
AEW Dark 9/29/20 Results: Jurassic Express, SCU, Tay Conti, Nyla Rose, Best Friends & More Battle!

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– Shawn Spears joins the announce team before the next match.

SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Ray Rosas & Ryzin

The match begins with Kazarian dropping Rosas while getting him in a headlock, Rosas gets free and Kazarian drops him with a shoulder tackle before reapplying a headlock to him. Rosas gets to the ropes before nailing Kazarian with a right, Kazarian fights back and Sky makes a blind tag. Sky immediately nails Rosas with a drop kick, Sky then hits Rosas with a side Russian leg sweep. Rosas recovers and he nails Sky with a jaw breaker, Ryzin tags in and he nails Sky with a leg lariat for a near fall. Ryzin mounts a downed Sky while landing some strikes, Rosas tags back in and Sky knocks him into Ryzin. Kazarian tags in and he double teams Rosas alongside Sky, Kazarian sends Rosas into the ropes before landing a release German suplex. Kazarian picks Rosas up while attacking him with some chops, Ryzin interferes and that allows Rosas to nail Kazarian with a missile drop kick. Rosas keeps Kazarian downw while landing some strikes, Ryzin tags in and he attacks a cornered Kazarian with kicks and stomps. Ryzin hits Kazarian with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Kazarian fights back and Ryzin nails him with a clothesline.

Rosas tags back in and Kazarian fights back against both opponents, Sky tags in and he immediately cleans house against the opposing team. Sky nails Rosas with a double stomp before hitting Ryzin with a slingshot cutter, Kazarian tags in and Rosas is hit with SCU Later for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

– John Silver is backstage and he says he doesn’t want to team with Colt Cabana, Silver blames Evil Uno for making them team up. Uno says that Silver needs to trust his judgment, Cabana arrives and Silver leaves.

– Ricky Starks joins the announce team for the next match.

Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian vs. Alex Gracia

The match begins with Ford dropping Gracia with an arm drag, Ford follows up by scoring a takedown on Gracia. Gracia tries fighting back and Ford drops her with a hair pull, Gracia trips Ford up before landing a drop kick. Ford leaves the ring and Gracia follows her out there, Ford gets back in the ring and Ford kicks her in the head for a near fall. Ford then chokes Gracia for a short time on the middle rope, Ford follows up by clotheslining Gracia with the top rope. Ford then drops Gracia in the corner before kicking her in the face again, Ford picks Gracia up before dropping her with a forearm strike. Ford then nails Gracia with a gut buster for a near fall, Ford follows up with a fisherman suplex on Gracia for a three count.

Winner: Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. M’Badu & BSHP King

The match begins with M’Badu shoving Trent to the ground a few times, Trent fights back and he nails M’Badu with a few strikes. Trent then drops a charging M’Badu with a back elbow strike before kicking him in the back, Taylor and King tag into the match. King backs Taylor into the ropes and Taylor gets him in a headlock, King gets free and he nails Taylor with a shoulder block. Taylor recovers to nail King with a few arm drags, Trent tags in and he works with Taylor to hit King with a double shoulder tackle. Trent gets King up before nailing him with more strikes, Taylor tags in and he attacks King with more strikes before landing a slam. M’Badu distracts Taylor and King nails him with a power slam, M’Badu tags in and he nails a cornered Taylor with an avalanche for a near fall. King tags back in and he misses a top rope swanton bomb attempt, M’Badu tags in and he misses an avalanche attempt. Trent tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Trent then nails M’Badu with a tornado DDT. Taylor tags in and he cracks M’Badu with a knee strike, Taylor and Trent drop M’Badu with a sole food into a release German suplex. Trent tags in and Best Friends land Strong Zero on M’Badu for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

– Brandon Cutler is backstage and he talks about fighting Peter Avalon to a tie while also blaming Avalon for what went down on AEW Dark, Cutler promises a rematch in the future.

