
AEW Dark 7/28/20 Results: Best Friends, Dark Order, The Inner Circle, Penelope Ford & More Compete

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

The Initiative (Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon) w/Leva Bates vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

The match begins with Wheeler backing Avalon into the corner before tagging Harwood in, Harwood gets Avalon down with a headlock. Avalon gets free and Harwood nails him with a shoulder tackle, Cutler tags in and Wheeler distracts him so Harwood can gain control. Wheeler tags in and he drops Cutler before landing some strikes in the corner, Cutler fights back and he nails Wheeler with a springboard forearm strike. Avalon tags in and he double teams Wheeler with Cutler for a near fall, Cutler tags back in and he works over the arm of Wheeler. Harwood interferes and Wheeler gets control over Cutler, Harwood tags in and he works with Wheeler to drop Cutler on the top rope. Harwood then lands a headbutt and elbow drop on Cutler for a near fall, Wheeler tags in and he works with Harwood to slingshot Cutler into the middle rope. Wheeler keeps Cutler down while holding him in a headlock, Cutler fights back and Harwood tags into the match. Harwood traps Cutler in the ropes while landing a series of strikes, Harwood then hits Cutler with a back suplex. Wheeler tags in and Leva distracts him so he misses a charge in the corner, Avalon tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Avalon nails Harwood with a split legged moonsault for a near fall, Cutler hits the ring and he quickly gets sent out of it.

Harwood recovers and he nails Avalon with a clothesline, Wheeler tags in and FTR hit Avalon with a spike pile driver for a three count.

Winners: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela vs. Michael Nakazawa & Pineapple Pete

The match begins with Kiss nailing Nakazawa with a drop kick followed by a hurricarana, Kiss gets Nakazawa in a head scissors and Nakazawa goes for his oil. Janela interferes and Kiss nails Nakazawa with Kiss My Sass, Kiss slips on the oil and Nakazawa stomps away on him. Pete tags in and he slides off of Nakazawa to land a headbutt on Kiss, Janela tags in and he nails both opponents with a double missile drop kick. Kiss tags in and he kicks a downed Pete in the face for a near fall, Kiss then hits a cornered Pete with a spin kick. Pete avoids a leaping Kiss before landing a knee strike and clothesline for a near fall, Pete holds a downed Kiss in a front headlock. Nakazawa tags in and Kiss escapes a double suplex attempt, Janela tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Janela nails Nakazawa with a German suplex into the corner, Janela sends Pete into Nakazawa before landing a death valley driver. Janela takes out Nakazawa with a suicide dive before nailing Pete with a top rope splash for a near fall, Nakazawa interferes and Janela drops him with a right. Nakazawa tries attacking Janela with his thong and Janela sends him into Pete, Janela drops both opponents with super kicks. Kiss tags in and he nails Pete with a top rope split leg drop for a three count.

Winners: Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela

Abadon vs. Skyler Moore

The match begins with Abadon dropping Moore before landing a bunch of strikes, Moore gets up and she rakes the eyes of Abadon. Moore traps Abadon by the ropes while landing a few strikes, Abadon fights back and she nails Moore with a clothesline. Moore fights back and she nails Abadon with some forearm strikes, Moore then nails Abadon with a DDT. Abadon gets up and she goes after a scared Moore, Moore tries heading into the crowd and Abadon stops her before getting sent into the barricade. Moore lands a few more strikes before getting Abadon back in the ring, Moore then hits Abadon with a power slam for a near fall. Abadon recovers and she hits Moore with a Widow’s Peak for a three count.

Winner: Abadon

– A video package airs on Shawn Spears and the black glove.

Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Shawn Dean & Will Hobbs

The match begins with Grayson immediately dropping Dean a few times, Uno tags in and he attacks Dean with some strikes. Uno then drops Dean with a back elbow strike, Grayson tags in and he nails a cornered Dean with a corner spear. Grayson drops Dean before kicking him in the face, Uno tags in and he corners Dean and Dean starts fighting back. Dean nails Uno with an enziguri and Grayson tags in, Grayson nails Dean with a slam for a near fall on a pin attempt. Uno tags in and he attacks a cornered Dean with strikes and a back suplex, Dean fights back again and Dark Order nails him with a Demolition Device. Uno tags back in and he knocks Hobbs off the ring apron, Deann recovers and he nails Uno with a swinging neck breaker. Grayson looks for a springboard move and Dean knocks him to the arena floor before landing a suicide dive, Hobbs tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Hobbs hits Grayson with an Oklahoma Stampede for a near fall. Grayson fights back to hit both opponents with overhead kicks, Uno tags back in and he works with Grayson to hit Dean with Fatality for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

