
AEW Dark Results 01/26/20 Rey Fenix, Dr. Britt Baker, SCU, Jurassic Express, Miro, and many more

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We are welcomed in by Excalibur, Taz, and Ricky Starks to AEW Dark


Miro (w/ Chuck Taylor, Penelope Ford, and Kip Sabian) vs. Fuego Del Sol

The match begins with Miro attempting a roundhouse kick, Fuego Del Sol gets out of it. Del Sol gets some strikes in until Miro hits a nasty clothesline and a knee-strike. Chuck Taylor is on the top of the ring apron and claps reluctantly. Del Sol goes for tornado DDT; however, Miro catches him and counters into a Samoan Drop. He follows it with a kick to the face. Miro then wrenches back into submission, and Del Sol taps right away. Chuck Taylor has to raise Miro’s hand, and he is not thrilled by it.

Winner: Miro

Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt) vs. Lee Johnson & Aaron Solow

This showdown begins with Jungle Boy and Lee Johnson; both men get some strikes and some reversals. Johnson tags in Aaron Solow and Jungle Boy tags in Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus takes over the match and gets some heavy strikes, and slams in on Solow. Solow and Jungle Boy are now the legal men, the team of Solow and Johnson are taking turns beating down Jungle Boy by keeping in their corner. Jungle Boy gets nailed with double back elbows. Jungle Boy makes it to Luchasauraus for the hot tag, and he throws both Solow and Johnson around. He hits Solow with a German suplex. Luchasaurus hits a big knee on Solow and the standing moonsault. Luchasaurus goes for the pin, and Lee Johnson breaks it up. Jungle Boy is the legal man, and Lee Johnson powerbombs Jungle Boy into the knees of Solow. They go for the pin, but Jungle Boy kicks out at two. Jungle Boy gets the advantage after Luchasaurus comes in and hits Solow with a big headbutt. Jungle Boy can get Johnson in a submission move. This allows Jungle Boy to crank the neck of Lee Johnson to submit.

Winner: Jurassic Express

SCU vs. Terrence & Terrell Hughes

They begin with Kazarian, Terrell Hughes, and Kazarian has Terrell in a headlock and holds it in for a few seconds. Christopher Daniels is now the legal man; he and Kazarian are double-teaming Terrell. Terrence is tagged in after Terrell faked Daniels out; Terrence hits a monster clothesline on Daniels. Terrence hits a nice German suplex on Christopher Daniels. Terrence and Terrell steam-roll over Daniels by both men putting all their weight on Daniels. Daniels gets some energy and hits a suplex. Daniels gets to Kazarian for the hot stage. Kazarian hits a big clothesline on Terrence, and he now tags in Daniels. They hit a powerbomb and neckbreaker combo on Terrence. The Hughes Brothers hit TNT on Kazarian and now are both double-teaming Kazarian. They are beating down SCU now, the Hughes Brothers make a mistake, and Daniels hits the Best Meltzer Ever. Daniels goes for the pin and gets the win. After the match is over, SCU is pumped up after their win. They help the Hughes Brothers get up and embrace.

Winner: SCU

The Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny) vs. M’Badu & KC Navarro

The Blade begins the match by attacking KC Navarro, and he beats him down; he is just absolutely beating him down. The Butcher is now tagged in, and he hits Navarro with a nasty backbreaker. The Butcher gets the ref, and The Bunny gets some strikes in on Navarro.  M’Badu is now the legal man, he gets some offense in, but he gets destroyed with some strikes and then hits M’Badu with a clothesline. The Butcher and The Blade finish the match by using a powerbomb and neckbreaker combo.

Winner: The Butcher & The Blade

Rey Fenix vs. Baron Black

The match begins with Baron Black and Rey Fenix collar and elbow tie-up.  Fenix has control of the match, Black and Fenix are exchanging holds and reversing strikes. Baron Black and Rey Fenix are having a great match with numerous reversals. They each get some good strikes in; Black hits Fenix with a suplex after surprising Fenix with a reversal. Baron Black and Fenix are hitting each other with some big and heavy chops. Fenix hits Black with a double springboard. This brings Black back down, and Fenix puts him in a submission, but Black makes it to the ropes. Fenix hits Black with multiple chops, but Black comes back with chops of his own. They are now both striking each other with chops, one after another. Black hits a nice German suplex on Fenix. Black now puts Fenix in a Texas Cloverleaf, Fenix gets out of it and hits Black with a superkick. Fenix picks up Black and finishes it by hitting the Fire Thunder Driver. He pins Black, and after the match, he helps Baron Black up.

