Kenny and Orange. Kenny hits a snap dragon to Orange before hitting Orange with a V-Trigger and PAC hits Kenny with a German and superkicks Orange before Kenny hits a V-Trigger in the corner and PAC hits Kenny with an avalanche German before Orange hits a flipping senton onto PAC onto the floor. Back in the ring Kenny hits Orange with a Tiger Driver for a deep two count before hitting PAC with a bridging German for two before dropping Orange with several knees and everyone hits a move before PAC gets a near fall off of a brainbuster before PAC hits a sunset flip and an avalanche falcon arrow.
Orange rushes back inside and tosses PAC out of the ring before covering Kenny for a near fall before PAC kicks Orange low and takes out Kenny at ringside before hitting Orange with the Black Arrow for a near fall that Kenny breaks up before PAC misses a second Black Arrow and PAC counters a One Winged Angel into a Brutalizer. Orange takes out PAC before hitting Kenny with a right hand and his finisher for a near fall before Orange takes out PAC and rocks Kenny before Don Callis gets up from commentary and pulls the referee out of the ring before PAC locks in the Brutalizer. Kenny then gets back inside and stomps PAC who won’t break up the hold before before Orange nearly passes out and Kenny takes out the referee before hitting PAC and Orange with all of his titles before Orange nearly pins Kenny for a near fall and Kenny wins with a crucifix.
Winner: Kenny Omega retains his AEW World title by defeating Orange Cassidy and PAC via pinfall.
– We get the announcement of Mark Henry as the latest signing for AEW where he will be on commentary for Rampage as well as coaching the talent.
Stadium Stampede Match
Inner Circle vs The Pinnacle
The Pinnacle show up in a limo as the Inner Circle repel down the scoreboard of the stadium before IC rush the field and MJF flees to the safety of his vehicle as the rest of Pinnacle come out in a vintage pickup truck before everyone brawls and the match starts as Sammy and Shawn get into the ring. Wardlow tries to burn Jake before Sammy hits Shawn with an Ace Crusher before landing on his feet when he misses a shooting star before Shawn hits him with a blue thunderbomb and MJF gets out of the limo only to turn around and see Chris. Chris and MJF exchange before MJF sprays Chris with a fire extinguisher and runs away before Chris gives chase as everyone else brawl on the field and in the stands before Chris hits MJF with a trash can and MJF throws coffee in the eyes of Chris. MJF hits Chris with a landline phone before deafening him with a bull horn and hitting MJF with sheet pans before driving a table into him and sending him into ta brick wall before hitting him with a wet floor sign before hitting him with the trash can. The coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars and one of their pleyers give Chris footballs and a laptop before Chris puts MJF in a chair and sends him over a railing and through a table before MJF flees through a door and we go to Wardlow and Jake Hager. Wardlow sends Jake into a wall and tries to lock him in a freezer before Wardlow hits Jake with jugs and they end up in the walk-in freezer where Jake takes control before Wardlow drives Jake into a metal container and Wardlow spears Jake through a wall.
We go to Sammy and Shawn in a room full of chairs before Shawn lawn darts Sammy into a garage door before Sammy chokes him with a cable and Shawn grabs a pair of handcuffs before beating Sammy down and cuffing him to a shelf. We go next to a bar where Santana and Ortiz have drinks with FTW as we see that Konnan is the DJ as the music changes and the four men brawl before we go back to Wardlow and Jake as Jake hits a chokeslam off of a car and through a table. We go to MJF and Chris where they end up a in a board room and Chris staples MJF before MJF hits a piledriver onto a table for a deep two count before Chris hits him with an aluminum bat and sends him through a glass pane in a door. We go back to Shawn as we see that he’s being chased down by bikers before we go back to Chris and MJF and they make their way into the arena where they brawl among the crowd before we see Sammy chasing Shawn into the arena and hitting him with a golf cart. Inside the ring Sammy hits an enzugiri before Shawn knocks him out of the air with a chair for two before hitting him with a chair for a deep two count before Sammy hits a GTH and sends Shawn face first into a chair Shawn put in the corner.
Sammy then hits a 630 onto Shawn for the pin and the win.
Winner: Inner Circle defeat The Pinnacle when Sammy Guevara pins Shawn Spears.