Scorpio Sky vs. Corey Hollis

The match begins with Sky backing Hollis into the corner before letting him go free, Hollis looks for a takedown and he instead works over the arm of Sky. Sky gets free and he exchanges hammerlocks with Hollis, Sky recovers to hit Hollis with a Manhattan drop and side Russian leg sweep. Sky corners Hollis while attacking him with some strikes, Sky follows up by nailing Hollis with a drop kick. Hollis leaves the ring before tripping up Sky on the ring apron, Hollis goes to the top rope and he nails Sky with a knee strike for a near fall. Hollis follows up on that by nailing Sky with a drop kick, Hollis keeps Sky cornered while stomping away on him. Hollis then nails Sky with a middle rope overhead kick for a near fall, Hollis and Sky exchange roll ups before Sky kicks Hollis in the face. Sky looks for a suplex and Hollis counters with a stunner followed by a clothesline, Hollis goes to the top rope and Sky gets his feet up when he leaps off. Sky then hits Hollis with a TKO for a three count.

Winner: Scorpio Sky

Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian vs. Kenzie Page

The match begins with Ford attacking Page with some strikes, Ford corners Page before nailing her with a corner clothesline. Ford then nails Page with a clothesline to the back of the neck, Page fights back and she drops Ford with a clotheslines. Page drops Ford with a hair pull before attacking her with some strikes, Ford recovers to send a charging Page into the corner. Ford follows up by choking Page on the middle rope, Ford also decides to clothesline Page on the top rope. Ford keeps Page down while holding her in a camel clutch, Ford releases the hold to nail Page with more strikes. Ford then nails Page with a gut buster, Page fights back and she nails Ford with a jaw breaker before eating a stunner. Page fights back again and she nails Ford with some strikes, Page then cracks a charging Ford with a super kick. Ford recovers and she nails Page with a pump kick and a handspring cutter, Ford then hits Page with a fisherman suplex for a three count.

Winner: Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

Wardlow vs. Aaron Solow

The match begins with Solow attacking Wardlow with a few strikes, Wardlow recovers and he kicks a charging Solow in the upper body. Wardlow sends Solow into the corner before landing some shoulder thrusts and strikes, Wardlow then drops Solow with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Wardlow keeps Solow cornered while landing more strikes, Solow fights back and he attacks Wardlow with a few kicks. Wardlow catches a leaping Solow to land a uranage, Wardlow then crushes Solow with a short arm clothesline. Wardlow gets Solow on the top rope before landing a knee strike and the referee calls for the bell because Solow is knocked out.

Winner: Wardlow

After the match, Wardlow hits Aaron Solow with a pair of F-10’s.

Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

The match begins with Dark Order attacking Best Friends before the bell sounds, Silver works over Taylor in the ring before the brawl spills to the arena floor. Silver throws Taylor into the barricade and Taylor does the same to, Reynolds throws Trent into the barricade before eating a spear. Taylor and Trent then double team Reynolds in the ring, Best Friends go for Strong Zero and Silver breaks it up. Dark Order then double team Trent in the ring after throwing Taylor out of it, Silver tags in and he stomps away on a downed Trent. Silver keeps Trent down while attacking him with kicks for a near fall, Reynolds tags in and he attacks Trent with some strikes. Reynolds downs Trent before kicking him right in the face, Trent recovers and Reynolds knocks him off the middle rope for a near fall. Silver tags in and he chokes a downed Trent, Trent fights back and Silver nails him with some shoulder thrusts. Silver then hits Trent with a running double leg takedown for a near fall, Reynolds tags in and he nails an elevated Trent with a cutter for a near fall. Taylor interferes and Reynolds sends him to the arena floor, Silver tags in and he attacks Trent with some kicks. Trent fights back and he levels a charging Silver with a clothesline, Reynolds tags in and Trent sends him to the arena floor.