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt vs. Dark Order (5 & 10)

The match begins with 5 slapping Luchasaurus across the face before tagging 10 in, Luchasaurus backs 10 into the corner while landing some strikes. 10 fires back and Luchasaurus eventually nails him with an overhead belly to belly suplex, Boy and 5 are tagged in by their respective partners. 5 gets Boy down while wrenching away on his arm, Boy gets free and he does some chain wrestling with 5. 5 nails Boy with a spinning back kick to the midsection, 5 misses a clothesline and Boy drops him before landing a springboard arm drag. Luchasaurus tags in and he nails 5 with a buckle bomb, Boy tags in and he nails 5 with an assisted swanton bomb for a near fall. 5 recovers and he drops Boy with a hair pull, 10 tags into the match and he double teams Boy alongside 10. 10 follows up by nailing Boy with a suplex for a near fall, 5 tags in and he drops Boy before landing a back kick and splash for a near fall. 10 tags in and he double teams Boy alongside 5 for a near fall, 10 quickly lands a suplex on Boy for another near fall. Boy recovers and he crushes 10 with a lariat, 5 tags in and Luchasaurus is tagged in a short time later.

Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, 10 interferes and Luchasaurus nails him with a Tail Whip. Luchasaurus then nails 5 with a death valley driver for a near fall, Boy tags in and he nails 5 with a sliding elbow strike for a near fall. Luchasaurus battles 10 on the arena floor and 10 shoves him into the ring post, 10 tags in and he nails Boy with a spine buster. 5 interferes and he nails a downed Boy with a top rope frog splash, Boy fights back after a Dark Order double team fails. Luchasaurus interferes and he nails 10 with a choke slam, Luchasaurus tags in and 5 is hit with the Jurassic Express finisher for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

– Luther and Serpentico are backstage, Luther says that Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison will see what the Chaos Project is all about.

Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn) w/Colton Gunn vs. Cezar Bononi & Shawn Dean

The match begins with Austin and Dean having a test of strength, Dean drops Austin with a monkey flip into the corner. Austin drops Dean with an arm drag before tagging Billy in, Billy does some damage to the arm of Dean. Austin tags back in and he works over the arm of Dean, Austin then nails Dean with an arm drag before Bononi tags into the match. Bononi tosses Austin into the corner and he makes Billy tag in, Bononi nails Billy with a knee strike followed by some more strikes. Billy corners Bononi while landing some strikes of his own, Billy follows up by landing a clothesline on Bononi. Dean interferes and the distraction allows Bononi to boot Billy in the face, Bononi stomps and chokes a downed Billy in the corner. Dean tags in and he attacks a cornered Billy with more strikes, Bononi tags in and he cracks Billy with more strikes. Bononi holds Billy down while applying a chin lock to him, Billy gets free and Bononi attacks him in the back with a forearm strike. Austin distracts Bononi and Billy nails Bononi with a back suplex, Dean and Austin are tagged in by their respective partners. Austin quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Austin drops Dean with a DDT for a near fall.

Billy returns to the ring and he takes an interfering Bononi out of it, Dean gets Austin to the top rope and he follows him up there. Austin knocks Dean off the ropes as Billy tags in, Billy and Austin nail Dean with a catapult clothesline for a near fall. Bononi tries interfering and Austin nails him with a dive, Billy nails Dean with a fame asser for a three count.

Winners: Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn) w/Colton Gunn

– The Nightmare Family is backstage, they say that they will get revenge on the Dark Order tonight because the numbers are even tonight. Brandi Rhodes says she will take care of Anna Jay if she interferes, Dustin Rhodes promises a whooping tonight.