Winner: Rey Fenix

KiLynn King vs. Shanna

The match begins with KiLynn King and Shanna tying up. Shanna begins the match in control; Shanna nails King with a stand-up enzuigiri. Shanna is still controlling the match until King hits Shanna in the gut, throws her onto the top rope, and causes a whiplash. King is now laying it in on Shanna, and she puts Shanna in a sleeper hold. Shanna gets out of it; as she goes for the body scissor takedown, King backs her into the turnbuckle. Shanna and King are exchanging punches until King kicks Shanna with a roundhouse. Shanna hits king with diving foot stomps. Shanna hits King with the Tiger Suplex and finishes it by pinning King for the victory.

Winner: Shanna

Brooke Havok vs. Dr. Britt Baker 

Brooke Havok is out first, and the commentators mention that this is Havok’s first-ever career match. Excalibur mentions that Havok’s mentor at the Nightmare Factory was Britt Baker. They begin with a tie-up, but Baker throws her down. Baker has Havok in a wrist hold and then takes Havok down with a strong-side headlock. Baker now takes Havok down with the headscissors. Baker now goes for and hits Havok with a big suplex. Havok is now getting some offense in; she hits a dropkick and gets some strikes in. Havok goes to the top turnbuckle but loses her balance, and Baker takes her down. Baker hits the Curse Stomp. She walks over to Rebel and puts Havok in the Lockjaw. Havok submits pretty much right away.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker (w/ Rebel Not Reba)

Abadon vs. Vertvixen

Abadon attacks Vertvixen right away; Abadon throws Vertvixen in the corner and nails her with a double-knee strike in the corner. Vertvixen gets some strikes in, but Abadon gets Vertvixen down and kicks her hard in the sternum.  Vertvixen runs after Abadon, but Vertvixen now gets some strikes in, though nothing comes of it as Abadon is right back up.  Abadon goes over and picks up Vertvixen and hits her with the over-the-top suplex; she then slams down Vertvixen’s head down multiple times onto the ring canvas. Abadon gets the victory after hitting the Cemetery Drive.

Winner: Abadon

Walk Off
Pretty Peter Avalon vs. Lee Johnson

This is not a wrestling match but a model contest. There are three judges for this segment: Brandi Rhodes, Referee Aubrey Edwards, and Jerry Lynn. Peter Avalon insults both Rhodes and Edwards but compliments Lynn. Lee Johnson now walks out and models his suit, and the crowd is cheering him on. The judges all give Lee Johnson nines for his runway lock. Peter Avalon is now up, and he is getting jeered. Brandi Rhodes and Aubrey Edwards gave him a nine. Jerry Lynn asks for a replay; it turns out that Avalon had a misstep. Jerry Lynn gave him a six, and that means the winner is Lee Johnson. After the win, Johnson is celebrating; he all of a sudden gets attacked by Cezar Bononi. The judges leave the stage, and we go on to the next match.

Winner: Lee Johnson

Santana & Ortiz vs. Mike Verna & Ryzin

The match begins with Mike Verna and Ortiz. Ortiz drops Verna right away; he then grabs him and hits him with a butterfly suplex. Ortiz tags in Santana, Santana hits Verna with a big elbow. Santana and Ortiz are controlling the match. Santana tags in Ortiz, Verna attempted to counter, but he walks into an assisted Death Valley Driver. Ortiz pins Verna, and it is over without Ryzin ever getting into the match.

Winners: Santana & Ortiz

Davienne vs. Tay Conti (w/ Anna Jay & Negative 1)

Davienne runs right after Tay Conti; Conti counters and takes her down with body scissors and then puts her into a bridge. Davienne now counters it into a pin, but Conti gets kicks out with ease. Conti has Davienne in a kneebar, Davienne grabs onto the ropes, and Conti releases the hold. Davienne hits Conti with a nice sliding clothesline. She goes for the cover on Conti, Conti kicks out. Conti is back in control, and she hits a big rising knee strike. Then, just a short time later, Davienne is trying to get Conti to come at her, Conti comes back with some strikes. Conti blows a kiss and locks down Davienne with a chokehold, and Davienne has to tap out.