Trent looks for a tag and Silver attacks Taylor to prevent one, Dark Order then double team Trent in the ring. Dark Order then hit Trent with a double burning hammer for a near fall, Trent fights back and he nails Reynolds with a back drop driver. Taylor and Silver are tagged in by their respective partners, Taylor quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Taylor then hits Silver with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Taylor climbs the ropes and Reynolds meets him up there. Trent returns to hit Reynolds with a super release German suplex, Silver returns and Taylor nails him with an Awful Waffle for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. Frankie Thomas

The match begins with Thomas attacking Archer with a few strikes, Archer corners Thomas before landing a pounce a short time later. Archer then starts choking Thomas on the top rope before landing a few strikes, Archer follows up by nailing Thomas with a suplex throw. Archer also connects with a short arm clothesline on Thomas, Archer goes for a choke slam and Thomas escapes to land a few strikes. Thomas lures Archer out of the ring and Archer nails him with a choke slam throw on the arena floor, Archer gets Thomas back in the ring before landing more strikes on him. Thomas tries fighting back and Archer nails him with a choke slam, Archer applies the EVD Claw to Thomas for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

Orange Cassidy vs. Serpentico

The match begins with Cassidy avoiding a charging Serpentico, Serpentico gets Cassidy in a headlock and Cassidy gets free before landing an arm drag. Cassidy follows up by nailing Serpentico with a drop kick, Cassidy looks for a superman punch and Serpentico leaves the ring. Serpentico gets back in the ring and Cassidy leaves the ring, Serpentico traps Cassidy under the rope before landing a right. Serpentico then hits Cassidy with a double stomp and leg drop, Serpentico follows up with a short DDT on Cassidy for a near fall. Cassidy fights back and he sends a charging Serpentico out of the ring before landing a suicide dive, Cassidy goes to the top rope and Serpentico kicks him in the head. Serpentico nails Cassidy with a superplex and Cassidy shocks him with a roll up a few seconds later for a three count.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Sammy Guevara vs. Fuego Del Sol w/Low Rida

The match begins with Guevara scoring a takedown on Del Sol, Guevara then gets Del Sol in a headlock. Del Sol gets free and he works over the arm of Guevara, Guevara gets free and Del Sol nails him with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Guevara traps Del Sol in the corner while landing some strikes, Guevara misses a charge in the corner and Del Sol nails him with a spinning head kick. Del Sol goes for a springboard move and Guevara nails him in midair with a knee strike, Guevara follows up by nailing Del Sol with a suplex for a near fall. Guevara then nails Del Sol with a Samoan drop and Del Sol immediately rolls him up for a near fall, Guevara recovers and he sends Del Sol out of the ring. Guevara leaves the ring and he attacks Del Sol with some strikes before getting him back in the ring, Del Sol fights back to drop Guevara and land a head kick. Del Sol goes to the top rope before missing the dive off, Guevara hits Del Sol with a knee strike and GTH for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– Private Party are backstage when Matt Hardy arrives as Big Money Matt, Hardy says that he likes Private Party and wants them to be successful.

Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) w/Big Money Matt vs. Santana & Ortiz vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels)

The match begins with Kazarian working over the arm of Kassidy, Kassidy gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Kazarian. Kazarian gets free and he catches Kassidy in a headlock, Kassidy gets free and Kazarian nails him with a shoulder tackle. Ortiz tags in and he sends Kassidy out of the ring, Kazarian then nails Ortiz with a few arm drags and a boot to the face. Santana tags in and he nails Kazarian with a standing moonsault, Santana then nails Kazarian with a suplex for a near fall. Kazarian fights back and he tags Daniels into the match, SCU quickly double team both Santana and Ortiz. Daniels follows up with a gut wrench suplex on Santana for a near fall, Quen tags in and he nails Daniels with a hurricarana. Kassidy tags in and he double teams Daniels alongside Quen, Daniels fights back and Ortiz tags in as Santana attacks Kassidy. Santana and Ortiz double team Daniels so Ortiz can get a few near falls on him, Ortiz also nails Daniels with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Santana tags in and he double teams Daniels with Ortiz for a near fall, Ortiz nails Daniels with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Daniels and Ortiz have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Daniels and Ortiz take each other out with clotheslines to end the exchange.

Quen tags in and he cleans house against Santana and Ortiz, Quen clears the ring before landing a suicide dive on Santana and Ortiz. Kassidy tags in and he nails Ortiz with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Private Party then nail Ortiz with the Silly String for a near fall. Kazarian interferes and Kassidy nails him with a cutter, Quen tags in as Private Party goes to the top rope. Quen nails Ortiz with a guillotine leg drop for a near fall, Santana hits the ring and he takes Quen out with a cutter. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Santana distracts the ref and Ortiz low blows Quen for a three count.

Winners: Santana & Ortiz

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