Tay Conti vs. Red Velvet

The match begins with Coonti taking Velvet down with a few judo throws, Velvet recovers and rolls up Conti before landing some arm drags. Contri goes for a flying arm bar before transitioning to a leg assisted full nelson, Conti then hits Velvet with a judo throw before landing a pump kick to the face for a near fall. Conti mounts a downed Velvet while landing a bunch of strikes, Velvet fights back and she cracks Conti with a few more strikes. Conti recovers to nail a cornered Velvet with a running double knee strike, Conti keeps Velvet down while applying a dragon sleeper to her. Velvet gets free and she nails Conti with a few clotheslines and a leg lariat, Velvet nails Coonti with a double knee strike for a near fall. Velvet keeps Conti cornered while choking her, Conti gets angry and she lands some forearm strikes followed by a swinging uranage. Conti then hits Velvet with some head kicks, Conti gets Velvet in a rear naked choke like hold to force a tap out.

Winner: Tay Conti

After the match, Anna Jay hits the ring to celebrate with Tay Conti, Jay then nails Red Velvet with a hook kick before Brandi Rhodes makes the save.

Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico) vs. Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison

The match begins with Serpentico shooting streamers at his opponents before a brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place, Serpentico eats a back body drop from Garrison before tagging Pillman Jr in. Pillman Jr nails Serpentico with a slingshot swanton bomb and northern lights suplex for a near fall, Luther interferes and he attacks Pillman Jr before tagging into the match. Luther slams Pillman Jr before Serpentico tags in and gets slammed onto a downed Pillman Jr for a near fall, Luther tags in and he rips at the face of Pillman Jr. Serpentico tags in and he nails Pillman Jr with a slingshot double stomp, Luther tags back in and he attacks a cornered Pillman Jr with strikes followed by a clothesline. Luther then hits Pillman Jr with a suplex before tagging Serpentico in, Luther suplexes Serpentico onto Pillman Jr for a near fall. Pillman Jr fights back and he nails Serpentico with a top rope cross body block, Garrison tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Garrison nails Serpentico with a clothesline and double under hook driver for a near fall, Luther interferes and Garrison knocks him out of the ring.

Pillman Jr tags in and he immediately eats a thrust kick from Serpentico, Luther hits the ring and he kicks Pillman Jr in the face. Serpentico and Luther nail Pillman Jr with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico)

Nyla Rose w/Vickie Guerrero vs. Rache Chanel

The match begins with Chanel attacking Rose with a few strikes, Rose fights back and she quickly nails Chanel with a slam. Rose follows up by nailing Chanel with a double arm choke slam for a near fall, Rose misses a charge in the corner and Chanel nails her with a drop kick afterwards. Chanel follows up by landing a face wash on a downed Rose, Rose gets mad and she nails Chanel with a uranage followed by a flapjack. Chanel escapes the Beast Bomb before getting caught with the second one for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose w/Vickie Guerrero

Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes vs. Dark Order (Colt Cabana & John Silver) w/Evil Uno

The match begins with Rhodes getting Cabana in a headlock, Cabana gets free and Rhodes drops him with an arm drag. Silver tags in and he attacks Rhodes with some strikes, Rhodes fight back and he drops Silver before tagging Marshall in. Marshall and Rhodes nail Silver with a double side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Marshall follows up by landing a suplex on Silver for a near fall. Cabana accidentally distracts Marshall and that allows Silver to land a brain buster on Marshall for a near fall, Cabana tags in and he nails Marshall with a middle rope splash for a near fall. Cabana drops Marshall before landing another splash for another near fall, Silver tags in and he nails a cornered Marshall with some strikes. Cabana tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Marshall, Silver tags in and he double teams Marshall with Cabana for a near fall. Marshall drops Silver and he tags in Rhodes at the same time Cabana tags in, Rhodes quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Rhodes clears the ring before taking everybody out with a dive from the ring apron, Rhodes gets Cabana back in the ring before tagging Marshall in.

Silver interferes and that allows Cabana to attack Rhodes, Silver kicks Marshall in the face before Cabana lands a gut buster for a near fall. Silver tags in and he has a miscommunication with Cabana, Rhodes attacks Cabana and Marshall nails Silver with a cutter for a three count.

Winners: Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

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