Winner: Tay Conti (w/ Anna Jay & Negative 1)

Ten (w/ Five & Negative 1) vs. Ray Jaz

The match begins with Ten and Ray Jaz starting it off with a tie-up. Negative 1 is on commentary with Excalibur and Taz. Ray Jaz knocks down Ten, and Negative 1 is upset, and he tells Excalibur to shut up and says “what the hell” a few times. Ray Jaz is controlling the match; Negative 1 is doing play-by-play. Ray Jaz controls the match until Ray Jaz misses Ten in the corner and goes in hard with his shoulder. Ten hits a huge back body drop and then nails him with a spinebuster. Ten follows it up with the Ripcord and finishes the match with the pin.

Winner: Ten (w/ Five & Negative 1)

– After the match ends, Negative 1 runs and gets into the ring and begins hitting Ray Jaz with his Kendo Stick. He hits him a few times, and then Brian Pillman Jr. gets in the ring with a LaCrosse Stick to stop Negative 1. Negative 1 beats Pillman down, Five and Ten have to pull Negative 1 off of Pillman and take him away.

Red Velvet vs. Madi Wrenkowski

The match begins with a lockup, Madi Wrenkowski takes control of the match for a short time. Negative 1 is on commentary again. Red Velvet is now laying it in on Madi but Madi counters and throws Velvet to the middle turnbuckle. Madi now hits a backbreaker and is getting multiple strikes. Madi Wrenkowski is getting some big hits in on Red Velvet in the corner. Red Velvet gets control of the match again; Red Velvet hits a bulldog driver and then follows it up with a standing moonsault. Red Velvet now hits a big boot to the side of Madi Wrenkowski’s head. Velvet goes for the pin and gets the win.

Winner: Red Velvet

Sean Maluta vs. Danny Limelight

Danny Limelight takes down Sean Maluta right away, Limelight goes for the pin, but Maluta kicked out. Maluta comes up and catches Limelight and now gets some strikes in on Limelight. Limelight now counters a move from Maluta and hits him with an enzuigiri and then a quick arm-drag. Limelight now nails Maluta with the tornado plancha, then gets Maluta back in the ring. He then delivers a heavy kick to Maluta’s chest, which helps him get a quick victory by pinfall.

Winner: Danny Limelight

Jazmin Allure  vs. Ivelisse (w/ Diamante)

The match begins with Ivelisse taking control with some strikes. Jazmin Allure drops Ivelisse with a dropkick. Ivelisse is up and hits Allure with a suplex, she goes for the cover, but Allure kicks out. Ivelisse slams Allure’s head onto the mat. Diamante distracts the ref, which allows Ivelisse to continue beating down on Allure. Allure rolls out of the ring, but Allure gets back in, but Ivelisse comes at her right away with a kick to Allure. Ivelisse goes for the pin, but Jazmin kicks out. Ivelisse now goes at Allure and hits the northern lights suplex. Allure is now getting some offense in, and she takes Ivelisse down with a jawbreaker. Allure hits the facebuster, covers Ivellise but only a two count. Now back in control, Ivelisse hit Allure with a knee strike and followed it up with a tornado kick. This allows Ivelisse to pin Jazmin Allure for the win.

Winner: Ivelisse (w/ Diamante)

Jake St. Patrick vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook)

Jake St. Patrick goes in for a quick dropkick; it does nothing to him. St. Patrick now attempts to counter a hip toss, but Powerhouse Hobbs takes him down quickly with a shoulder tackle. St. Patrick is outside of the ring, the ref is distracted, and Hook hits him with the suplex. St. Patrick is back in the ring; St. Patrick gets some offense in on Hobbs. St. Patrick should have stayed right on top of Hobbs because it allowed Hobbs enough time to recover. Jake St. Patrick runs right into a spinebuster, now Hobbs destroys St.Patrick by running full speed and crushing him in the corner. Hobbs now has St. Patrick up and finishes the match after hitting the Town Business for the victory.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook) 













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